40 Symbols That Have Not-so-secret Details You Might Have Missed Out

Published on 07/21/2022
40 Symbols That Have Not So Secret Details You Might Have Missed Out

40 Symbols That Have Not So Secret Details You Might Have Missed Out

If you pay close attention, you’ll notice that people frequently adopt similar behavioral patterns. They follow the same schedule with little to no variety every day. In a similar vein, we probably use the same things every day without giving them a second thought. After all, the majority of us are happy with the way we live, so there is no need to change. We frequently don’t even stop to consider our purchases, such as our favorite drink, or the brand on our cars. This is a result of their reliability and testing. Our eyes have a tendency to disregard things over time without even realizing it. However, failing to notice these minor nuances prevents you from noticing the cleverly created logos on several objects we use on a daily basis. We now present a collection of carefully chosen logos that will surprise you. Let’s start now.

US Pennies

US Pennies

It’s a sign that you’ve achieved success and have, in some ways, become a legend to have your face on money. Since 1908, the penny, which is no longer widely used, has featured the image of former US President Abraham Lincoln. Have you ever questioned the identity of the artist? Give the audience what they already want, then. Victor David Brenner deserves credit for the portrait. On Lincoln’s shoulder, the letters V.D.B. explain it all. At the US Mint, Victor inscribed his initials on each of his creations so that they would go on forever.



Do you realize that the logo of our go-to delivery service contains a secret symbol? The business was founded in 1971 and is credited with making delivery simpler and more accessible to millions of customers. They could only deliver a few packages each day back then.



Federal Express, the company’s original name, was abbreviated to FedEx in 1994. Between the letters, X and E in their logo is a concealed arrow. The arrow is designed to represent their quickness and precision. Additionally, depending on the branch—FedEx express or freight—the “Ex” has a different hue.

Coca-Cola’s Polar bear

Many times, this wonderful soda has satisfied our thirst, but it always left us wanting more. Well, a pharmacist invented it, but it began to exist after the death of the founder, John S. Pemberton. Asa Griggs Candler had to take over as leader of the organization after he passed away.

Coca Cola’s Polar Bear

Coca-Cola’s Polar Bear

People received free servings from him, and he was sure they would return. And because Coca-Cola has always been great, they came back and gave more recommendations. If you look closely at this can, you can notice that the bear’s nose shines from a bottle and that the bear’s eyes are constructed of bottle caps.

NBC logo

The earliest television station, NBC was once a radio broadcasting network and has been referred to as the “peacock network” because of the shape and color scheme of the company’s logo. But before they moved to the small screen, the majority of the symbols they utilized were short-lived.

NBC Logo

NBC Logo

The emblem first surfaced in 1956, and it wasn’t officially adopted as the official emblem until 1986. Since they are the most vibrant (and hence well-liked) of all the established networks, it is fortunate that they chose the “peacock” emblem.

Pinterest’s logo

Social media platforms offer a distinctive method of enabling interaction and idea sharing. But Pinterest gives our browsing more flavor. Users can “pin” concepts to their digital vision boards that they find appealing. You will have seen thousands of ideas if you have browsed it.

Pinterest’s Logo

Pinterest’s Logo

The website’s launch fell short of what the designers had hoped for. After the app was developed, it finally gained traction and has since taken off. Over time, the founders chose P, which resembles a pushpin, as the company’s logo.

Barber poles

For many years, there have been barbershop poles all over the world. There were not many sites, and we had barber surgeons. This implies that you could receive both a haircut and a surgical treatment at the same time, necessitating the expertise of barbers in both fields.

Barber Poles

Barber Poles

The majority of people didn’t know how to read or write, so they used alternative means of expression, like the colors of the barber pole. White stands for bandages, blue is deoxygenated or arterial blood, and red is bloodletting or oxygenated blood.

Hershey’s kisses

The reality is that Hershey’s Kisses are a candy that most of us adore since it is so tasty. They are popular over the world due to their wide variety of tastes. Surprisingly, there are several things that you might not have seen right away.

Hershey’s Kisses

Hershey’s Kisses

If you look closely, there is an additional brown area between the K and the I. It indicates that there is a special extra Hershey’s kiss for you. You ought to be able to skip out on yours now!

Beauty products have strange symbols

It might be difficult to know where to start looking for the ideal beauty product because there are so many of them on the market. Here’s a hint to keep you happy with your decision after you’ve found what you need.

Beauty Products Have Strange Symbols

Beauty Products Have Strange Symbols

This image demonstrates how long a product remains usable after opening. Similar to here, this information may be found in the PAO (Period After Opening) for every product. This is practical and ensures that you are not utilizing things that have expired.

Gillette’s logo

It may take some time to develop the ideal logo because it is one of the most important aspects of a business. It must be straightforward and provide a veiled but obvious suggestion as to what it stands for. Gillette created a fantastic design that does that concept justice.

Gillette’s Logo

Gillette’s Logo

Their razors, one of their best-selling items, provide a really good, clean shave that is superior to any other razor (so they say). At first glance, one may be certain of this because Gillette’s blades are sufficiently enough to sever its letters; just look at the G and I.

The Beats’ logo

Beats is one of many logos that appear to assume power. Rap mogul Dr. Dre founded the business, which he eventually sold to tech giant Apple. You guessed it: the beat of the music gave rise to the moniker “Beats,” which keeps music fans happy and jumping.

The Beats’ Logo

The Beats’ Logo

As can be seen from the name, it appears simple with only a b, however, the logo for this well-known product hides an image. The style of the headphones gives the impression that a happy individual is sporting them. On the faces of its users, you can see that smile.

Northwest Airlines

When you first glance at Northwest Airlines’ logo, you might think it’s just an N in a circle with no real significance. But if you examine the airline’s logo closely, you’ll find out some important details.

Northwest Airlines

Northwest Airlines

The arrows are pointing northwest, and the N stands for North. Northwest Airlines was a stand-alone company for a while after its founding in 1926. Then, in 2008, it merged with Delta Airlines to become the business you are familiar with today.

Gas gauge

The ownership of a car comes with a number of obligations. Driving legally and having a car of your own doesn’t mean you may go off anytime you want. It is crucial to inspect the tires, fuel level, and any other potential problems.

Gas Gauge

Gas Gauge

There is a good probability that you will forget which side of the car contains the filler cap after multiple journeys to the gas station. Unwind; you’ll discover that immediately. Simply look at where the fuel gauge’s arrow is pointing.

Subway logo

Many of us have occasionally stopped for a quick meal at a fast food restaurant. Thank goodness Subway has simplified things. However, the absence of nuggets and burgers is the main drawback. Some folks may find this to be a nightmare.

Subway Logo

Subway Logo

Others, though, have been duped by the network. Additionally, the arrows on the first and last letters, S and Y, aid in indicating the restaurant’s entrance and departure. So all you have to do is enter those doors and enjoy your tantalizing lunch.

Different colors of bread ties

You become what you consume! Anyone who has come to accept this assertion is aware that they should consume a healthy diet. Therefore, it could be beneficial to inform you of the color-coded bread tie system. Almost no one is aware of this.

Different Colors Of Bread Ties

Different Colors Of Bread Ties

Without looking at the date, you may use these tiny identifiers to determine if the bread is still relatively fresh. Each day has a unique color, such as blue for Monday, green for Tuesday, and so forth. People guessed that only a few states are covered by the system.

Coca-Cola’s coincidence

The Coca-Cola logo’s O resembles the ones we learned to write in handwriting in elementary school. Who knows, perhaps Coca-Cola wanted to spice up the spelling of its name a little. It turns out that their decision to write in cursive was a great one.

Coca Cola’s Coincidence

Coca-Cola’s Coincidence

Another intriguing feature of this is that the O and C combine to create a cross, giving it the appearance of Denmark’s flag. Being astute, the business saw this as an opportunity and welcomed guests with flags at the busiest airport in the nation.

The secret in Amazon’s logo

Amazon was originally a website that sold books. Do you realize that? Just four short years after its founding, they grew to sell whatever they could think of. The logo was designed in 2000, and it has remained in use ever since.

The Secret In Amazon’s Logo

The Secret In Amazon’s Logo

The yellow curve next to its name depicts a satisfied customer grinning. The grin links the letters A to Z in “Amazon,” indicating that anything can be found and purchased there.

Unilever’s symbols

The Unilever logo appears to be a straightforward yet attractive U at first glance, right? When we looked closer, we saw that one letter actually contained smaller symbols. There are a total of 25 symbols, and each one stands for something significant.

Unilever’s Symbols

Unilever’s Symbols

The ice cream represents sweets and enjoyment, while the lips stand for openness and connection. This is one of the most remarkable logos on this list due to its understated but detailed design. Before understanding this fact, we didn’t look twice.

Eight of diamonds

A social media user disclosed a mystery about the eight of diamonds card in 2018, completely shocking everyone. There, tucked down amongst the shapes, is a number. Yes, you are correct; the answer is 8. What a fantastic finding.

Eight Of Diamonds

Eight Of Diamonds

The majority of us have played with cards for a while and have never noticed it. Some people checked other cards as a result of this revelation to see whether they had comparable hidden features. However, it appears that only the eight of diamonds card have this characteristic.

Hyundai logo

Even though Hyundai is not the most well-known automaker, many of us still adore it. It has been in operation since 1967 and has a rather high-quality rating. The business started doing business in the US in 2005.

Hyundai Logo

Hyundai Logo

The large H in the logo has a cleverly hidden significance. Of course, the letter H is there for all to see. The obvious element is that. But why would it have such an odd design? due to the fact that it depicts the silhouette of two people shaking hands.

The power button

Many things, including us, seem to pass unnoticed by people. On our laptops, the power button just seems to disappear. We never gave it any thought, and we assume you haven’t either. Just so you know, this one sign took a lot of work to create.

The Power Button

The Power Button

Right, the sign appears to have an O and a small number one in the middle. The binary system has made it more explicative. One denotes on, and Zero denotes something is off. Since the power button is never completely off when pressed, it signifies “standby power condition.”

The truth in Le tour de France’s logo

This renowned cycle event attracts the fittest and best cyclists from all over the world to compete. It is a great pleasure to win because so many athletes devote their entire careers to training for this.

The Truth In Le Tour De France’s Logo

The Truth In Le Tour De France’s Logo

There is a lovely tiny picture concealed there. Do you see it? It’s in the “our” in “tour.” The O is a wheel for a bicycle. One of the cutest logos we’ve ever seen, we think.

More about the Falcon’s logo

The Atlanta Falcons’ logo is modeled after the team’s mascot bird. Oh, right. But with this one, the designer really reached into their inventive arsenal. Like the Falcons team, this bird has its sights set on the prize. The falcon in the logo resembles the letter F.

More About The Falcon’s Logo

More About The Falcon’s Logo

The team has been playing very hard and maintaining their spirit for years. Since the team’s inception, the logo has been present on the field along with their helmets. Although they had a white helmet available in 1974, the team has never worn it.

The BMW logo

The BMW logo resembles a checkerboard wheel in blue and white. But according to a 2010 New York Times article, the notion that this was the logo’s genesis is untrue. They tested the design on two airplanes in 1929, ten years after BMWs first appeared on the market.

The BMW Logo

The BMW Logo

Dr. Triebel is one of many individuals who has studied the history of the BMW logo over the years. He and a few others came to the conclusion that the colors of the logo were inspired by those of the state of Bavaria, which is where the company was founded, after conducting extensive research.

Tasty Tostito 

We adore our cheese and salsa dip. Based on flavor and cost, we take our time deciding which chips and salsa are our favorites. And to be quite honest, we don’t spend much time considering how much the design of the businesses we adore influences our affection for the merchandise.

Tasty Tostito

Tasty Tostito

We adore our cheese and salsa dip. Based on flavor and cost, we take our time deciding which chips and salsa are our favorites. And to be quite honest, we don’t spend much time considering how much the design of the businesses we adore influences our affection for the merchandise.

King of hearts’ lost mustache

The king of hearts is the only king without a mustache, so pay attention to him the next time you’re playing cards. There is a rationale for this. Cards used to be printed using wooden blocks in the past. It indicates that the designs are carefully chiseled out before being painstakingly printed on the cards.

King Of Hearts’ Lost Mustache

King Of Hearts’ Lost Mustache

Therefore, it was surmised that perhaps an inexperienced worker handled the image improperly and lost the king’s mustache. Although the monarch is supposed to carry an ax and seem like Charles the Great, this was also poorly executed. In the depiction as it appears now, there is only one blade that appears to have gone through the head of the king.

All in one Toyota

Different theories exist regarding what the Toyota logo represents. Despite the fact that the brand is Japanese, to some people it looks like a cowboy wearing a hat. That is why that isn’t true. Instead, it’s two elliptical forms that are interlaced, signifying the joining of two hearts (product and customer).

All In One Toyota

All In One Toyota

Additionally, the logo may be used to spell out each letter of TOYOTA. This logo’s use of several letters in one design is quite lovely. Think about how far Toyota has come the next time you see one of their cars.


At least in our opinion, Wendy’s is a champion in the fast-food industry. Wendy’s frequently sticks with beloved classics, unlike some other restaurants that try out novel flavors. Frosty, who we all adore, has been a part of the business from the beginning.



Look at the sign; the word “mom” is sewn into her collar. This demonstrates that they prepare their meals with the same tenderness and care that a mother would. Although it’s a misconception that customers have created, we still like it.

Bluetooth symbol

The Bluetooth logo has mostly become a part of our culture. Who knew Vikings and technology could coexist in such harmony? With no wires in the way, we can groove to our music and send data wirelessly. While the crew was developing the technology, Jim Kardach was studying the Vikings for fun.

Bluetooth Symbol

Bluetooth Symbol

He learned from the text that King Harald had the enigmatic moniker “Blue Tooth” as well. Some people assume he enjoyed blueberries. The name was Jim’s idea, and it seemed to fit. The Vikings’ alphabet was used to create the logo. It creates the initials HB for the king.

Baskin-Robbins logo

Many of us enjoy eating ice cream. Before deciding to combine and create one huge brand they dubbed Baskin-Robbins, Burt Baskin and Irv Robbins were separately working on their own ice cream businesses and recipes back in 1953. Suddenly, the menu included 31 different varieties.

Baskin Robbins Logo

Baskin Robbins Logo

At the time, this was unusual, so Baskin-Robbins wanted to boast about it. After utilizing the recognizable number on their storefront signs for a while, they added it to their emblem. This, in our opinion, is design at its best.

The Apple’s bite

The design of Apple’s logo has been the subject of numerous rumors. The logo was designed by Rob Yanov, who later gained notoriety. He first bought a bag of apples. Rob started to work because he wanted to produce a straightforward but amazing photograph.

The Apple’s Bite

The Apple’s Bite

Then he had a profound realization. Rob added a bite to the design since “byte” and “bite” sound too similar to pass up the chance. Later, monochromatic hues were added as the finishing touch, and the instantly recognizable sign was created.

Pepsi’s logo

It can be difficult to comprehend that Pepsi spent millions of dollars on its logo. Despite the fact that there was then intense rivalry in the market, it later proved worthwhile. To express pride in the US, they employed the red, white, and blue colors of their emblem.

Pepsi’s Logo

Pepsi’s Logo

The logo was unveiled during World War II, and according to reports, it also symbolizes the expansion of the universe, the theory of relativity, Pythagoras’ geodynamics, and other concepts. It was claimed that the purpose of these reports was to promote certain brands’ products.

More about a Jeep

Jeeps are renowned for having outstanding performance. Even in the most sticky situations, they rarely become stuck. Some people utilize their Jeeps to go off-road, while others use them as a fashion statement. We were in awe of the thought that went into this particular design.

More About A Jeep

More About A Jeep

On their footrest, someone observed or at least thought they saw, a pattern of Morse code. Some discoveries can indeed leave one thirsting for more information, but when it was investigated, they discovered the Morse code markings essentially stand for “sand, snow, rivers, rock.”

Hidden bear in Toblerone’s logo

Travelers from all over the world frequently eat Toblerone as a sweet pleasure. It turns out that there has been a bear on the packages the entire time (what is it about traveling that has the peculiar capacity to make us want to gnaw on food constantly?).

Hidden Bear In Toblerone’s Logo

Hidden Bear In Toblerone’s Logo

If you are anything like us, you might not have given the mountain any more thought than you did. The coat of arms for Bern, the home of the chocolate, features a bear. In that way, the logo honors the history of the sweet.

Goodwill’s smiling logo

Thrift shops have provided customers with a variety of items over the years. The coolest and most distinctive Halloween outfits are inherited dish sets that are missing pieces. Of course, we must also add the spooky dolls.

Goodwill’s Smiling Logo

Goodwill’s Smiling Logo

Helping others makes us feel great. That must be the reason the logo has a joyful, smiling face. If you look very closely, the G in the name is a little smiling face. The name does indeed fit it wonderfully.

The similitude of the Stardust casino logo

The Stardust casino is one of those establishments that has grown to be recognizable and well-known through time. It was a wonderful setting for having a terrific time. However, in 2006, it permanently closed its doors, leaving only the people’s memories.

The Similitude Of The Stardust Casino Logo

The Similitude Of The Stardust Casino Logo

The Nevada Test Site was constructed in the 1950s. People in the area grew accustomed to seeing mushroom-shaped clouds since this site provided the military with a location to test nuclear weapons in public. The bursting logo for Stardust was motivated by this occurrence.

Sony Vaio logo

There are currently a lot of devices on the market, making it challenging to choose the ideal item when you need something new. The majority of businesses utilize their logos to entice customers to purchase their goods, and some of these logos include some hidden meanings.

Sony Vaio Logo

Sony Vaio Logo

The logo for this company, which makes computers and phones, was the result of extensive brainstorming. The IO is a digital sign, whereas the VA on the logo is an analog symbol. By combining the two, we now have “VAIO” in its entirety.

Toothpaste tubes

We are all aware that toothpaste is used to brush our teeth. Therefore, it only makes sense that we scarcely give the lines on the tubes any attention. However, the rainbow stripe was something you noticed in your head. It serves a purpose other than decoration, yet that purpose is crucial.

Toothpaste Tubes

Toothpaste Tubes

Without having to read the entire label, this code reveals the substances that were used. In general, red denotes natural components and chemicals while black denotes only chemicals, to name a couple. Sincerely, we never give this any thought. What a breakthrough!

Lady Liberty’s crown

Lady Liberty is surrounded by a lot of history. She has proudly stood in New York Harbor since 1886. To commemorate its 100th anniversary of independence, France gave it to Grover Cleveland, a former president. The statue was transported in 214 cartons. She is currently 305 feet and 1 inch tall.

Lady Liberty’s Crown

Lady Liberty’s Crown

Every year, it draws about 3.5 million tourists. This indicates that a significant number of people have noticed the crown she is wearing. It is thought to represent each of the seven continents of the world because it is surrounded by seven spikes.

Paramount picture’s stars

One of the many movie studios that have produced blockbuster films over the years is Paramount Pictures. Saving Private Ryan and Forest Gump, among others, were produced by the studio. When Paramount Pictures initially appeared in Hollywood, its emblem had 24 stars.

Paramount Picture’s Stars

Paramount Picture’s Stars

Each star at the time signified an actor they had contracted with their studio. The business is now well-known on a global scale. After redesigning the emblem in the 1970s, there were only 22 stars left, and nobody knew what had happened to the other two stars.

USB symbol

Nowadays, technology is all around us since the globe has developed into a global village. It might be related to your profession or hobby. The point is, that we have observed one or more USBs. From computers to phone chargers and everything in between, USB symbols are everywhere. But did you know that the emblem was modeled after Neptune’s trident?

USB Symbol

USB Symbol

The trident represents strength, and with USB, strength is exactly what we seek. Additionally, each form has a distinct meaning. The circle denotes five volts (5), the square stands for ground voltage, and the arrow denotes serial bits of data.