People Have Said And Posted These Seriously Bizarre Things On The Internet

Published on 08/15/2022
People Have Said And Posted These Seriously Bizarre Things On The Internet

People Have Said And Posted These Seriously Bizarre Things On The Internet

It is hard to deny that the Internet hasn’t improved our civilization in remarkable ways. It has allowed us to maintain relationships with people from all around the world. New friendships have been formed on the Internet. People have gotten great educations and started careers on the Internet. However, the Internet has consistently been a source of… well, rather strange things. Since anyone can post anything on the Internet, there has been a plethora of bizarre posts. Let’s take a look at some of the weirdest.

An expert in world geology

Is there really no hope? This person took a vacation to New York and was looking forward to departing the United States. The only issue was that New York was still located in the United States. That didn’t stop her from announcing her departure from the United States with pride.

An Expert In World Geology

An Expert In World Geology

She further doubled down after someone pointed this out, claiming that she knew where New York was because she had previously taken a geology lesson. We’re unsure how to tell her, but she needs to retake that “geology” class.

Beans and rice

If you’re using the Internet, keep a close eye on what you’re entering. Other Internet users will humiliate you constantly if you make a simple mistake. This guy tweeted about how we are all one human race, meaning that we should put our differences aside and work together.

Beans And Rice

Beans And Rice

Although that is an honorable sentiment, they made the error of making a typo. By the way, human beans sound great. One person gave them the appropriate response, suggesting that all humans eat rice (meaning rise) together. Food puns, oh my. So delightfully amusing.

Can anyone explain this?

This person asked as to how the large block of ice within the bottle managed to get through the relatively small orifice at the top. We can, fortunately for them! Ice is merely the frozen form of water, the dear Twitter user.

Can Anyone Explain This?

Can Anyone Explain This?

To make it, all one needs to do is chill some water. So, to make this bottle of ice, first, fill it with water (which could easily fit through the opening at the top) and then place it in a colder area. The water then turned into ice, as if by magic. You can thank us afterward.

The truth about the earth

Though we aren’t conspiracy theorists ourselves, we must confess that folks who come up with bizarre theories that make no sense keep us fascinated for hours. The flat earth theory is the best conspiracy theory of them.

The Truth About The Earth

The Truth About The Earth

You might wonder why it’s the finest simply because it is the most amusing. Flat earthers are known for making up tall tales, such as the one in this post. According to this person, a pilot basically affirmed that the planet was flat to them and that all pilots swore an oath not to tell. Whatever you want to say, go ahead!

It’s called history

Many people appear to be confused by certain parts of the religions they practice. Take, for example, Jesus’ race. Even though biblical scholars have essentially verified that the man would have had brown skin due to his birthplace, people continue to portray Jesus as a white man.

It’s Called History

It’s Called History

That is plain factual ignorance. We didn’t believe it could get any worse than that, but it turns out it can. This person even said that Jesus was the greatest American of all time. He wasn’t an American, dude.

Quite the story

The Internet’s appeal is that everyone can say whatever they want. In some circumstances, this freedom of expression is rather amazing. Not so much at other times. People will just distribute outright lies and misinformation on the internet, and it can be difficult to discern what is true and what is not.

Quite The Story

Quite The Story

But, to be honest, as we were reading it, we were pretty confident that wasn’t really true. The guy in the comments validated our suspicions. However, that sounds like a fantastic story! If only it were the case.

No more shaking hands with women

We’re not experts on the history of handshakes, but we can state that a handshake is no longer a male greeting in today’s world. Saying that shaking hands with a woman is a meaningless gesture strikes me as sexist and uneducated.

No More Shaking Hands With Women

No More Shaking Hands With Women

We believe that women deserve to be treated equally to men and that there is no reason why a man should not shake hands with a woman. How should they greet a woman if they can’t do that? Should they just say, “M’lady,” when they open a door for her?

No, it really isn’t

This looks like something from a horror film. It all begins in lovely suburbia, and everything appears to be going splendidly. The neighbors are suddenly shown to be absolute creeps who spy on the main protagonists with cameras hidden behind a fake flower in their yard.

No, It Really Isn’t

No, It Really Isn’t

Although it may appear to be fiction, it is a true story. This user asked if it was permissible to post a photo of their next-door neighbor’s “spy flower” on social media. We’re rather confident that it isn’t the case. Isn’t it enough that people are snooping on us through Facebook data?

Putting oils in the ear

Injuries can be treated at home in a variety of ways. While we are confident that some of them work, others are just not based on science. We don’t mind people wanting to improve their health, but we do mind when this results in injuries.

Putting Oils In The Ear

Putting Oils In The Ear

That’s why we don’t think this parent should have poured oil into their daughter’s ear! Her eardrum ruptured as a result of this, but the parent doesn’t appear to realize it. We also had no idea why they were pouring oil into her ear in the first place.

Forgetting the name of that boat

Because we’re forgetful, we’ll never pass judgment on someone who forgets something. Even when our phones are in our pockets, we sometimes forget where they are. Even when we’re wearing our glasses, we’ll forget where we put them.

Forgetting The Name Of That Boat

Forgetting The Name Of That Boat

Despite this, it’s still a bad situation. We’re not here to pass judgment. But asking the Titanic’s ship’s name? Really? REALLY? Also, aren’t they aware that the Titanic’s incidents happened? We’ll give them three chances to guess the name of the boat. Consider all of your options.

The vegan takes revenge

This seems to be a lesson that we should all learn: never offend a vegan. Put it out of your mind. We’re unsure how they manage to generate so much hatred when their diet consists primarily of leafy greens and tofu, but we’re both impressed and terrified by their outburst.

The Vegan Takes Revenge

The Vegan Takes Revenge

Someone bought this vegan non-vegan cheese for them, and they retaliated by breaking their Xbox. It was most likely an honest blunder, but they didn’t view it that way. They exacted severe retaliation. “Revegange?” That one will be worked on.

Getting their identity stolen

If there’s one thing the Office taught us, it’s that identity theft is no laughing matter. Thousands of people are affected each year, and the situation is only becoming worse because of the Internet. People are always attempting to break into your accounts to steal your identity.

Getting Their Identity Stolen

Getting Their Identity Stolen

This isn’t meant to be a source of stress for you. While most people are protected if they use strong passwords and keep their data secure, some people are still hacked. Some people even make it easier for potential identity thieves by just displaying their social security cards on the internet. That’s one way to make your life miserable!

Tell a man that he’s ugly

Except for stating that it is hurtful and not supporting the action, we don’t have much to say about this situation. We don’t care about how upset women are with men.

Tell A Man That He’s Ugly

Tell A Man That He’s Ugly

It’s understandable to be angry at guys in general, but that doesn’t mean you should take it out on some unfortunate individual who most likely did nothing wrong. Why is this person encouraging people to approach males and tell them they’re ugly boldly? Someone had a bad day.

Non vegans aren’t allowed

Vegans are divided into two groups. There are the laid-back vegans who simply want to do good with their lives. These people do not impose their beliefs on others and do not continually pass judgment on others. Those vegans, in our opinion, are cool.

Non Vegans Aren’t Allowed

Non Vegans Aren’t Allowed

Then there are the militant vegans who despise anyone who even considers drinking milk. These vegans took their veganism so seriously that they wouldn’t even invite their family to their wedding. How depressing is that? It’s not like their parents are going to kill cows during the wedding march.

A tale of two Emmas

Do you recall the first time you signed up for a Facebook account? That is unquestionably true, and we can recall that one of the very first things we did was look for people who had the same name as us.

A Tale Of Two Emmas

A Tale Of Two Emmas

It’s fun to find out that other people share the same name as you, but this individual named Emma didn’t seem too enthusiastic about the concept. She went so far as to tell another Emma that she should delete her page since she used her name. There is just one way to resolve this: the younger Emma’s account must be deleted.

Confused about pet sitting

This person texted a couple of pet-sitting companies. While the pet sitters initially mistook this person for a possible customer, they quickly determined that they did not have a pet in need of care. In reality, all they wanted was for a pet to be dropped off.

Confused About Pet Sitting

Confused About Pet Sitting

While we’re not sure how they came up with that as a definition of pet sitting, we believe they came up with a brilliant idea by mistake. Obtain a pet to rent. Consider the convenience of having a cat delivered to your door for the day. It’d be something we’d do regularly.

At least she’s pretty

Will Smith said it better than everyone. Parents have a difficult time comprehending what their children are going through. When her daughter said that plutonium (the element) doesn’t come from Pluto, this mother got into a dispute with her daughter (the planet).

At Least She’s Pretty

At Least She’s Pretty

The mother claimed that it did actually come from Pluto and even went so far as to say that her daughter wasn’t brilliant for not understanding it. We hate to be the bearers of terrible news, but we’re very sure her daughter was correct. At least, the mother is pretty. Or at the very least, we hope she is…

Trying to buy a baby

On the Internet, you can buy almost anything. We don’t blame this woman for believing she could buy a kid on Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, eBay, and other online auction sites, which are notorious for selling all kinds of strange items.

Trying To Buy A Baby

Trying To Buy A Baby

Actually, let’s rephrase that: we completely blame her. You can’t buy a baby over the internet, obviously! This poor woman was attempting to sell some baby goods when she received a message from someone interested in purchasing her actual baby. We find this quite scary for some reason.

Removing collars from cats

This person shared how they remove collars from cats on the internet. That was the end of the conversation. That was the entire point of the whole thing. They stated they enjoyed removing the collars from the cats, and the cats loved it as well.

Removing Collars From Cats

Removing Collars From Cats

Sure, we’re sure they’d rather be natural but did this person ever consider that those collars are there for their own protection? Collar name tags make it possible to reunite lost dogs with their owners. A collar will not prevent a cat from fleeing, but it will aid in its ultimate return home.

Delicious, creamy synonym rolls

Cinnamon rolls are one of the most delicious treats on the planet. In the world of cuisine, they’re like the ultimate guilty pleasure. They’re full, sugary, fatty, and not particularly nutritious. However, eating one for breakfast feels fantastic. Alternatively, two. Or three, for that matter. Please don’t pass judgment on us, okay?

Delicious, Creamy Synonym Rolls

Delicious, Creamy Synonym Rolls

We simply enjoy the finer aspects of cuisine. This user mentioned that they cooked cinnamon rolls; however, they spelled them wrong as synonym rolls. They’re delicious, whatever you call them.

Losing friends because of flat earth

This one is a little sad, to be honest. This guy said on Facebook that they couldn’t stay married to their wife because she didn’t believe in their flat-earth conspiracy theory. They ended up spending Christmas alone as a result of this.

Losing Friends Because Of Flat Earth

Losing Friends Because Of Flat Earth

We almost feel sorry for them, but then we recall that their entire belief system directly opposes the scientific foundations that allow our world and societies to function. Hopefully, they’ll be able to find some flat-earth friends with whom they can perform a Secret Santa or something similar.

Getting into college

Wow, these days, it looks like they’re just letting anyone in college. We studied at high school and were sweating about our ACTs so that we might look attractive to universities, but none of this actually matters! Prime example: this person.

Getting Into College

Getting Into College

They went to a school in San Francisco and posted how happy they are to go from California… to San Francisco to live. Sigh. San Francisco is part of the state, even people who don’t live in California know. Hopefully, this person signed up for Geography 101.

Wow, what a great idea!

People on the Internet are starting to make us believe that they are all psychopaths. We attempted to address several of these messages objectively and logically, but we’ve concluded that some of them are impossible to comprehend.

Wow, What A Great Idea!

Wow, What A Great Idea!

Take a look at this. This guy said that any female who has been dumped should steal her ex’s phone and call his mother to inform her that he has died. What is that kind of behavior?! That appears to be a criminal offense! Ladies, don’t do it. Instead, take his Xbox. That’ll annoy him a lot.

The theory of evolution

Let’s break things down with the help of this individual if you don’t understand how animals work. There are also natural animals that we are all familiar with and enjoy. We’re talking about ocean-dwelling dolphins, rainforest-dwelling tigers, and other such creatures.

The Theory Of Evolution

The Theory Of Evolution

Then there are the animals that aren’t native to the area. Pigs and cows are included in this category. Everyone understands that wild pigs and cows do not exist and were created by farmers. Bobcats, hyenas, and muskrats were used to create pigs in particular. Look it up on the internet.

The circle of stealing

The circle of life is well-known (thanks to the Lion King), but have you heard of the circle of stealing? If you have something taken from you, you have a moral right to take something of equal or greater worth from the person who took it.

The Circle Of Stealing

The Circle Of Stealing

It’s all quite simple. Because this person’s acquaintance had the same baby name as them, they inevitably kidnapped her husband. To us, it makes logic. This is not at all insane behavior. Mmhmm. Sandra, we think, later came to regret her baby name decision.

Typos all over the place

Some people on the Internet appear to have been missing English class. We don’t want to be the grammar police, but you must spell your words correctly.

Typos All Over The Place

Typos All Over The Place

This person went onto Facebook to brag about a new haircut they had received, but a few little typos turned them into a laughingstock. Although, we must admit, getting your hair cut sounds like a lot of fun. Our hair could definitely use a makeover. Bring it on, the cuteness! Is this what we’re saying?

Ignorance is bliss

You know, they’re right when they say that ignorance is bliss. Imagine being completely unaware of certain sensitive issues that are always causing debate. To be completely free of the stresses of everyday life… it sounds fairly good, doesn’t it?

Ignorance Is Bliss

Ignorance Is Bliss

This person has no idea what stem cells are, which is understandable given the subject’s complexity. However, he has already resolved to oppose them without even knowing what they are is ideal. At the very least, the man is being truthful and not acting as if he knows anything. We have a certain amount of respect for that.

Firing at the laptop

Nothing is more annoying than when your parents overreact to something. It’s happened to all of us before, and it’s really aggravating. You can’t simply tell them that they’re overreacting since that would only make them angrier.

Firing At The Laptop

Firing At The Laptop

We can reasonably argue that this father behaved inappropriately when he shot a few bullets into his daughter’s computer, but we wouldn’t say that to his face. We don’t want to offend him if he’s willing to unload a clip into a Macbook for next to nothing.

Liking her cousin’s pictures

When people are scared that their significant other is having an affair with someone else, they become envious. It makes no difference whether or not their concerns are justified. It’s difficult to get rid of jealousy once worry sets in.

Liking Her Cousin’s Pictures

Liking Her Cousin’s Pictures

Even with that said, it’s hard to believe that this individual went out of their way to text a girl who liked her boyfriend’s pictures. Do you understand why it’s unbelievable? Because the girl who was enamored with those photos was her boyfriend’s cousin. His girlfriend doesn’t seem to need to be concerned about her.

Okay, now we’re really confused

People will put anything they want on the Internet without even thinking about it. This post is like a digital oxymoron, a web-based puzzle with no answer. It’s nicely put in one way.

Okay, Now We’re Really Confused

Okay, Now We’re Really Confused

We give respect to the individual who wrote it if they were attempting to be ironic. However, if someone were serious about becoming vegan despite eating meat… If that’s the case, we’re at a loss for words. Aren’t they aware that the fundamental difference between Vegas and the rest of the world is that they don’t eat meat? Sigh.

Looking for some personal info

In today’s episode of Creepy Guys Who Post on Chain Restaurant Facebook Pages, we have someone desperate for the personal information of the cute Applebee’s waitress. We respect his dedication… sort of.

Looking For Some Personal Info

Looking For Some Personal Info

However, asking for someone’s personal information from their workplace is really invasive, especially when she’d already refused to hand it over to him face to face! And, by the way, her telling you she wasn’t authorized to do it was her gently letting you down. Accept your failure and go on with your life.

Her posts kept getting deleted

Some people are simply destined to oppose those in positions of power. It happens all the time, whether at school, at work, or on a Facebook page dedicated to trades. Because her posts were being deleted in this scaly Facebook community, this individual was provoking a fight.

Her Posts Kept Getting Deleted

Her Posts Kept Getting Deleted

That does sound a little obnoxious, but it seems that she was breaking some fairly obvious and basic group rules. Despite this, she insisted on continuing to share things that she wasn’t supposed to. How did she avoid being kicked out of the group?

McDonald’s is made from humans!

Another one of those “do your research” posts. Aren’t these conspiracy theorists aware that their “research sources” are nothing more than forum posts and sketchy YouTube videos of people just like them making stuff up? In our opinion, that isn’t considered research.

McDonald’s Is Made From Humans!

McDonald’s Is Made From Humans!

Nevertheless, this person posted a rather risky statement on Facebook, claiming that everyone who ate McDonald’s was swallowing the body parts of young children. Yeah…. We’d assume McDonald’s beef isn’t the healthiest on the market but is it made of humans? It’s difficult to say. Just kidding. It is unquestionably not human-made.

Raising the real questions

Some courageous people in the world aren’t scared to ask the questions that we’ve all been thinking about. While society has taught us to keep our concerns to ourselves, persons with the bravery to speak up, such as this person, will always have the courage to do so.

Raising The Real Questions

Raising The Real Questions

Then, someone asked as to why our population has not reached zero. Consider that for a moment. Shouldn’t it balance out if one person dies and one person is born every second? We don’t know where to begin because there are so many things wrong with this. In truth, we will not start. Next.

Failing the girlfriend test

Please don’t be alarmed by this piece if you’re a woman concerned about how men’s minds function. Men do have peculiar ways of thinking, but we can be certain that this person is an exception.

Failing The Girlfriend Test

Failing The Girlfriend Test

He brought a girl over to his house and concluded she wasn’t suitable for marriage because she didn’t clean up the mess. We could be wrong, but there’s a lot more to think about before marrying someone than their cleaning skills. Also, why didn’t this person clean up after himself?

White people can’t speak Spanish

Whether you like it or not, the race is very much on people’s minds these days. This has helped society grow in terms of equality and racial justice, but it has also led to some strange statements, such as the one you see below.

White People Can’t Speak Spanish

White People Can’t Speak Spanish

According to this person, white people can’t Spanish. Not only is this manifestly wrong in practically every country, but it also completely overlooks Spain as a whole. You know, the birthplace of the Spanish language. This individual must have completely forgotten about Spain… Or, they could choose to ignore to make their point.

Socks for our hands

We know this is a controversial statement, but we believe socks are the most underappreciated piece of clothing. People are so preoccupied with finding cool shoes that they forget about the clothing that touches their feet.

Socks For Our Hands

Socks For Our Hands

Nothing beats a warm pair of socks, and we’ll fight anyone who disagrees with us. Not literally, of course, but you get the idea. Anyway, we can see why this person was hunting for some hand socks, as that does seem really pleasant. But the fact that they didn’t recognize they were talking about gloves is a bit harsh.

Scared of the government

If we’ve ever read a weird story, this is it. This person used to work for NASA as a CGI expert (we had no idea NASA had CGI experts!) and now fears that the government will come after them and threaten them with violence because they reveal that the planet is flat.

Scared Of The Government

Scared Of The Government

They know this since their work took place on the surface of the sun. We’re not sure why a graphic artist would need to work on the sun, but we trust this person completely. We can’t think of any reason why we shouldn’t.

A false equivalency

People who try to make these huge, stunning arguments on the Internet seem to be people who aren’t very skilled at making arguments. While we confess that we are biased against anti-vaxxers, we also want to make it appear that his reasoning made no sense.

A False Equivalency

A False Equivalency

He said that ingesting a vaccination would result in death. That could be accurate because vaccines are designed to enter your bloodstream rather than your stomach. It’s ridiculous to use this to argue that vaccines aren’t safe.

Do dogs have brains?

We despise this question immediately since it suggests that dogs are stupid. And the last thing we want to hear is that. If you ask us, dogs are the best creatures on the planet. Sure, they can be a little bumbling at times, but they are also capable of being extremely intelligent.

Do Dogs Have Brains?

Do Dogs Have Brains?

Even so, this person didn’t know whether or not they were intelligent. There is no way to save someone who even considers such a concept. We’re left to wonder if THIS person is has a brain. Of course, no offense meant.

What on earth is she talking about?

So buckle up for an Instagram caption that will take you on a wild ride. Though we assume her connection with him was more convoluted than that; one woman created a post in honor of her deceased partner. He was truly her sugar daddy, and she didn’t appear to like him all that much.

What On Earth Is She Talking About?

What On Earth Is She Talking About?

She went on to say that she had another man and that she was a published author and entrepreneur. We’re not sure why she required the services of a sugar daddy… In any case, she concludes the message by stating that she does not want to be haunted by his ghost anymore. WHAT?!

Getting a bad rating

Receiving a negative review might feel like the end of the world for anyone selling goods or services on the internet. People are nearly always more likely to prefer someone with perfect reviews over someone with mainly great reviews, and that loss of revenue may mount up quickly.

Getting A Bad Rating

Getting A Bad Rating

Because their car seats were leather, this Uber driver received a negative review from a vegan. What exactly were they expected to do for this person? Invest in new car seats. If you ask us, the rider should have just gotten a different Uber.

How women should behave

These days, it seems like everyone has an opinion on how women should act. Surprisingly, we rarely hear statements regarding how males should behave. It’s almost as if there’s a double standard in society…

How Women Should Behave

How Women Should Behave

Nevertheless, this guy sent out a tweet claiming that women shouldn’t use swear words, and it was only a matter of time before someone responded humorously. We don’t want to make assumptions about individuals, but it stands to reason that a man who believes a woman should not curse has never pampered a woman. Consider that for a moment.

That is pretty scary

Pregnancy is a terrifying experience. Mothers must consider their own health and the health of their children, and they must deal with cramps, nausea, and a variety of other discomforts. That isn’t even mentioning the actual birthing process.

That Is Pretty Scary

That Is Pretty Scary

Pregnancy is, in a nutshell, difficult. It’s considerably more difficult if you’re having twins, triplets, or even more children. No one wants to be pregnant for 27 months with triplets. That is terrifying. However, no one needs to be pregnant for 27 months because that is never the pregnancy case.

Referring to them as a separate species

We never really considered it, but men usually refer to women as “females,” which seems odd. When you consider that the word “women” refers only to humans, while “females” refer to everything from monkeys to caterpillars, it seems pretty demeaning.

Referring To Them As A Separate Species

Referring To Them As A Separate Species

While this guy may have had good intentions, he instead made himself look like a clueless creep with no social skills when it came to women. That, unfortunately, is most likely who he is.

Losing all hope in humanity

When we see some Internet posts that are just so embarrassingly dumb, we can’t help but lose all hope for humanity. While we’d want to assume that these individuals are anomalies, it’s difficult to believe that our species can ever survive if we have people in our ranks whose brains don’t function properly.

Losing All Hope In Humanity

Losing All Hope In Humanity

We’re completely fed up with this person who asked on Twitter why women never have to take DNA testing. How do we begin to explain why this is such a ridiculous question?

Going off against childless couples

Although having children may be the ultimate goal for some people, it is unimportant to others. They are more concerned with living their own lives, which is perfectly fine. There’s a lot you can do even if you don’t have children.

Going Off Against Childless Couples

Going Off Against Childless Couples

You can tour the world, develop new skills, or simply relax. You might believe that not having children limits your possibilities, but this is not the case. You can still do all of the childish things you want, including visiting Disney World. This person, on the other hand, might disagree.

Leonardo who?

Let us begin by getting one thing clear. If your given name is Leonardo, you are destined for greatness. Doubt our claims? Consider two examples. Leonardo da Vinci. He is regarded as one of the greatest artists of all time. Leonardo DiCaprio. He is regarded as one of the greatest actors of all time.

Leonardo Who?

Leonardo Who?

Do you see where this is leading? Both Leonardos are masters of their respective fields. However, they should not be confounded. Seriously. They are rather different. Leonardo DiCaprio’s paintings aren’t simply beautiful. He might be able to. Probably. Is he capable of it? No, unfortunately. This person’s background was slightly skewed.

People aren’t animals

Surprisingly, many people do not appear to comprehend their role in the world. And we don’t mean that in some abstract, psychological way. That is literally what we mean. People don’t realize that they, too, are animals.

People Aren’t Animals

People Aren’t Animals

Humans are descended from monkeys and are therefore still considered animals. If you don’t trust us, simply check up humans on Wikipedia. Or, you might ask of any person on the planet. We understand why this may appear confusing, as we often act as though we are superior to animals, yet in reality, we are just another type of animal.

You’ve gotta think circularly

When you’re merely looking at a map of the world, it’s easy to forget that the earth is circular. That’s primarily because maps aren’t shaped like globes. They make it appear as if the earth is flat, but we all know it isn’t (hopefully).

You’ve Gotta Think Circularly

You’ve Gotta Think Circularly

However, this person was perplexed about how a nuclear war between North Korea and the United States could ever be possible. Consider maps in the context of a video game. You pop out on the other side of the screen when you leave one side of the screen!

She’s catfishing her own boyfriend

Before the Catfish movie and TV series instilled a healthy dose of suspicion, we don’t even remember what Internet dating was like. We can only assume that we were all blissfully unaware at the time.

She’s Catfishing Her Own Boyfriend

She’s Catfishing Her Own Boyfriend

However, we’ve all learned to be cautious about anyone we meet online. At the very least, the vast majority of us are aware of it. This man had no idea he was catfished while conversing with a woman on the Internet. He even broke up with his girlfriend in favor of this new woman. He was completely unaware that his girlfriend was the other woman.

The satanic rituals of Beyonce and Jay-Z

Wow, it appears to be the beginning of Satanic Panic all over again! If you are unfamiliar with Satanic Panic, we strongly encourage you to learn more about it because it is exciting.

The Satanic Rituals Of Beyonce And Jay Z

The Satanic Rituals Of Beyonce And Jay Z

However, the simple synopsis is that there was a time when everyone believed that people were holding secret Satanic meetings, eating children, and other heinous acts. When everyone charged was almost unanimously proven innocent, the panic subsided, but it appears that the fear never really subsided. It’s back, and the latest targets are Jay-Z and Beyonce.

A book subscription service

These days, subscription services are all the rage. Rather than paying $10 for a CD that we own for life, we now pay around the same amount per month to listen to all the music we want on streaming services.

A Book Subscription Service

A Book Subscription Service

The same can be said for Netflix, Amazon Prime, and a variety of other services. Do you have any idea what kind of streaming service we require? A subscription service for books. Someone should come up with that. Oh, wait, they’ve already done that. The library is what it’s called, and it’s been around for quite some time. It’s old school, but it works.

The secret that doctors DON’T want you to know!

This is a conspiracy theory that we genuinely believe in! Just kidding, we don’t have any! But, hey, we commend the ingenuity of whoever came up with this one. People are apparently beginning to assume that surgeons extract more than simply a baby from moms during Caesarean procedures.

The Secret That Doctors DON’T Want You To Know!

The Secret That Doctors DON’T Want You To Know!

Doctors, they claim, will also remove kidneys without informing the mother! This doesn’t make sense because doctors are well compensated enough that they don’t need to supplement their income with black market organ trading cash. But, hey, who are we to say? Isn’t it true that we should just conduct the research?

Overpowered by emotions

People enjoy posting witty “inspirational” remarks to their Facebook accounts. This has been the case from the beginning of time (or at least since the beginning of Facebook), so it’s reassuring to know that it’s still happening. Perhaps we aren’t quite as old as we think.

Overpowered By Emotions

Overpowered By Emotions

This person made one about not allowing emotion to override your brain, but they misspelled two words in their phrase. If you ask us, it’s not very intelligent. A powerful flood of emotion must have assaulted them. They should’ve paid attention to their own advice!

Name a city without the letter “A.”

We enjoy seeing these mini-challenges on the internet. While it may appear to be a simple challenge to name a city that does not begin with the letter A, it is actually quite difficult. The first city that sprang to mind had an A in its name, but after a few moments, we were able to come up with one that didn’t.

Name A City Without The Letter “A”

Name A City Without The Letter “A”

The best aspect about this challenge is that it almost always fools you into thinking of a city that begins with the letter A. In the end, this person opted to write their first thinking nonetheless merely, and they were completely unaware that it contained an A. Oops.

Yes, that is indeed normal

It’s natural to be concerned about where your tax dollars are spent, but this is taking things too far. After it had rained, this person posted a snapshot of some water that had gathered on their driveway and the street.

Yes, That Is Indeed Normal

Yes, That Is Indeed Normal

They talked about how the city had done nothing about the water before saying that it was usual. Yes, it’s quite normal. What are you expecting them to do? Come over with a big roll of paper towels to clean up the mess on the road?

Being discussed by grapes

It’s amazing how even minor typos can completely change the meaning of a statement. Commas are the most well-known example of this. Without the comma, a statement like “Man, bacon tastes great” has a whole different meaning.

Being Discussed By Grapes

Being Discussed By Grapes

This post has a similar little typo that makes the sentence seem completely different. Instead of expressing grapes grossed them out, this person stated the grapes were talking about them. That’s a rather different way of putting it, albeit we must concede that it’s a lot more interesting.

Sanded down tires

Even if you take excellent care of your vehicle, various car troubles can arise. Cars just depreciate with time. Brake pads wear out, the engine begins to fail, and the tread on the tires begins to wear away.

Sanded Down Tires

Sanded Down Tires

This is a poor situation since a lack of tread on tires means that you won’t have enough grip to drive safely. This person opted to get rid of all of their treads at once to avoid losing them over time. They may appreciate the way it looks, but we doubt they will enjoy the way it drives.

Getting filmed by Youtube

It’s strange to believe that there are folks who don’t really comprehend how Youtube works. It’s been one of the most popular websites on the Internet for a long time, and it’s the first (read: only) site that comes to mind when people think of websites dedicated to user-submitted films.

Getting Filmed By Youtube

Getting Filmed By Youtube

Despite this, this man continued to believe that Youtube handled all of the filmings for their website. Can you believe it? To get YouTube to film him, Jake Paul would have to phone them every day.

It’s just not natural to breastfeed

Breastfeeding is, strangely enough, a controversial subject. Although it appears to be one of the most natural human processes, many people oppose it. But that’s because the majority of people don’t want to see it happen. That seems reasonable to us.

It’s Just Not Natural To Breastfeed

It’s Just Not Natural To Breastfeed

This person, on the other hand, is opposed to the concept of nursing. They didn’t realize that humans, like cows, produce milk. As well as all other mammals. Man, this person’s health class was a complete failure. While it’s true that almond milk isn’t technically “milk,” we can assure you that milk from humans is. It is beneficial to babies.

Dragons exist, dinosaurs are fake

Listen, we believe in science, but we can’t help but have some skepticism regarding the existence of dinosaurs. It’s difficult to believe that dinosaurs like the T-rex ever inhabited the same planet as us.

Dragons Exist, Dinosaurs Are Fake

Dragons Exist, Dinosaurs Are Fake

However, it makes more sense when you consider that some dinosaurs are still alive today (think about crocodiles). Dinosaurs did, in fact, exist. This guy, on the other hand, isn’t convinced. In fact, they believe that all dinosaur bones are dragon bones. We honestly wish this were true. That would be amazing.

The negative side effects of urine therapy

This one, out of all the bizarre posts we’ve seen thus far, could simply take the cake. We’ve rarely seen something that has surprised us as much as this. You’re telling us that this person’s urine therapy produced negative side effects?

The Negative Side Effects Of Urine Therapy

The Negative Side Effects Of Urine Therapy

We have never had a single incident in all of our years of pouring pee in our eyes. She must simply be doing something wrong. Everyone knows that pee is good for your eyes, so she’s doing something wrong. Perhaps she applied eye drops by accident.

Offended by tampons

We can’t wait for the day when menstruation is no longer such a taboo subject. It’s a really normal thing for women since it helps their reproductive systems work properly.

Offended By Tampons

Offended By Tampons

We wouldn’t be alive today if it weren’t for periods; thus, we should all respect them a little more! Although we are personally eager for menstruation to be mainstream, it appears that not everyone shares our sentiments. This is only a tiny bit psycho. To be honest, we think she has to “just grow up.”