Employees Open Up About The Petty Reasons They Were Fired

Published on 06/15/2022
Employees Open Up About The Petty Reasons They Were Fired

Employees Open Up About The Petty Reasons They Were Fired

Many people lose their jobs, but it usually happens for a good reason, such as incompetence or failure to meet expectations. People are occasionally fired for completely illogical reasons, and when this happens, the unfortunate individuals tend to share the nonsense on social media. Here are some of the most ridiculous reasons why people have lost their jobs.

Should Have Predicted the Weather, Apparently

It’s always the worst to be fired for reasons that are completely beyond one’s control. Consider the possibility of losing your job as a result of a flight being delayed for any reason. That isn’t even close to being reasonable or fair.

Should Have Predicted The Weather, Apparently

Should Have Predicted The Weather, Apparently

The fact that her boss fired this poor person even earlier because she didn’t want to go to a farewell lunch that was completely unnecessary in the first place only adds salt to the wound. With a place like that, she was probably relieved to be able to leave earlier.

The Boss Is Always Right

In the same way that a customer must remember that the boss is always right, even when they are wrong, one must remember that the boss is always right. When this person’s coworker had a disagreement with the person in charge of their entire organization, they learned the hard way. Whoops.

The Boss Is Always Right

The Boss Is Always Right

If the person who lost their job this time learned anything, it’s that you should never disagree with the big boss. If that’s the case, the whole thing will just keep repeating itself.

Sports Are Serious Business

It doesn’t make sense to be fired for something so minor unless your job involves sports, but someone has been fired for something similar. Unfortunately, something like this happening to someone isn’t all that surprising.

Sports Are Serious Business

Sports Are Serious Business

At the very least, the person who was fired received some restitution in the long run, though, based on the sounds of things, the universe’s retribution may have been swift.

The More You Know

There are a variety of reasons for being fired, but imagine being fired because you were never even told you were hired. That isn’t even petty; it is simply ridiculous on the part of the company that cannot get its Human Resources department in order.

The More You Know

The More You Know

Doesn’t showing up to work and therefore not getting hired count as being fired? That’s the real question here. The person who wrote this post had absolutely nothing to do with it, so it’s easy to see why they’re upset.

Sorry, Not Sorry

Have you expressed regret to the customer? Sorry, but you weren’t sincere enough in your apology, and you’ve been fired. That pretty much sums up this CNA’s work experience. The worst part is knowing that such people will go to great lengths to fire someone for any reason, at any time.

Sorry, Not Sorry

Sorry, Not Sorry

What makes one apology more valuable than another? Is it the words, the tone, or the actions that are to blame? In any case, this CNA didn’t appear to be up to the standard, so they might want to look into it.

Thinly Veiled Excuses

When someone is fired for no good reason, it’s usually because the boss doesn’t like them very much. However, this reality is only revealed to the victim on a handful of occasions, regardless of who does the revealing.

Thinly Veiled Excuses

Thinly Veiled Excuses

Good customer service has nothing to do with being aggressive with a customer. While it’s possible that no one will ever find out, using it as a reason to fire someone sure seems lackluster.

That’s Not How Meat Works

Getting fired because a manager doesn’t know what they’re talking about is one of the most maddening reasons for getting fired. As a result, this person was let go because of something the person in charge clearly didn’t understand.

That's Not How Meat Works

That’s Not How Meat Works

One of the pettiest reasons to lose your job is because of a lack of understanding of how meat patties work. Fortunately, finding work in the fast food industry is not difficult.

The Greater of Two Evils?

Taking smoke breaks seems to be considered a more acceptable use of an IT worker’s time than randomly browsing the internet. This unfortunate individual discovered this out the hard way when a coworker came forward to reveal his or her illicit activities.

The Greater Of Two Evils?

The Greater Of Two Evils?

Hopefully, he was able to apply for one of those other jobs before being treated so shabbily, given that he was fired from his job after being caught doing what was shared on Reddit. We assume he’s fine now because it happened in the past.

You Know What They Say About Assuming

When working in a bar, it’s only natural to ask for identification to ensure that patrons are of legal drinking age. But, let’s face it, when someone is older than 21, especially if their hair is gray, it’s pretty obvious. Given the circumstances, it’s a little strange that this person was fired.

You Know What They Say About Assuming

You Know What They Say About Assuming

The fact that so many people are fired without warning or any other form of notice is also puzzling to me When an employee makes a mistake, even if it’s a small one, some employers have no patience.

Seems Reasonable

Imagine being fired from your job for no other reason than you miscapitalized something. That, my friends, is one of the most petty things I’ve ever heard of. That’s most likely why the social media update is so succinct..

Seems Reasonable

Seems Reasonable

Unfortunately, because this post is so brief, we don’t get any information about the actual job. Who knows: if this person had been an editor or something, capitalization, of all things, might have cost them their job.

Too Much PDA

To be honest, this didn’t seem like a lot of PDA, if any at all, but someone in charge evidently thought it was too much to allow at work, let alone to let the perpetrators off with a warning. Fortunately, the victim appears unconcerned about the outcome.

Too Much PDA

Too Much PDA

Any employee anywhere in the world who has to worry about crazy bosses like this one firing them at the drop of a hat deserves to be congratulated on their success.

Put a Sock in It

Socks? Of all the things to be fired over? How could the boss notice? Why were they focusing so intently on the man’s feet in the first place? No one knows the answers to any of these questions, but the fact remains that someone was fired because of socks.

Put A Sock In It

Put A Sock In It

Maybe there was a strict dress code in place at this workplace, but can’t someone who shows up to work in the wrong socks at the very least be given a heads-up before being fired?

Should Have Been More Agreeable

Getting fired because you don’t want to pick up the slack someone else left for you is the pettiest thing. This unfortunate soul was dealt such a blow, and it’s hard to feel sorry for them given the circumstances.

Should Have Been More Agreeable

Should Have Been More Agreeable

The fast food industry seems to be rife with irrational bosses who refuse to treat their employees fairly. Even so, when you think about it, this should not be surprising.

As Per the Agreement

This is why all agreements should be written down. People, it turns out, have a habit of forgetting their agreements, especially when they are not beneficial to them. This person lost their job as a result of their employer’s failure to honor a contract they had signed.

As Per The Agreement

As Per The Agreement

The fact that employers are able to consistently ruin the jobs of those who work for them is just another example of how they manage to do so. In a way, it appears as though they are enjoying it or something along those lines.

Know Who Your Friends Are

Even though it’s discouraging, the fact that you can’t trust the people in your life is a fact. It’s possible that someone will ruin your career by making a blunder in front of the boss. Not to mention the fabrication of something. This is merely an illustrative example of what might happen in the future.

Know Who Your Friends Are

Know Who Your Friends Are

It just goes to show that when you’re around people who don’t like you, you should always be aware of what you’re doing. Otherwise, you risk losing your job over a minor issue.

The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Boot

As this incident illustrates, sometimes the person who complains gets fired, not the person who deserves it. There are many examples of workplace injustice, and this is one more. There simply isn’t any justice in the world.

The Squeaky Wheel Gets The Boot

The Squeaky Wheel Gets The Boot

It just goes to show that unless you hold a senior position in your company, you have no right to complain about the things that are wrong there. What a crazy world we live in.

What is Sympathy?

If you get sick, don’t expect your employer to be concerned unless you have a good boss. Losing your job right after going to the hospital can’t be worse, and it happens far more often than we’d like to think about.

What Is Sympathy?

What Is Sympathy?

We can skip this one because it’s so ridiculously unimportant that it doesn’t belong on this list in the first place. However, due to its outright absurdity, we felt compelled to bring it up.

Can’t Make Up Their Minds

What could be more petty than being fired for following your boss’s instructions? You do what they tell you to do, and then you’re fired for it. It doesn’t get much more absurd than that, which is why this scenario made the cut.

Can't Make Up Their Minds

Can’t Make Up Their Minds

Well, technically, two people lost their jobs this time around, but at least one of them was able to quit on the basis of their own integrity rather than being fired for some ridiculous reason.

Not Much of a Loss

Losing your job because of a minor offense is almost always a bad thing, but it can happen to anyone for any number of reasons. Even though he was fired for a petty offense, he had already secured a new position when the incident occurred.

Not Much Of A Loss

Not Much Of A Loss

At the very least, he didn’t have to feel bad about being fired from his previous position because he had already found work elsewhere. Regardless, he most likely had a good laugh as a result of it.

Take it to Court

Assume you lose your job because you tried to show your bosses that you were doing something reasonable, but they twisted it to get you fired instead. This unfortunate person should have taken the case to court and could have walked away with millions if they had done so.

Take It To Court

Take It To Court

Really, it appears that the people who are fired from this list should never look or speak to their employers in a way that is even mildly upsetting or questionable at best.

Who Needs Workplace Safety?

Are you trying to make your life and the lives of your coworkers safer? Fired. Why would you even attempt to improve your coworkers’ and own safety conditions? Apparently, that is precisely the type of thing that a boss would fire you for.

Who Needs Workplace Safety?

Who Needs Workplace Safety?

If you’re fired for something like this, it seems like a lawsuit is just waiting to happen, but unfortunately this Reddit post doesn’t provide any information on whether or not something like that took place.

Don’t Do What You Were Paid For

You intend to carry out the duties for which you were compensated? That’s something the powers that be would certainly oppose. As a result of their success, this individual was let go from their contractual position. These days, does it help your job security to deliberately perform below expectations?

Don't Do What You Were Paid For

Don’t Do What You Were Paid For

It’s even worse when you consider how much work goes into coding and how critical it is to eliminate bugs. The fact that Microsoft does not want this taken care of is bizarre.

Not Fiscally Responsible

You’re not bringing in millions of dollars for your company in a matter of weeks? Fired! Some employers can simply fire employees with no recourse these days. But this time, the employer purged his entire staff, a decision that was doubtless fraught with peril.

Not Fiscally Responsible

Not Fiscally Responsible

The real question is, what type of business was this individual running where they expected to make that much profit in such a short period of time, because that type of expectation is, to put it mildly, ridiculous.

Silence Is Golden

To keep a job, it appears that one must avoid conversation at all costs. It’s best to avoid giving your employer any reason to fire you, given how easy it is for your employer to do so. That may appear difficult when everything is taken into account, but it almost seems necessary in light of such circumstances.

Silence Is Golden

Silence Is Golden

Even being accommodative appears to have the potential to get you fired at an inopportune time. It becomes increasingly clear as you read more of these that one’s ability to keep a job is solely dependent on how fair one’s employer is.

That Clearly Wasn’t Worth It

So, given that it involves theft of company property, this is a reasonable reason for firing. The fact remains, the company could have gotten away with a warning instead of dismissing this employee for stealing two toilet paper rolls.

That Clearly Wasn't Worth It

That Clearly Wasn’t Worth It

Naturally, his wife was understandably dissatisfied with the entire situation, and she cannot be held entirely responsible for her feelings, given the circumstances.

Damned if You Do, and if You Don’t

Another example of someone being fired for doing exactly what they were told to do, despite informing their boss that it was not a good idea. This appears to be a widespread problem in the workplace, which is alarming to say the least.

Damned If You Do, And If You Don't

Damned If You Do, And If You Don’t

It’s almost as if you can’t win no matter what you do, whether you follow the boss’s orders or not. It’s an unfortunate workplace reality that, at the very least, makes for interesting social media posts.

Getting Hurt is All Your Fault

Another example of someone being fired for having the audacity to get hurt and end up in the hospital can be found here. Missing work days is one thing, but missing work days because of an injury is, apparently, completely absurd. To be honest, this sounds like another possible lawsuit.

Getting Hurt Is All Your Fault

Getting Hurt Is All Your Fault

At the very least, the rest of this person’s coworkers had the decency to express their displeasure, but it’s likely that the person who was fired will not be reinstated.

Can’t Argue With That

The only thing you can’t argue about is what your boss won’t let you argue about. This guy found out the hard way when someone made an accusation against him and he wasn’t allowed to defend himself, which is both petty and ridiculous.

Can't Argue With That

Can’t Argue With That

All it takes is a little unjustified slander to send someone’s job down the drain in a matter of seconds. Extremely petty and unjust, but given how frequently it happens to people, that’s the way the world is.

Efficiency Is Not What We Do Here

We live in a society where doing your job too well can get you fired. Take a moment to process that. It’s one thing to be fired for doing a poor job, but what about a good job? It’s understandable if you’re fired for a minor offense, but what if you’re fired for doing your job too well? Is it petty or simply insane at that point?

Efficiency Is Not What We Do Here

Efficiency Is Not What We Do Here

This is precisely why some people do not put forth their best effort at work: apparently, doing too well is just as likely to get you fired as doing poorly, so why try?

No Rest for the Weary

Nothing compares to being fired because you didn’t show up on a day when you weren’t supposed to. Some businesses make demands that are far beyond what should be expected, but it almost seems normal to them to be so demanding and presumptuous.

No Rest For The Weary

No Rest For The Weary

It appears that you can be fired for literally anything. Your employer’s whims are far more important than your own integrity, reason, and fairness. As the internet readily demonstrates, the story is far too common.

Family is No Excuse

As this article has already showed, going to the hospital to get out of work is not the best option. Apparently, whether you’re visiting a friend or loved one in the hospital or you’re going to the hospital for an injury, the need to visit a hospital never keeps your job safe.

Family Is No Excuse

Family Is No Excuse

Due to the fact that an elderly grandmother was involved, the situation has only gotten worse and has become even more unsavory, in my opinion. Is it possible that the world’s employers have no sympathy at all?

Just No Reason at All

Is it because of petty reasons that you were fired? How about for the sake of some unknown stranger’s convenience? Apparently, having someone they prefer over you is enough for an employer to fire you. This isn’t exactly nepotism, but it’s a close approximation.

Just No Reason At All

Just No Reason At All

As a result, if they simply cover their tracks with an excuse that cannot be refuted, you are likely to be left with no grounds for further investigation or accusations.

Boredom Doesn’t Cut It

This person was doing something unauthorized as far as their job was concerned, but based on their explanation, it appears that their actions were reasonable. No matter how you cut it, it’s still ridiculous.

Boredom Doesn't Cut It

Boredom Doesn’t Cut It

What it comes down to is that, of all places, you’d think a library would be a little more accommodating if one of their own employees was caught reading while on the job.

They Could Have Cut Him Some Slack

Have you lost a close friend or family member in a car accident? Want to take some time off from work to make sure they’re okay? Sorry, but unless your loved one was seriously injured, those aren’t acceptable reasons to miss work. Never in a million years did I imagine things would turn out that way.

They Could Have Cut Him Some Slack

They Could Have Cut Him Some Slack

The idea of being fired because your loved one could have been hurt, but ultimately wasn’t hurt badly enough, seems like the punchline of a bad joke to me. Unfortunately, this is not one of them.

Long-Term Victory

When someone is fired for a petty reason, the person who fired or got them fired usually receives no retaliation. It’s a feeling that many people don’t get to experience, but this person was fortunate enough to do so.

Long-Term Victory

Long-Term Victory

He was still fired for something he didn’t do, which is always a bummer. At the very least, he managed to emerge from the ordeal better than the person who got them fired.

The Call of Duty is Not Enough

One of the most common reasons for someone being fired appears to be that they informed their employer ahead of time that they would be unavailable, and the employer simply forgot or ignored it. It’s made worse by the fact that the schedule clash is caused by someone trying to serve their country.

The Call Of Duty Is Not Enough

The Call Of Duty Is Not Enough

According to some sources, it is always best to obtain written permission to be absent from work at specific times, otherwise the people in charge will simply forget about the whole thing.

It’s All About Timing

It’s a timeless classic to be fired because your superiors failed to inform you of something important. We snort all the time, usually in mockery of the offending company. Unfortunately, despite his brief stint, this person’s job was not saved.

It's All About Timing

It’s All About Timing

The manager of the fast food restaurant next door, who is hopefully more reasonable and who actually communicates the working hours to his employees, was a blessing in disguise.

Such Was My Plan

If you’ve ever been fired from a job for a minor offense, then you know how awful it feels. At that point, it’s actually kind of amusing, or it was for the person who wrote this post.

Such Was My Plan

Such Was My Plan

Isn’t it funny how quickly a manager can see a letter of resignation? Evidently not, given the fact that he underwent the entire ordeal. On the other hand, management isn’t perfect.

Teachers Have it Rough

A teacher’s job is one of the worst places to be fired from, especially for petty and irrational reasons. Their lives are already difficult enough, so losing one’s job for reasons beyond one’s control is particularly heinous.

Teachers Have It Rough

Teachers Have It Rough

As demonstrated by the situation described here, which serves as an excellent case in point, people simply expect far too much from teachers at the end of the day, which is completely unreasonable.

What Does That Even Mean?

According to numerous online social media posts, working in a fast food restaurant is extremely difficult. If you consider absurd scenarios like these, however, it is probably even more difficult to work at a fast food restaurant while abroad.

What Does That Even Mean?

What Does That Even Mean?

This was, at the very least, a temporary vacation job; however, the fact that the reason for firing me was petty ensures that this entry will be included on this list.

Don’t Date The Boss’ Daughter

But being fired for something no one else has ever been fired for is the worst. Some people just have bad luck or bosses. Others are simply stupid and bring it on themselves. Apparently, a lot of things went wrong for this guy in a short time. Not only was he cheated on and lose his girlfriend, but he was also fired! What a way to add insult to injury.

Don't Date The Boss' Daughter

Don’t Date The Boss’ Daughter

I believe this “boss’s” priorities are out of whack. I understand why you support your daughter, but she literally ruined her own relationship! Unfortunately for him, he got the short end of the stick in this situation, which is probably for the best. Would you really want to work for someone who reminds you of your failed relationship every day?

Getting ‘Drunk’ On NyQuil Never Ends Well

Let’s face it, we’ve all been there. Nothing is more frustrating than realizing too late that you took drowsy medication instead of non-drowsy. There’s no way out at that point; you just have to put up with it, down a Redbull, and hope for the best. In this person’s case, their mistake had a negative impact on their situation.

Getting 'Drunk' On NyQuil Never Ends Well

Getting ‘Drunk’ On NyQuil Never Ends Well

However, I do have a few questions: First and foremost, did this person’s boss just assume they were drunk based on their actions? Or was there some kind of blood alcohol test where the NyQuil showed up as alcohol? It’s entirely possible, but it all seems a little petty. I’d like to believe that if I told my boss I took NyQuil by accident, he’d believe me instead of dismissing me as a belligerent!

When The Wrong Person Got Fired

This one irritates me to no end. I despise it when I go to the store and discover that something I bought has expired because someone forgot to throw it out. Nobody was forgetting in this case, and the food was being sold past its expiration date on purpose! In a normal situation, the employee who raised the issue would be rewarded, while the boss would be fired.

When The Wrong Person Got Fired

When The Wrong Person Got Fired

Not in this case, at least! To keep their job after this big secret was revealed, this boss must have a lot of clout with Kroger. Worst of all? This employee will now be afraid to speak out against management in the future. It’s all a mess, and I believe everyone would agree that the wrong person was fired here. Perhaps I’ll think twice about shopping at Kroger in the future.

Get A Load Of This Guy

Oh, my goodness, this is hilarious! Sometimes it’s just a matter of developing a sense of humor and moving on. Unfortunately, the workplace is full of tense people who can’t take a joke. Some people, understandably, might not have felt at ease having their sperm mocked every time they walked through the door. However, this is a ridiculous reason to be fired.

Get A Load Of This Guy

Get A Load Of This Guy

This employee didn’t steal anything or do anything outrageous; they were simply trying to lighten the mood! I’m curious if the management gave any kind of warning or if they simply got tired of it and fired this employee. Perhaps this person’s next job should be in stand-up comedy, or at the very least in a field where people don’t mind laughing.

Walmart, Where They’ll Fire You For Their Own Screw-Ups

Can you imagine being fired from your job because of something the company caused? This is exactly what happened to this Walmart employee. Some sort of chemical or allergic reaction occurred while stocking pool chemicals, and it was all downhill from there. When handling chemicals that can burn their hands, I believe it is a good idea to have your employees wear gloves or other protective gear.

Walmart, Where They'll Fire You For Their Own Screw Ups

Walmart, Where They’ll Fire You For Their Own Screw Ups

Perhaps they took more precautions after this incident, but firing this person was completely uncalled for! They should have paid the hospital bills and given them a raise instead. Walmart, on the other hand, chose not to accept responsibility for its mistakes and simply walked away from the situation. So much for “save money, live better,” as the saying goes.

Apparently, Disneyland Is Not A Playground

Imagine losing your job at Disney because you were having too much fun. Is it even legal to do that? I completely understand that Disneyland employees are held to a high standard. Of course, the “fun” is intended for the paying customers. However, the fact that this boss told his employee that a massive amusement park was “not a playground” stays constant.

Apparently, Disneyland Is Not A Playground

Apparently, Disneyland Is Not A Playground

Were they aware of the irony in this statement, or were they simply unaware of what Disneyland was? In any case, it’s all a little strange. However, more information is required. What type of horseplaying are we discussing here? Is it just a few light punches to the arm, or has Mickey Mouse been attacked in the middle of a parade? The devil, as they say, is in the details!

Everyone’s Work Poo Nightmare

It’s never easy to go to the bathroom at work. Consider yourself extremely fortunate if you have a private bathroom at work. The rest of us have to deal with the bathroom poop game, which isn’t as bad as it sounds but is still annoying. Someone always appears just as you’re about to do your business in the bathroom. Even worse is the bathroom standoff, in which two people sit waiting for the other to leave so they can start pooping.

Everyone's Work Poo Nightmare

Everyone’s Work Poo Nightmare

It should be illegal to be fired for something as minor as going to the bathroom for too long! Who are you to judge what other people do in the restroom? I’m confident that all of the coworkers would prefer that the business be handled there rather than at their desks. At the very least, this employee learned a valuable lesson: ALWAYS check for toilet paper before proceeding.

This Sick Kitchen Disaster

A kitchen is one of those places where you must call in sick! Sure, no one wants a coughing fit in the office, but at least you’re only in contact with your coworkers. Working in a kitchen means that every sick germ has the potential to infect the food of paying customers.

This Sick Kitchen Disaster

This Sick Kitchen Disaster

There have been enough kitchen horror stories to make me swear I’ll never eat out again, and this is no exception. I believe no one should be in charge of a kitchen if they encourage employees to come in when they are terminally ill. To be honest, this isn’t the fault of the employees, and management should be ashamed! How can you force a sick employee to come in and then fire them for being sick on the job?

Vacation Time Gone Wrong

Employees who try to do the right thing get fired by management who have no idea what they’re doing, I’m starting to notice a pattern here. In the workplace, vacation time is a prized possession that is not taken lightly. When you ask for time off, you expect to be given those days off, not fired. After all, they’re your vacation days, right?

Vacation Time Gone Wrong

Vacation Time Gone Wrong

Well, even this person’s carefully planned vacation couldn’t prevent them from being fired. This is the second time in this list that a Walmart employee has been fired for no apparent reason. Perhaps there’s a reason Walmart has a revolving door: it clearly has more to do with the company than with the employees!

This Boss Who Might Actually Be Insane

With this one, I honestly don’t know where to begin. Two thoughts would run through my mind if my boss fired me for not being able to staple properly. One, “Is this person serious?” And two, “Is there genuinely something wrong with me that I can’t clasp two pieces of paper together properly?” In this situation, I need more information because it could go either way.

This Boss Who Might Actually Be Insane

This Boss Who Might Actually Be Insane

Whether this employee was stapling papers in the center instead of the corner, stapling things to the walls, and stapling things to the chairs, I’d understand letting them go. But I have the impression that this is just some petty perfectionist boss who can find flaws in anything. It’s probably best if this employee finds work elsewhere, for both parties involved.