Here’s What Strange Things Surgeons Discovered In Their Patients’ Bodies

Published on 06/26/2022
Here's What Strange Things Surgeons Discovered In Their Patients' Bodies

Here’s What Strange Things Surgeons Discovered In Their Patients’ Bodies

As long as there have been television shows set in hospitals, there have been a lot of them. There are a lot of these shows that people all over the world have become obsessed with. Despite how unbelievable some of these stories may seem, they’re actually more accurate than you think. Some surgeons, for example, have revealed strange things they discovered in a patient’s body. Some of these may be disturbing, while others may be sad, but one thing is for certain: they are all insane!

Something Stuck in My Throat

A good salad is something many people enjoy for lunch, and cucumbers are a common ingredient in many salads. However, some people prefer to eat a whole cucumber as a snack on its own.

Something Stuck In My Throat

Something Stuck In My Throat

However, most people aren’t going to attempt to down a whole cucumber. Aside from the fact that it would be extremely unpleasant to go through this, it also makes no sense to do so. This guy decided to give it a whirl and ended up in the ER.

Lunch Time

When it comes to food, there are a lot of people who suffer from bizarre eating habits. Paper is a favorite of some, while hair is a favorite of others.

Lunch Time

Lunch Time

Because of this, this hairstylist works in an environment where they have constant access to hair. They had a lot of hair in their stomach, which is why this doctor found it.

Ran Through

Working in construction is inherently dangerous because of the nature of the job. You run the risk of injuring yourself due to the abundance of sharp materials and heavy machinery, and you might not even realize it at first.

Ran Through

Ran Through

Because this gentleman had fallen onto some rebar, the attending doctor was required to extract it. On its way through the man’s body, the foreign object fortunately sidestepped all of the important organs and arteries.

Bargain Basement Botox

You begin to notice wrinkles as you get older because your body begins to change. Because of this, many women opt to have Botox treatments in order to get rid of their wrinkles and appear younger. However, these therapies can be quite pricey!

Bargain Basement Botox

Bargain Basement Botox

To get the treatments at a lower cost, this person may have opted to travel to Mexico, where they could do so. Because of this mistake, they learned the hard way the second time around.

Constant Pain

If your headache is persistent and you don’t know how to get rid of it, it can be extremely annoying and debilitating. Having a headache is frustrating enough. Visiting the doctor if you’ve had a headache for more than a few days should be considered.

Constant Pain

Constant Pain

As you might expect, the doctor discovered something shocking in this gentleman: his skull had been punctured by a large nail. If you have a nail in your head, it should be obvious, but this guy had no idea.

Where Did it Go?

Strange things happen to kids when they’re young. Putting things where they don’t belong can be a part of this. Hopefully, your mother or doctor will be able to locate and remove these foreign objects before any harm is done permanently.

Where Did It Go?

Where Did It Go?

Before a healthcare professional was finally able to track down it after more than four decades, this gentleman had been living with a cherry pit lodged in his sinus cavity.

I’ll Take That Bet!

When you’re playing snooker or pool with the guys at the bar, things can get a little crazy. Some examples of this type of behavior include wagering and daring others to do certain things.

I’ll Take That Bet!

I’ll Take That Bet!

So it was with this guy, whose bet on whether he could fit an entire snooker ball in his mouth ended up with him being rushed to the hospital and leaving his doctor with an interesting tale to tell.


In some cases, it’s impossible to know why people act in the way they do. Even if it was on a dare or just something they’re interested in, we can’t understand why this gentleman decided to do this.



When the doctor had to remove that mayonnaise jar from that part of the human body, he must have been very surprised to find fish and water sloshing around inside of it.

Look Out

Many people enjoy going out into the wilderness to go hunting or even just to practice shooting. If the shooter is not careful, this can be extremely dangerous, and not just to others. In fact, this gentleman shot himself by accident.

Look Out

Look Out

In an emergency room, removing a crossbow bolt from a patient doesn’t seem out of the ordinary. That the crossbow was placed there by a man who accidentally shot himself while tripping and falling is an intriguing aspect of the story.

Cleaning Everywhere

The number of people who try to put things in places they don’t belong is astounding to us! There must have been a lot of pain involved for this person to get that bottle so high, don’t you think?

Cleaning Everywhere

Cleaning Everywhere

When the nurse and the doctors looked at the X-ray, they saw a shampoo bottle wedged where the sun doesn’t shine. We can’t even begin to imagine what went through their minds when they saw it.

Hard to Swallow

If you’re hungry, it seems like you can eat whatever you want. There should still be some limits, despite that, though. After a few alcoholic beverages, it appears that this gentleman has a hard time comprehending what I’m saying.

Hard To Swallow

Hard To Swallow

Following an X-ray, this gentleman’s doctor discovered the source of his excruciating stomach pains. Two pool balls and his car keys had been swallowed by this individual, who was completely unaware of the incident.

How Do I Take This?

The majority of medications prescribed for the elderly are meant to be swallowed whole. He either didn’t understand or was doing something odd in that retirement home, as it appears.

How Do I Take This?

How Do I Take This?

Being a doctor and having to take care of elderly patients is a challenging job in and of itself; however, having to deal with some of the elderly patients’ quirks, such as this gentleman and where he likes to keep his pill bottle, must be even more challenging.

Gained a Stone

Children, especially those who are still very young, have a tendency to put things in their mouths that they shouldn’t be tasting or swallowing. Most likely, they’re trying it out out of curiosity and aren’t fully cognizant of the dangers.

Gained A Stone

Gained A Stone

This young girl persisted in eating rocks right up until the point where she had to be taken to the hospital and operated on. Because of this, she ultimately required medical attention.

What Is That Noise?

Working on roofs can be hazardous, and falling from such a height is one of the most serious risks. The paramedics were called when this man fell, and he was rushed to the hospital right away. During the ambulance ride, however, something didn’t seem quite right.

What Is That Noise?

What Is That Noise?

After conducting some X-rays, the medical staff at the hospital and the paramedics finally identified the source of the buzzing sound that they had been hearing throughout their shifts.

Expensive Dining

If you leave things lying around the house, your young child will discover them at some point and start playing with them. This poses a risk, especially if the object in question is fragile, like a chandelier made of glass.

Expensive Dining

Expensive Dining

But even so, that is the least of this parent’s concerns after having discovered that their child had been ingesting these glass teardrop pendants that were hanging from an antique chandelier.

I Don’t Know How That Got There

You may think of human surgeons when you hear the term “surgeon,” but there are also veterinary surgeons who practice their craft. It’s possible to find some interesting things in your dog’s internal organs.

I Don’t Know How That Got There

I Don’t Know How That Got There

For example, this boxer believed it was appropriate to consume a bath towel, which caused his owner to become so alarmed that they rushed him to the hospital for emergency surgery.

Gushing Over the Experience

It’s not always about finding foreign objects inside a body, but rather large masses of potentially dangerous substances. In the world of medical students, this sort of thing happens all the time, and this guy ended up with a bloody face because of it.

Gushing Over The Experience

Gushing Over The Experience

It is not without risk to cut into a tumor, so it is probably for the best that he was taught this lesson as soon as possible rather than waiting.


When people arrive at the ER, they often tell a story that is so outlandish that it’s hard to believe. This woman, for example, claimed that she had tripped over her rat tail comb and landed on her head.



When the doctor finally discovered the culprit, he had to remove her bowels, but not before it had punctured her abdomen. They couldn’t tell for sure if this was an accident or a deliberate act.

Break it Off

People who suffer from a variety of mental disorders are more likely to engage in behaviors that they would not otherwise engage in, such as severing pieces of wire hangers and inserting them into spaces where they are not intended to be placed.

Break It Off

Break It Off

When the doctor had to remove the pieces, we’re sure this person was in a lot of pain. No one can explain this, but we can only hope that the person who did it received the assistance they required.

Opening Up

A story like this could happen if you aren’t careful about where you step. While trying on his shoes, this gentleman claims to have fallen and ended up with a doorknob inside of him.

Opening Up

Opening Up

Because it seems like he would have had to fall quite hard in order for a doorknob to end up inside of him, we are not entirely convinced that we should believe that story.

Fruit Salad

There are many ways to spice up a marriage’s romance as time goes on. This can lead to a lot of experimentation and finding new ways to spice things up in your love life.

Fruit Salad

Fruit Salad

This couple decided to spice up their adult alone time by bringing in some fresh fruit. The doctor was left with some interesting notes after their exam because they forgot to remove them all.


As a single person, you might go to great lengths to get noticed when you’re out there looking for a date. If you’d like, you can also do your own hair and make-up. Making it appear as if he had more than he did was the goal in this gentleman’s case.



We’re sure this doctor was shocked when they found this sausage taped to the man’s inner thigh. That must have been the talk of the hospital for a long time.

Just a Hair

It’s not uncommon for things to enter the body without any explanation. When this happens, the surgeon who has to remove whatever the foreign object is must be a little unnerved.

Just A Hair

Just A Hair

A 10-inch-long strand of hair from a very young patient was enough for this surgeon. It’s safe to say that everyone is baffled as to how it came to be in that position.

That’s Where That Went

Many surgeons have been known to leave instruments or bandages in their patients’ bodies after major surgery by accident. This has the unfortunate side effect of increasing the number of lawsuits claiming the same exact thing.

That’s Where That Went

That’s Where That Went

When doctors do things like this, it can cause a lot of issues, as this woman found out the hard way. A pair of scissors were left inside of her by the surgeon!


The patient’s inability to care for themselves may be the root of serious problems, rather than addictions or medical malpractice. There is no doubt in our minds that he had a swollen foot when he came to us.



When the surgeon removed that gauze, they must have been horrified to see what was moving around in the wound because we have no idea how they kept their composure when they saw it.

Just a Spoonful

When you pick up a spoon, you usually mean to use it to eat something like soup or ice cream. This guy had a thing for swallowing spoonfuls of food head-on, despite the fact that most of us don’t do that.

Just A Spoonful

Just A Spoonful

Additionally, he has a penchant for swallowing batteries, which necessitated a trip to the operating room to have them removed. We’re sure the surgeon was shocked when they saw the contents of that guy’s stomach.

Rear Insulator

Most of the time, people simply look around, see what they have at their disposal, and put it to good use. When it comes down to it, putting something where it’s not supposed to go could end up costing you your life.

Rear Insulator

Rear Insulator

This person did that with an electrical line insulator, and they almost had to perform major surgery in order to successfully remove it from their body.

Sopping Up

The human body is truly amazing, especially in light of the abuse it endures on a daily. There are times when the stress we put on our bodies is unwarranted, and if we aren’t careful, we could find ourselves in the ER.

Sopping Up

Sopping Up

There was a big cloth in this person’s digestive tract, and the surgeon had to remove it to get them to the hospital. What an ordeal that must have been to go down!

Heads Up

What piques your interest is a highly personal matter. In the case of this man, it appears that swallowing Barbie doll heads is one of the things he enjoys doing.

Heads Up

Heads Up

Upon viewing the X-ray, the surgeon must have thought he was in a horror movie when he saw the massive pile of severed heads floating around in the patient’s stomach.


People sometimes have ideas that sound good at the time but later turn out to be a terrible mistake. This is just like anything else in life. When this man tried to use his toilet brush in an unusual way, he learned the hard way.



This must have been a bit of a shock to his wife, just like it would have been to the surgeon when he was forced to remove the toilet brush.


The first time your doctor examines you after a serious fall, some injuries may go undetected. When it came to the examination, this woman was fortunate in that she was given a second chance.



After some time, the surgeon discovered that she had a picture frame buried within one of her kidneys. As a result, they rushed into surgery to remove the picture frame as soon as they could.

Say Cheese

The kitchen of many houses is furnished with relics of a bygone era. Maybe one of those parmesan shakers from the pizza parlor. It turned out to be a bad idea for this patient, as it caused him more harm than good.

Say Cheese

Say Cheese

The surgeon who discovered the parmesan shaker inside of him had to at least inquire as to how it came to be there. Because it seems implausible to us that he landed on the object, and it somehow wound up inside of him, we’re not sure we believe him.

Something Is Fishy

Taking a boat out on the open water and casting a line into the depths of the ocean is a favorite pastime for many people. Unless, of course, you end up like this person, in which case fishing can be a relaxing and enjoyable experience.

Something Is Fishy

Something Is Fishy

The story of how they ingested an entire sturgeon will have to wait for another day. Surgery to remove that sturgeon is probably a common retelling for the surgeon who performed it.

Chained Up

There are times when certain parts of the body are injected with substances while visiting the doctor. As long as it’s done by a trained professional, this is fine. This person, on the other hand, decided to take matters into their own hands.

Womb For Rent

Womb For Rent

Running a chain up this narrow slit was probably not an easy task, and it is not recommended either. They didn’t anticipate it getting tangled, though. They also didn’t expect to have to pay someone else to take it down.

Womb for Rent

Most women are extremely self-conscious about their uterus and spend a lot of time making sure it is in the best shape possible.. Checkups are a part of that routine.

Womb For Rent

Womb For Rent

When this woman went to the doctor for a checkup, the nurse and the surgeon discovered some unusual things in her uterus. We don’t know how this spider got in there!

That’s Not Mine

Surgeons often have some wild and crazy stories to tell after major accidents. This is especially true if the explosion involved a large number of people and occurred in a public place.

That’s Not Mine

That’s Not Mine

Consider the case of the surgeon who was forced to remove an arm from the hip of another patient. Even for the surgeon, witnessing that must have been a disturbing scene they will never forget.


When someone has a mental health problem, their behavior can be quite erratic. They could rage or go silent for days at a time, depending on the mood. Some of them have even been known to swallow objects that they shouldn’t.



There are a lot of stories of surgeons who have found razor blades or even magnets in places where they shouldn’t be, because of this. We can’t even begin to imagine what surgeons have removed from the stomachs of their patients.

Light it Up

Many people enjoy spending a little money on candles, and Yankee Candle is one of the most popular destinations. All kinds of sizes are available, including a large one that has been spotted in the emergency room.

Light It Up

Light It Up

The fact that a patient came in with one of the large Yankee Candles lodged in a location that doesn’t get a lot of viewing must have come as quite a surprise to the surgeon who had to remove it.

A Little Sole

Unfortunately, this has happened to many people who have done wrong. This can be a lonely place, and the inmates here are known to go crazy from time to time because of it. Many of the doctors who care for inmates have fascinating tales to tell because of this.

A Little Sole

A Little Sole

It was a regular customer of this doctor’s who liked to dismantle the soles of their shoes and rip them apart. When it came to where he put his things, it wasn’t quite as strange as that.


There are times when doctors tell stories that sound like they’re made up, such as this one. What we don’t understand is how this guy came up with the idea in the first place.



Even though the removal method is suspect, doctors will do whatever it takes to save their patients’ lives, even if that means using plaster, a stick, and a good pull.

Hearing Something

If a kid thinks they’re going to get in trouble, they may try to cover up their actions to avoid punishment. It’s possible that this will lead to children putting things where they don’t belong.

Hearing Something

Hearing Something

In order to avoid the wrath of his parents, this kid devised a cunning plan to hide one of the unpopped kernels. A little while went by before anyone noticed where he had placed it.

Plunge It

The placement of non-native objects in unusual locations can explain some bizarre incidents of human behavior. Among other things, this man ended up in the ER because he needed surgery to remove a plunger.

Plunge It

Plunge It

Freak accidents can be explained by the presence of foreign objects in unusual locations. Surgery was required for this gentleman, for example, who ended up in the emergency room. It’s impossible to tell if this gentleman’s story is true, but one thing is for sure: this surgeon had an interesting story to tell at the upcoming conference. plunger.


Treating elderly patients who arrive in unusual circumstances must be difficult for surgeons and medical professionals. Even though they are trying to be polite, a lot of things can go wrong.



This elderly gentleman was going to have to go through some kind of complications, but the one thing we do know for sure is that that vegetable was not supposed to go there.

Bouncy Balls

There are times when you have to decipher what a developmentally challenged adult is saying. This could be due to a lack of language proficiency or the fact that they are nonverbal, as in the case of this gentleman.

Bouncy Balls

Bouncy Balls

When he started choking, no one could figure out what was wrong until the surgeon realized that he had been chewing Super Balls and had one lodged in his lungs.

Parking Lot

Hot Wheels cars have been enjoyed by many children, regardless of gender. The majority of kids will play with these toys, pretending to be adults and driving all over the place.

Parking Lot

Parking Lot

In any case, it appears that this kid had the bright idea to take a few down with him. When the surgeon examined the X-rays, he was likely taken aback when he discovered Hot Wheels in the child’s stomach.