40+ Instances Of People Seeing Something That Made Them Go “Oh No!”

Published on 08/30/2022
40+ Instances Of People Seeing Something That Made Them Go Oh No!

40+ Instances Of People Seeing Something That Made Them Go Oh No!

We’ve all experienced times when we were rendered speechless by something. We are frequently entertained, frightened out, or simply perplexed by these happenings. These Reddit users discussed the instances that made them think, “Oh no! View these humorous images of some of the most frightening events, people, or objects. You will undoubtedly be shaking your head in shock as well, we promise!

Those Look Comfortable

Those Look Comfortable

Most fashion designers aren’t expected to be experts in human anatomy, but even fundamental knowledge would be good. Human feet typically don’t split in half like cloven hooves do. We don’t know why these shoes were created; possibly it was to fit a deer or other animal with hooves. Black paint splatter also gives us a little shiver. You’ll be shaking your head and saying, “Oh, no,” after wearing these shoes.

Ye Olde Costco

The majority of consumers go to Costco stores to buy food and other products in large quantities. We have no idea what this customer is looking for just by looking at him. This man appears to have just left the set of a vintage Western film.

Ye Olde Costco

Ye Olde Costco

If you look closely, you can see that his long ponytail is meticulously kept in place by a studded leather sheath, just in case, his attire wasn’t eye-catching enough. When you think you’ve seen it all, a man with a ponytail sheath walks right up to you and buys bulk-sized toilet paper.


Have you ever imagined what it would be like to feel the panic that would follow from having your entire home fully flooded? How about going to clean your teeth in the morning and feeling that anxiety and worry every time?



Someone got the brilliant notion to paint their floor with epoxy resin, which looks like the still water’s reflective surface. While this might be lovely in a tiny space, the overwhelming blue color makes us feel as though we’re on the Titanic movie set.

Give Me a Break…

Unless they witness something so terrible that they feel compelled to speak out, candy lovers are not often the most judgmental people. This Reddit member chose to post this picture of his wife enjoying a Kit-Kat bar in a special way.

Give Me A Break…

Give Me A Break…

Her approach horrified users, who even joked that it was the cause for its separation! We hope she’s enjoying it even if we have no idea why or how she came to the conclusion that this was the ideal way to eat a candy bar.

Appalling Accessories

Due to the prevalence of frightening dolls in horror films or the fact that dolls have human-like characteristics but are lifeless, many people have an irrational dread of dolls (although not according to some scary movies).

Appalling Accessories

Appalling Accessories

The scary object has been made even creepier by this jewelry designer. What’s worse is that she can now become uneasy whenever she stares down at your hand! Yes, we are rejecting the headless doll ring.

Hard Pass on These Shoes

Look away, clown haters! These incredibly frightening shoes were shared on Reddit by a user who also received some amusing responses. The majority of users expressed their fear of the shoes featuring Pennywise, the evil clown from the It franchise, as was to be expected.

Hard Pass On These Shoes

Hard Pass On These Shoes

Even devotees of the program and book would find it unsettling to frequently glance at this clown’s face. We find it impossible to fathom waking up in the middle of the night to find this bizarre face staring back at us.

Sunburn Caused by Stubbornness

The majority of individuals concur that one of the worst personality qualities is stubbornness. In fact, many people contend that being stubborn can lead to a variety of issues that are readily avoidable.

Sunburn Caused By Stubbornness

Sunburn Caused By Stubbornness

Friends of this man constantly offered to assist him in putting sunscreen on his back. For some reason, he declined their help and only used the sunscreen where he could reach it alone. This image, in our opinion, should serve as a cautionary tale: take assistance when it is offered!

Hair in All the Wrong Places

It might be challenging to undergo hair loss. Some men have a slow process of turning bald, and these people frequently try to save as much of their hair as they can. Although this frequently leads to shoddy combovers or haphazard patches, we don’t believe we have ever noticed a single patch of hair at the nape of the neck.

Hair In All The Wrong Places

Hair In All The Wrong Places

It appears that this hair is actually just his back hair that has grown past its normal spot and connected to the remainder of his head hair, as one Reddit member noted.

From the Office to the Theme Park

The Office is still one of the most watched and adored television series, despite having ended in 2013. The majority of people have a favorite scene or character.

From The Office To The Theme Park

From The Office To The Theme Park

However, not many people would wear a t-shirt with their favorite Office cast member’s image on it. This person made the decision to inform everyone at the theme park of his slightly abnormal fixation with Michael Scott, played by Steve Carell. While this shirt has us somewhat astonished, we are also very interested in where he purchased it.

Creepy Cookies

It’s not unusual for folks to prepare and give holiday-themed cookies over the festive season. While those who get these delightful gifts typically express gratitude, we have a hunch that the recipient of this eerie reindeer would feel more afraid than grateful.

Creepy Cookies

Creepy Cookies

The baker successfully portrayed the broad outline of a reindeer’s head on the first try. Around that time, everything started to go wrong for this cookie artisan. His eyes are pink, but why? Why do his teeth look so big? We suspect this is their first encounter with a reindeer.

Makeup Mayhem

Even just looking at this image makes you want to scream, “Oh, no! When he stole his owner’s makeup pallet, this sweetly mischievous puppy decided to explore his creative side.

Makeup Mayhem

Makeup Mayhem

He managed to shatter numerous eyeshadows, rip the paper cover off the palette, and cover himself in eyeshadow pigments. Perhaps he did this to encourage his owner to wear less makeup? We would easily overlook any transgression on his part with a face that adorable!


Interesting creatures, armadillos are almost entirely covered in bony armored plates. In several locations around the country, these unusual species are quite prevalent.

Armadill Nooooo!

Armadill Nooooo!

In someone’s closet, they can live in a less typical environment. Apparently created from an armadillo, this Reddit user’s grandmother’s favorite purse is shown in the picture. Making a purse with tiny claws is the height of bad taste, even worse than using real animals as fashion accessories!

Raccoons in the Big Apple

New York is renowned for having some of the craziest residents, places, and objects. Few things are said to bother a native New Yorker. However, even the most jaded New Yorker occasionally finds themselves surprised by some peculiar subway sightings.

Raccoons In The Big Apple

Raccoons In The Big Apple

This man, sporting a headgear with six raccoon tails, was nonchalantly hurrying to catch the subway. To assume that his former classmate would wear this kind of headgear, this Reddit user must have grown up in a rural environment.

Put Down the Pizza Cutter

The majority of pizza fans disagree on whether pineapple belongs on pizza. But after seeing this picture, we feel like we’ve started an even greater debate.

Put Down The Pizza Cutter

Put Down The Pizza Cutter

Is there a proper pizza-eating technique? We believe that a legislation prohibiting the cutting of pizza in this manner needs to be passed after viewing this bizarre photograph. The worst thing is that they appear to have ordered stuffed crust; why would they order that and then abandon it? Simply sacrilegious pizza behavior.

Petrifying Pedicures

The majority of people typically find the concept of sending kids to a spa unsettling. These spooky bear spa chairs will persuade anyone who was opposed kids visiting spas to reconsider.

Petrifying Pedicures

Petrifying Pedicures

Although we can appreciate the spa’s motivation, the way it was carried out made us feel genuinely uneasy. This Reddit user’s response to seeing these dubious bear chairs is priceless. These mechanical bears seem to be coming to life.

Owl Be Taking Over This Garage

The likelihood of people coming into contact with animals increases as more neighborhoods are built in former woodlands. When they came into this startling scene, they were merely attempting to get something from their garage.

Owl Be Taking Over This Garage

Owl Be Taking Over This Garage

This juvenile owl apparently made the garage its home and wasn’t very happy about being removed. This Reddit user’s response to the big bird is amusing. We concur with him that this owl isn’t missing leg day based on how thick his fuzzy legs are.

Welcome to the Camo Casa

When you own a home, you frequently want it to reflect your distinct sense of style and preferences. For the majority of individuals, this entails including eye-catching architectural details or gardens. These people made the decision to flaunt their passion for camouflage print to the neighborhood.

Welcome To The Camo Casa

Welcome To The Camo Casa

They included a number of odd forms concealed within the camouflage for added amusement. We have no idea what effect this “unique” design has had on local real estate costs.

Postponed Emergencies

Emergency phone towers have been one of the most useful additions to many parks and outdoor spaces, especially in remote locations. Even though these towers have the potential to save lives in an emergency, they must function properly.

Postponed Emergencies

Postponed Emergencies

The tower that this Reddit user discovered wonderfully encapsulates the phrase “You had one job…” We find it amusing that they kindly advise you not to have an emergency there. Maybe the person who wrote this sign needs to have someone explain what an emergency scenario is.


One of the most consumed foods worldwide is chicken soup. Due to its mending capabilities, it is frequently referred to as liquid penicillin. In contrast to most chicken soup, which aims to heal, this one only makes us feel ill.



The idea that these popsicles genuinely have a gelatinous feel just makes me queasy. It seems that many nations in Eastern Europe and China are quite fond of savory gelatinous meals. It is a delicacy known as aspic or head cheese. We’ll move on.

The Real Nightmare Before Christmas

The majority of people are afraid of visiting the dentist. It’s a really natural dread to have given how unpleasant most dental procedures are. This dental practice decided to set up a Christmas tree made out of what we assume are artificial teeth as if visiting the dentist wasn’t terrible enough.

The Real Nightmare Before Christmas

The Real Nightmare Before Christmas

We guarantee that for a time, this denture Christmas tree will give you nightmares. This is an illustration of how a picture becomes scarier the longer you stare at it.

Can You Give Me a Hand?

Many artists adore using wood to craft intricate works of art. There is no questioning the artist’s talent in carving this handle, but most people would agree that this hand is somewhat unsettling.

Can You Give Me A Hand

Can You Give Me A Hand

We aren’t the only ones who would be reluctant to open this door, it seems. The anatomically accurate wood hand supposedly scared one Reddit user to the point where they would only pull it if their kids were on the other side!

Ogre-Approved Cakes

We can see why someone might want a birthday celebration with a Shrek theme. After all, the films are very entertaining and have evolved into modern comedy classics. Having said that, we’re not certain if we would want this spooky birthday cake at any of our gatherings.

Ogre Approved Cakes

Ogre Approved Cakes

We don’t really want to see an appetizing depiction of an ogre having a bath, to begin with. Another problem is that this character doesn’t precisely like Shrek; rather, this eerie cake persona resembles an extraterrestrial.

Smile, You’re on Camera

When you walk into a public restroom, there are a lot of things you don’t want to see. While there are undoubtedly many more, we can practically guarantee that seeing a camera just above your stall is on the list. In fact, many jurisdictions forbid the use of recording devices in private spaces like bathrooms or locker rooms.

Smile, You’re On Camera

Smile, You’re On Camera

Although we’re not really clear why there’s a camera in the restroom, we hope it was removed right away. We can appreciate the poster’s shock when they looked up and realized they were being recorded.

Not a Fan of This Fan-delier

People may be rather inventive when it comes to keeping their homes cool in the summer. This individual made the choice to incorporate their appreciation of a chic chandelier with a useful ceiling fan. Fortunately, they created the fan-delier as a brilliant alternative.

Not A Fan Of This Fan Delier

Not A Fan Of This Fan-Delier

We have a lot of questions, even though we’re confident that whoever designed this is proud of their lighting solution. The chandelier seems to be spinning like a fan. If that’s the case, we can imagine this being a little nauseating in addition to being a little risky.

Something’s Bugging Me About This Purse

It can be tempting to look for items that feature your favorite animal when you have a pet. Despite the fact that they are normally common creatures like kittens or butterflies, this person chose to declare their love for… grubs.

Something’s Bugging Me About This Purse

Something’s Bugging Me About This Purse

We find it hard to believe that not only does a firm exist that produces anatomically accurate grubs purses, but that someone would choose to use one. We can’t see this guy being very popular with their disgusting accessory given how many people find grubs or maggots repulsive.

DIY Don’t

We comprehend. It can be expensive to renovate your home, particularly if you need to hire a contractor to realize all of your architectural fantasies. This person made the decision to save on the materials, which are among the most expensive aspects of a house restoration project.

DIY Don’t

DIY Don’t

They were (nearly) able to retile their shower by bringing tile samples from their neighborhood home improvement store! While we admire their resourceful approach to construction, we’ll continue to use authorized contractors.

Mac & Cheese Sushi

It’s true what you read in the headline. This individual was determined to make this macaroni and cheese monstrosity despite the fact that it would offend the Japanese culinary tradition.

Mac & Cheese Sushi

Mac & Cheese Sushi

While we can appreciate the appeal of macaroni and cheese, hot dogs, and sushi separately, we just can’t image putting them all together. This is the epitome of the adage, “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.”

Hair-Raising Nails

Although nail art has long been a popular trend in beauty, we are now seeing more and more crazy designs thanks to social media. While originality is admirable, this person has gone too far with her nail art—or, to be more precise, a foot of hair.

Hair Raising Nails

Hair Raising Nails

We don’t even know how they manage to carry out routine activities; we don’t even know what motivated them to attach long hair extensions to their nails. These disgusting nails seem downright unclean, so we sincerely hope this is a hoax!

Nightmare Fuel

Have you ever wished that staring at your fingernails would make you feel so uneasy that you couldn’t sleep? When choosing this particularly gruesome nail art design, this person must have asked themselves that question.

Nightmare Fuel

Nightmare Fuel

The bottom row of red nails is the stuff of nightmares, whereas the upper row is a totally acceptable choice for nail art. Why are the only eyes on these “faces” white slits? Where are their brows located? We have a lot of questions, such as “Just why? ”

Awful Accessories

It might be challenging to understand party dress guidelines at times. Maybe this person went a little too far with the cocktail party stylish idea. This person’s decision to accessorize with a shrimp cocktail must have had a purpose.

Awful Accessories

Awful Accessories

Even if this is somewhat alarming, we have to wonder: where can one even buy shrimp-based earrings? We really hope she didn’t spend too much on these awful earrings!

Stuffed Animal Suit

It can be challenging to find the ideal attire. The majority of us choose our clothing based on the weather or where we are headed. This man reportedly chooses his clothing based on how many plush animals are included.

Stuffed Animal Suit

Stuffed Animal Suit

It’s difficult to distinguish between humans and stuffed animals when there are so many of them around. We can’t help but wonder whether he has more of these stuffed animal suits given how long it probably took him to build this unique suit.

Hamburger Shakes

A traditional pairing that may be found in many restaurants is hamburgers and shakes. Because of this, the chef made the brilliant decision to mix the two to create a hamburger in a glass. The layers of customary ingredients and toppings used in conventional hamburgers were chosen by the inventor of this terrible trifle.

Hamburger Shakes

Hamburger Shakes

While the majority of people wouldn’t mind consuming these components if they were sandwiched between two buns, eating a hamburger with a spoon looks kind of odd.

Privacy? What’s That?

Most people would want to use the restroom in the privacy of their own homes if given the option. Sadly, there are times when that is not an option. When you’re away from home, you occasionally have to use a public restroom.

Privacy? What’s That?

Privacy? What’s That?

When this person entered the stall, they were in for a surprise because they had just intended to use it briefly. The door and its frame appear to be separated by at least an inch or two. They had every right to hold off till they got home, and we wouldn’t blame them!

Fast-Food Fashion

You’ll be completely perplexed after viewing the following image. What is this woman wearing, to begin with? Where can one buy a tracksuit with a KFC theme? Even better, why would anyone feel the need to purchase a tracksuit with a KFC theme?

Fast Food Fashion

Fast Food Fashion

Looking past that fashion disaster, we notice that both our stylish fast-food fashionista and her pal are wearing bare feet. Do we have something missing? When did walking barefoot in restaurants become fashionable?

Bored Butchers

Everyone experiences brief periods of work-related boredom. These butchers decided to build the nightmare-inducing meat rat because they had a little too much free time on their hands.

Bored Butchers

Bored Butchers

These butchers created one of the scariest things we’ve seen in a while using ground beef for the rat’s body, sausage for its tail, chicken feet for paws, and sliced meat for ears. We suspect that “meat rat” might convert even the most committed carnivore to vegetarianism!

Sushi Sacrilege

People can now sample cuisine from throughout the world without leaving their hometowns because to the popularization of hitherto “strange” delicacies. Nowadays, traditional dishes may be found in the majority of shops and eateries.

Sushi Sacrilege

Sushi Sacrilege

Although this accessibility may be beneficial, it may also have unforeseen effects, such as someone dousing their sushi in ketchup. We know that the majority of sushi eaten in the US has been modified for Western taste, but ketchup? That is completely over the top!

Seafood Pizza

It seems that badly designed fusion meals frequently ruin foods other than just Japanese cuisine. Today, people top pizzas with all kinds of odd ingredients. We can understand the appeal even if we don’t think we would like shrimp or other seafood on our pizza.

Seafood Pizza

Seafood Pizza

But why did this chef leave the seafood in its shell, you ask? Why not take out the edible components and add them to the pizza pie later? How should you consume this pizza?

Underwear Shirt

We recognize that not everyone has access to many fashion outlets or is able to keep up with the most recent fashion trends. We are baffled as to how this woman was able to locate a typical skirt but not a typical top.

Underwear Shirt

Underwear Shirt

She’s wearing a pair of men’s underpants, but why is that? How on earth did she manage to get that on her head? Even now, we’re unsure about where to wear a top in your underpants.

Make and Model… Nevermind

The first thing you mention when describing your car is its make and model. This individual decided to stick as many automobile badges and insignia as they could because, evidently, they couldn’t settle on the “make” section.

Make And Model… Nevermind

Make And Model… Nevermind

Maybe they reasoned that since they couldn’t purchase a luxury car, they would simply affix the logo of a pricey automaker. Another possibility is that they deliberately seek to mislead onlookers or law enforcement when it comes to reporting their car.

Roadside Rodent Phones

Large semiaquatic rodents called capybaras are indigenous to South America. Because they are widespread in some regions of Brazil, this municipality chose to model their public phone booth after one of the local species.

Roadside Rodent Phones

Roadside Rodent Phones

We would be particularly shocked to find a public telephone in the form of a large rodent given how scarce they are today. Despite how adorable capybaras are, we believe that if we were driving at night, we would be terrified to see this enormous animal on the side of the road!

Two Many Legs

Another product producer is failing anatomy 101 in this case. The majority of mammals, including My Little Ponies, have four limbs, including horses. At first look, four little “leg” puppets on four fingers may appear to be a superb job of creating an anatomically accurate pony.

Two Many Legs

Two Many Legs

However, notice the puppet of the pony. Do you see anything? Added two legs! This increases the number of legs to six, which more closely resembles My Little (Mutated) Pony.

First Is the Worst, Actually, This Is…

When describing an ordinal number, it might be challenging to remember whether to add an “rd”, “st”, or “nd” after the number.

First Is The Worst, Actually, This Is…

First Is The Worst, Actually, This Is…

Despite this person’s best efforts, we don’t believe they get a medal for the badly designed medal. At least bronze-colored metal was used to create the medal, which is generally designated for those who placed third, or in this case, “thir-st.”

Big Boxes

The growth of the e-commerce sector over the last few decades has been one of the biggest shifts. These days, going shopping doesn’t even require you to leave your home.

Big Boxes

Big Boxes

While this is incredibly practical, there are some drawbacks, particularly if you live in an apartment building. They did the next best thing by cramming a huge parcel into a tiny letterbox because the delivery man couldn’t enter the building otherwise.

Una”peel”ing Apparel

More ecologically conscious shoppers have been driving a shift toward sustainable fashion in recent years. While this typically entails using organic or fairly traded materials, this designer went a step further by creating an entire jacket out of orange peels.

Una”peel”ing Apparel

Una”peel”ing Apparel

Although we think this is a unique approach to recycling organic material, we don’t think the fruit fabric craze will take off. Sincerely, simply gazing at this image makes us scratchy! We also have no idea what will happen if the orange peels start to rot; scary!

Unbearably Awful

Although most people would agree that wearing animal fur is cruel, it appears that this poster came encountered another instance of animal cruelty when she saw this disgusting jacket with about a dozen gold lamé bears.

Unbearably Awful

Unbearably Awful

This is the ideal time to cover yourself in as many teddy bears as you’ve ever wanted to! Even while we’re not sure if this coat will keep you warm, at least you’ll draw notice to yourself!