45 Sassy Online Comments That Explain Why We Adore The Internet

Published on 10/13/2022
45 Sassy Online Comments That Explain Why We Adore The Internet

45 Sassy Online Comments That Explain Why We Adore The Internet

Sarcasm is one of the internet’s strong suits. The dark recesses of Twitter, Tumblr, and Reddit are packed with sarcastic gems, and sometimes there’s nothing better than a witty comment or cheeky jibe. If you’re having a bad day, here are more than forty examples of the best sarcastic posts on the internet. It’s impossible not to smile, chuckle, or even snort with laughter at these.

Did I Break Anything?

Did I Break Anything?

Everyone has been in the uncomfortable position of being treated in the emergency room after recently breaking up with their significant other. Okay, perhaps not. However, this hilarious tweet makes assumptions about what would happen if it actually did. It is a universal truth that even the most eminent medical experts can experience heartache. It’s just possibly not a good idea to discuss your past when giving your patient the results of an X-ray.

Saying Thank You

You know that agonizing situation where you’re trying to say the appropriate thing, but it sounds completely inappropriate? Even the friendliest of greetings can come off as condescending, dismissive, or downright sarcastic, as this Twitter user points out.

Saying Thank You

Saying Thank You

The next time you’re about to send another of those unknowingly passive-aggressive business emails, you should definitely stop and think. Next time, perhaps send a card or note to your colleague instead of using one of these words.

Mama’s Food

Every mom has experienced it. You’ve just spent a long time tending to your family’s every need while slaving over a hot stove to prepare dinner. You prepared gluten-free pasta for your allergic child.

Mama's Food

Mama’s Food

You prepared a tasty casserole for your spouse. Even the vegetables have been blended for the picky eaters in the family. Moreover, nobody is intrigued. However, the kids start acting out as soon as you put food on your plate.

1080p Resolution

We’ve all come across those snarky know-it-alls on social media who just can’t resist the chance to crack a joke at someone else’s expense.

1080p Resolution

1080p Resolution

These trolls can’t help but join a Twitter, Reddit, or Tumblr thread to demonstrate their comedic skills, much like the school’s class clown who competes for the attention of their fellow students. This Tumblr user simply couldn’t resist making a sarcastic joke. Yes, everyone wants this year to end as soon as possible, but let’s leave the wordplay and sarcastic jabs for next year.

What Does That Even Mean

“Science side of Tumblr, please explain,” is a phrase that you’ve probably heard if you’re a self-described Tumblr geek who frequented the microblogging site between 2012 and 2014.

What Does That Even Mean

What Does That Even Mean

Users would turn to the “science side,” asking the smartest nerds for advice when faced with a conundrum, such as why the drummers in rock bands are the most attractive, or a perplexing Sherlock Holmes plot point. But does Tumblr’s science section even exist? These users are enthusiastic

On A Diet

Do you ever merely wish you were a child once more? In addition to being socially acceptable to have a full-on tantrum in public, but no one looks down on you because of your dietary preferences. Even getting your plate clean is a reward (more food).

On A Diet

On A Diet

This Twitter user longs for those carefree years. They weren’t praised for filling their tummies when they consumed five chicken fingers. Instead, they received criticism for deviating from their diet. Being an adult is the worst!

Only People With Glasses Know

Every person who wears glasses has gone through this annoying situation. When one of those fortunate individuals with 20/20 vision approaches you to try on your glasses and then starts asking you absurd questions like, “How do you see in these? ”

Only People With Glasses Know

Only People With Glasses Know

My eye specialist gave me glasses with prescription glasses, so there you go, Stacey. It’s not that difficult to comprehend! Enough with the inquiries! Our friends with a poor vision already struggle with a lot, such as the exorbitant cost of eyeglasses and recurring eye appointments.

A Marketing Strategy

Effective advertising need not involve elaborate publicity stunts, corny catchphrases, or extravagant TV commercials. This car dealership made the decision to use humor to attract customers with their clever billboard. We’re not certain how many people would be waiting in line to purchase one of their vehicles, even though it might be pretty funny.

A Marketing Strategy

A Marketing Strategy

At least it resulted in a hilarious post on social media. And in 2020, isn’t that the most crucial marketing tactic? Guys, it’s all about the shares and likes!


In 2013, when Walt Disney acquired Lucasfilm, the world was discussing its hegemony over the entertainment sector. They had recently acquired the Star Wars franchise’s rights, continuing their strategy of providing audiences with outstanding creative content.



Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, the ninth film in the series, debuted in 2019 to mixed reviews from critics and fans. We doubt that the writers fully anticipated such a harsh response from viewers.

You’re Too Bold For That

When this Twitter user sent out this sarcastic tweet, they were filled with all kinds of self-loathing. Everyone can relate to this because they have undoubtedly experienced this at some point in their lives. It undoubtedly makes you ponder what you would do if a thief approached you on the street.

You're Too Bold For That

You’re Too Bold For That

Would you contact the authorities? Would you flee in terror? Or, would you muster the courage to respond with this astute rejoinder? You are aware of the warnings against making assumptions!


Right now, there is a ton of scripting for manifestation and positive affirmations on the internet. These methods are probably your cup of tea if you already feel good about life or if you are really into mindfulness and meditation. However, there are times when you simply cannot be bothered.



With this tweet, a sarcastic Twitter user mocked the entire movement. If only that were how life was, We would all be chanting along with them, “I will I wasn’t broke! ”

Don’t Need A Man

It can be simple to feel sorry for yourself and pessimistic when your romantic life is going through a difficult time. However, humor can solve a variety of issues, and this Twitter user’s hot take undoubtedly made us smile.

Don't Need A Man

Don’t Need A Man

Although it may sound controversial, everyone has experienced those moments when they felt as though they were unintentionally ruining their own lives or self-sabotaging. Women who are independent don’t need a man! But not for the reasons you might anticipate.

From The Name Itself

There is no such thing as too many golden retrievers. The best of all dogs, golden retrievers are regarded as some of the most devoted, adoring, and adorable members of the animal kingdom. What would you think if a loved one unexpectedly presented you with a litter of golden retrievers?

From The Name Itself

From The Name Itself

A fulfillment of a dream for sure! You might be a little irritated if they spent your entire life’s savings. But then again, how can you be upset while admiring these cute canines?

Halloween Is Coming

One of the best times of the year is undoubtedly spooky season. You now have a justification for decking out your home in outrageous decor, and dressing up in public is no longer frowned upon. Pumpkins and crunchy Autumn leaves also instantly increase serotonin levels.

Halloween Is Coming

Halloween Is Coming

Don’t take anything too literally, though. As this Tumblr user noted, creating a ghost doesn’t always entail hosting an arts and crafts event.

Just Call When You Need Me

Nobody can contest that they all have friends like this. a person who makes the pretense of being extremely dependable and accessible but actually never picks up the phone and never gets out of bed! It can be very annoying.

Just Call When You Need Me

Just Call When You Need Me

We’re sorry to break it to you, but you are that friend if you can’t remember having one of these friends. This sarcastic post perfectly captures what it’s like to have a well-meaning but unreliable friend.

A Useless Flooding Sign

There are times when you see something that is so literally pointless that you wonder why it even exists. That’s where this “road closed due to flooding” warning sign belongs; why was it even put there when you can hardly read it above the water?

A Useless Flooding Sign

A Useless Flooding Sign

To be completely honest, the moment you try to drive a vehicle in those conditions, natural selection will completely eradicate you. A sarcastic meme was just waiting to happen with this.

Truly Relatable

Sometimes even a Spongebob Squarepants meme captures an emotion or feeling so well that words can’t do it justice. This certainly holds true for this meme. Every college student has been in this predicament. You have been sitting in a stuffy lecture hall for hours, barely awake, and you haven’t once picked up a pen to take notes.

Truly Relatable

Truly Relatable

Patrick’s expression of blissful ignorance perfectly expresses what it’s like to leave a lecture with no knowledge of anything that was covered.

Okay, Thanks For The Tip

Another one of those signs that defy belief for how obvious it is is this one. Who is unaware of this fundamental anatomical fact? No underwater breathing ability was bestowed upon humans. However, this neighborhood pool made the decision to simply serve as a reminder of everyone’s inability to behave like a fish.

Okay, Thanks For The Tip

Okay, Thanks For The Tip

Even stranger is the fact that it appears to be advising people against trying to breathe underwater rather than enforcing any fundamental health, safety, or hygiene standards.

No, I’m Not

This ironic meme will appeal to anyone who has anxiety or panic attacks! When you’re barely managing to keep it together while attempting to prevent a full-blown meltdown, someone asks you if you are okay. Despite their best efforts, this usually results in a downward spiral of unhappy thoughts and/or embarrassing sobs.

No, I'm Not

No, I’m Not

Despite your best efforts, nobody can hide the truth. This meme perfectly captures how uncomfortable these circumstances can be. Do I seem okay to you?

Reading Like It’s A Prescription

Do you ever give your mother access to your phone so she can see a hilarious picture or video before regretting it later? This excruciatingly awkward process is perfectly captured in this satirical meme. She must first locate her glasses and put them on. Then, in order to read the text, she must hold the phone at arm’s length from her face.

Reading Like It's A Prescription

Reading Like It’s A Prescription

Then she proceeds to bombard you with irrelevant questions, like ‘who is that, ‘do I know them,’ and ‘who sent you this?’

How Do You Eat Your Big Mac

Do you ever consume the burger’s peel? The person who asked this question must have been experiencing a strange feeling. Although it’s safe to say that we have all inadvertently consumed fast food wrappers, nobody wants to purposefully eat the greasy paper.

How Do You Eat Your Big Mac

How Do You Eat Your Big Mac

When they saw this tweet, whoever manages the official McDonald’s Twitter account was understandably outraged, and they responded with a sassy and sarcastic quip modeled after Mindy Kaling’s character in The Office.

A Good Pirate

Cartoons meant for children do need to reinforce good messages, it’s true. But with this witty and dry post, this Twitter user hit the nail on the head. Being a pirate basically entails robbing people of their property and plundering their treasure.

A Good Pirate

A Good Pirate

There must have been a copywriter at Disney who missed the memo. You can’t help but wonder if this children’s book would have worked better with a different character. At least it results in a humorous meme!

Try Rice

One of life’s most tragic events must be dropping a brand-new iPhone onto a hard surface. You first hear the thud and realize you’re in trouble. As you raise the screen to examine the damage, you feel glass fragments fall into your hand.

Try Rice

Try Rice

It’s a costly error that could cost you hundreds of dollars to fix. A heartbreaking incident was instead turned into a hilarious meme by this sarcastic tweet.

You’re Wrong

This humourous tweet will resonate with you if you were the class clown. Everyone in our class can recall the disruptive individuals. This one is for the students who always had to have the last laugh and never let the teacher prove them wrong.

You're Wrong

You’re Wrong

Put a water bottle on your head if the teacher says you can’t breathe underwater. It’s an easy demonstration of pure genius. The issue is resolved. Get out of here, Mrs. Harrison.

Simple Question

Math is challenging. Both of us are aware of it. Unless you’re one of those annoying people who are born with natural math skills, it’s not an easy subject. Although the person who responded to this question on their exam was obviously not gifted with conventional intelligence, their answer is almost brilliant in a strange way.

Simple Question

Simple Question

Simply take out the “centi” to convert from meters to centimeters. They at least demonstrated their capacity for creative problem-solving. Congratulations, mathematician maverick!

Always Ready

For everyone who chooses to dress in dark colors on a daily basis, the incessant questions occasionally get to be tiresome. A goth, are you? Are you a werewolf? Why are you wearing only black clothing? Sometimes you just have to respond.

Always Ready

Always Ready

When you are asked the same question for the fifteenth time in a week, it can be frustrating. This sarcastic post definitely captures that feeling. Use this clever retort the next time someone tries to tick you off.

The Audacity

When you are asked the same question for the fifteenth time in a week, it can be frustrating. This sarcastic post definitely captures that feeling. Use this clever retort the next time someone tries to tick you off.

The Audacity

The Audacity

It’s not your fault that people might think you’re grumpy from the way you look. And who wouldn’t be annoyed if they were pestered with pointless inquiries all day long? There are many people who can relate to this meme.

Just Like That

We are definitely reminded of why we enjoy the internet by this sarcastic post. Someone else has gone through what you are if you are going through a difficult time. There’s a good chance that someone has created a meme based on that exact feeling on the internet.

Just Like That

Just Like That

Despite their best intentions, parents occasionally miss the mark. While there is no magic wand you can wave to instantly make yourself happy, hopefully reading posts like this one will put a smile on your face!

Don’t Expect Too Much

Teachers, babysitters, as well as tutors will all be able to relate to this! Alarm bells start to go off when a parent sings their child’s praises a little too enthusiastically and insists that they are an angel.

Don't Expect Too Much

Don’t Expect Too Much

They are undoubtedly trying to hide something, and typically, their child’s propensity for tantrums is that “something.” You can’t help but smile despite your inner knowledge that you’re about to deal with a child who even Supernanny couldn’t control.

Not Old Enough

This article is a gold mine for all new parents. You occasionally just need a break from the constant feeding, changing diapers, and getting up in the middle of the night to take care of your little ones.

Not Old Enough

Not Old Enough

Remember this meme the next time your partner criticizes you for wanting to go out with your friends. They might laugh or they might want to punch you in the face. Is the risk worthwhile?

No Changes At All

Running is awful; that much is true. It causes you to perspire, wears you out, and increases your risk of injury from trips, falls, and muscle pulls. Although staying active is important for your health and fitness, there are times when you just want an excuse to get rid of your running shoes and put your Fitbit up for sale on eBay.

No Changes At All

No Changes At All

This meme’s creator obviously despises running as much as we do because they actively avoid it.

Personality Is What Matters

Some people have a natural ability to appear more attractive in photographs than they do in person. In-person, other people’s beauty shines through even though they don’t appear as attractive on camera. The rest of us are just regular people who are content to let our personalities speak for themselves.

Personality Is What Matters

Personality Is What Matters

Those who believe their beauty truly stems from within will relate to this sarcastic meme! You don’t have to be a model like Cara Delevingne or Kendall Jenner.

He’s More Successful Though

You may experience some depression if you frequently compare yourself to online strangers. However, we’re not referring to wealthy influencers or attractive Instagram models. This tweet is in reference to 13-year-old Mason Ramsey, who gained internet fame after being caught on camera in the middle of a Walmart store in 2018 singing Hank Williams’ country hit “Lovesick Blues.”

He's More Successful Though

He’s More Successful Though

Since then, he has met famous people like Justin Bieber, performed at Coachella, and appeared in The Angry Birds Movie!

Different Kind Of Pressure

If you grew up with siblings, you are aware of how challenging it is to refrain from comparisons. Despite having your best interests in mind, parents may compare your achievements.

Different Kind Of Pressure

Different Kind Of Pressure

If you’ve ever had a younger sibling who accomplished something before you—like learning to drive, getting their dream job, getting better grades or finding a committed partner—you can relate to this Twitter user’s suffering. The battle is genuine!

Not Available, Sorry

This Twitter post is legendary. We’ve all experienced uncomfortable situations where we’ve been the target of some misconstrued signals or, worse, where we’ve been the ones misinterpreting. She thought Benton Olson was making out with her when he was staring at his classmate.

Not Available, Sorry

Not Available, Sorry

He was actually perplexed by the lettuce leaf from her lunch that had somehow gotten onto her head. When she responded that she had a boyfriend, Twitter history was created.

You’re On Your Own Now

Everybody has heard the famous saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” which our parents and grandparents instilled in us as children to motivate us to consume fruit. Nobody had thought about the seemingly harmless statement’s potentially fatal implications prior to this tweet.

You're On Your Own Now

You’re On Your Own Now

What if you’re a voracious apple eater who is in urgent need of medical care? Then, what happens? We need solutions! Do any medical professionals want to refute these absurd rumors?

What’s The Difference

Sarcasm can be amusing or downright irritable depending on the situation. It would probably be difficult for you to resist slapping him if you were this guy’s significant other. If your partner ever responds with this sly remark after you ask them to pick up milk from the store, break up with them.

What's The Difference

What’s The Difference

As the years pass, the dad jokes, constant sarcasm, and puns will only get worse! My friend, it’s a ticking time bomb. Just try to hold your laughter when they joke!

Useless Captcha

Completing those captcha forms when you are creating a new account or logging into a website can be very annoying. This ironic Tumblr post is right on the money.

Useless Captcha

Useless Captcha

When a website assumes you are a robot while you are merely attempting to log into your favorite retailer’s website to make a purchase of new socks, it can be extremely frustrating. The requirement to confirm your email makes it even more annoying. Even the robots don’t wear socks!

Geographical Confusions

When you’re caught saying something stupid online, it can be quite embarrassing. If you make a mistake on social media, thousands of people will share and reblog your ridiculous comment, making you immortalized for all time.

Geographical Confusions

Geographical Confusions

When they attempted to make a hilarious joke about New York City becoming the state capital, one Tumblr user learned this the hard way and was corrected by another user. Reminder: Albany is the location of New York state’s capital.

The Difference

To tell that 2020 has been such a crazy year is an understatement. Worldwide media attention has been drawn to the coronavirus pandemic, which has been a source of illness, stress, and anxiousness for everyone for the majority of the year.

The Difference

The Difference

As this Twitter user knows, you can sometimes use humor to get through difficult situations. TV advertisements at the beginning of the pandemic had a somber tone. But by the summer, things had changed a little bit!

You Better Shut It Down

What music can do for the spirit is truly amazing. However, this person claims that a chance song that played significantly enhanced their quality of life. Actually, the song wasn’t so random; it was performed by controversial pop star Justin Bieber.

You Better Shut It Down

You Better Shut It Down

This person jokingly implied that one of the Biebs’ songs ended up waking them up from a coma in order to make the ironic point that they don’t like his music.

Flip Phones

Being without a smartphone is strange in the modern world. Recall the days when flip phones seemed to be in style and that everyone had one? They aren’t entirely obsolete yet, but they’re not nearly as common as they once were.

Flip Phones

Flip Phones

This person is making the argument that since flip phones are typically quite affordable these days, anyone using one must not have much money.

Movie Batman

Don’t you just adore it when someone can sum up a movie in a single biting line? On Twitter, some people are able to support themselves, and these people seem to be an expert in their field.


Movie Batman

Movie Batman

The following one-sentence summary of The Dark Knight is pretty accurate if you think about it. It not only gives the movie a comedic twist, but it also helps us understand the Joker a little better.

You Wouldn’t Know It

Hipsters appear to have dramatically increased over the previous ten years. This indicates that virtually every aspect of daily life, including many police precincts, is influenced by this subgenre.

You Wouldn't Know It

You Wouldn’t Know It

Imagine a world where a police officer casually mentions a crime that he believes is too specialized for a general audience. Perhaps the most “meta” internet post on the entire list is this one. Please have this guy be the one to arrest us if we ever do!

He Saw A Tree

People are becoming more and more reliant on technology, to the point where they have forgotten what it feels like to be one with nature. We find it difficult to look up and be in awe of the world around us because we are so engrossed in our phones.

He Saw A Tree

He Saw A Tree

The only time this guy truly appreciated Earth was when his phone’s battery died while he was in the woods. He suddenly noticed a tree.

When Life Gives You Lemons…

The old saying “when life gives you lemons” seems to have been recycled a million times. This is the million and second time, ladies and gentlemen, and boy, is it an excellent one.

When Life Gives You Lemons...

When Life Gives You Lemons…

It gives the impression of someone who decides to act extremely morbidly by humiliating one of his lemons in front of the other people. Somebody has been making lemonade while watching too many gangster movies. Those lemons couldn’t refuse the offer he made to them!

Summed Up In One Sentence

Here’s another instance of a person who made a movie even funnier than it already was by giving a very brief summary of it. When compared to other MCU films, Thor: Ragnarok is hilarious. However, this tweet elevates the film to a completely new level.

Summed Up In One Sentence

Summed Up In One Sentence

Families can be challenging, and Thor’s is no exception. In the Taika Waititi film, he undoubtedly struggles with his sister, and this Tweet really drives that point home.

Forgot Saying Unquote

Don’t you just hate it when pretentious individuals have to end a famous line from a play or story by saying “unquote”? It is the most cringe-worthy thing anyone on this planet someone can possibly say. This person needed to shed light on it.

Forgot Saying Unquote

Forgot Saying Unquote

The way he phrased his thoughts, however, really drove home how irritated he is with the ridiculous habit. When you use sarcasm to sugarcoat something, it becomes sweeter.

Bye, Meghan

Isn’t it amusing how one’s mood can change depending on the type of music playing in a public place? Although we have no control over the music that cafes and restaurants play, this does not obligate us to continue drinking their coffee if we find the music intolerable.

Bye, Meghan

Bye, Meghan

This person used the phrase “music can take you to another place” in a pretty savage way, wording it in a more sarcastic manner. In essence, he despises Meghan Trainor.

Burning Bridges

You need to be super cautious about what you say these days, especially on social media sites like Twitter. Otherwise, someone might notice your stupidity and give you the most brutal criticism imaginable.

Burning Bridges

Burning Bridges

Consider the man who was perplexed as to why someone would spend a significant amount of money building a bridge. They failed to consider the possibility that the aforementioned bridge might be absolutely necessary and for a good reason.

Putting The Baby Down In A Different Way

New parents never tire of gushing about how adorable and priceless their infants are. However, it’s a demanding way of life, and parenting can be very stressful. Regardless of how adorable they are, this meme perfectly captures every parent’s secret desire to scream at their children! I’m sorry, kids! It’s just the straightforward reality.

Putting The Baby Down In A Different Way

Putting The Baby Down In A Different Way

It also shows how even a simple, innocent sentence can have two completely different meanings. Even if your children are very annoying, try to avoid hurting their feelings.

How Can It Leave Like That

Every adult person understands the value of handling money responsibly. Budgeting is terrible, though, and it’s too simple and enjoyable to spend money. This Twitter user lashed out at retailers for having the audacity to charge us for their products and services.

How Can It Leave Like That

How Can It Leave Like That

It’s excruciating to check your bank account after a trip or a notable shopping spree, there’s no denying that. How dare the funds depart from your account! That is not acceptable. Why does growing up have to be so challenging?


Wow, sarcasm is the pinnacle of humor. The meta-sarcasm in this tweet is on the verge of Inception levels. It’s ironic that it’s ironic about how funny it is. Which is amusing enough on its own. The question is, though, whether it’s meant to be sarcastic or humorous.



Do you already have a headache? Is it acceptable to use the hashtag “sarcasm” or would that be counterproductive? Is this hashtag used by anyone? At this point, the word “sarcasm” is meaningless. Help!

Watch One Movie

You will be all too familiar with the standard bedtime routine if you are a parent. They consume their meal, wash their hands, and then start pleading for an additional five minutes of fun before going to bed. The majority of children prefer to play Fortnite or Minecraft, though some also enjoy reading or playing with their toys.

Watch One Movie

Watch One Movie

When it came to their agreement of “one more thing,” the child of this Twitter user was cunning and chose to watch an entire movie before bed.

Making Friends

You’re sure to smile after reading this post! Finding friends can be challenging for introverts. It’s simple to avoid the spotlight and lead a cozy solitary life, but this Reddit user had a clever answer to the question, “How do you make friends? ”

Making Friends

Making Friends

Simply put, an extrovert adopts you and teaches you how to be like them! After all, it is said that opposites attract. If only things were that easy! It would be much simpler to start high school on the first day.