We’ve all experienced emotionally draining and difficult parent-child relationships and some people only serve to exacerbate the situation. People should remember to be considerate when giving advice. It should come as no surprise that parenting is challenging. Parents require assistance, not arrogant know-it-alls. Some people take things too far and become cruel and unkind. Mothers recognize that every parenting situation is different. Every mother instills moral values and proper behavior in her children in her own unique way. Don’t be a snobby mother who constantly corrects other mothers’ actions based on your own standards. There are times when the best thing to say is nothing at all. In the next section, we’ll look at stories about women who “complained to other mothers.”
Stroll Away, Ma’am
To begin with, babies cry. Most of the time, it’s because of exhaustion or irritability. This is something that even people who aren’t parents are aware of. What exactly is this woman’s issue? What is it about her that she can’t just get on with her life?
After all, who gave her the intelligence to figure out why a stranger’s baby was crying? Everything would have been fine if the lady hadn’t intervened in the first place. A baby is bound to cry after receiving a slew of injections and shots! After all, some adults do it!
No Pacifiers
Even if you never gave your children pacifiers as children, this mother can. We don’t understand why people think their way is always the best way. And why do they believe they have the right to do whatever they want to anyone?
Taking a child’s pacifier out of his mouth?! That is on the verge of being blatantly inappropriate. People like this woman must learn to recognize when it is best to take a break. We’re sure the child felt the same way her mother did.
Trip to Grocery Store
Because of “momsplainers” like the one mentioned in this story, people can’t go grocery shopping in peace. They’re everywhere, and they’re putting all the other mothers in danger. This woman, for example, was invading this mother’s personal space to the point of invasion.
She has no right to know if the mother is breastfeeding her child. What did she hope to accomplish by posing such personal questions in front of such a large crowd? The poor mother was almost certainly in agony.
Bedtime Police
This ‘momsplainer’ of a woman should go to bed at seven o’clock at night if anyone should. She’s not required to go around ‘momsplaining,’ as if she knows everything there is to know about life. It’s simply more convenient for her to take the melatonin by herself. If someone else’s child falls asleep, it’s none of her business. She also gives strange advice, as if using drugs to put your child to sleep is totally normal.
Despite the fact that melatonin is a natural hormone, you do not need to give it to your child every night. At all costs, stay away from this woman. Make sure your children are kept away from her as well. What she’ll try next is impossible to predict.
Did I Ask?
Netizens are the most entertaining ‘momsplainers.’ They may not even know you or your child, but they are the first to offer you unwanted advice. We wonder, in response to this remark, “Did she ask?” It’s her child; she knows what’s best for her child.
After all, she is a mother, and she should know what to feed her child. She doesn’t require your assistance! We swear, everyone these days is a keyboard warrior. More than anything else, receiving inane comments from random people on the internet irritates me.
Boomer Moms
People, you must understand that she is responsible for the well-being of her family. If these baby-boomer mothers work, how do they make other mothers feel? If money was not an issue, she would be at home with her children.
It does not imply that every woman is required or even desires to be a stay-at-home mother. It gives the impression that these people are only concerned with “momsplaining.” Moms and other women are not only expected to stay at home, but they can also work to help support their families if their families do not work.
Horrified ‘Momsplainer’
In reply to the stranger’s question, this OP stated, “I had breast milk in the bottle and couldn’t nurse well because I have flat nipples.” That word terrified the stranger who had just ‘momsplained’ to the OP about bottle-feeding.
Nevertheless, it appears that discussing body parts is strictly prohibited. We’ll never know who these baby-boom moms are for the rest of our lives. Her reaction was most likely enough to make her swear she’d never do it again. It’s past time to normalize the discussion of common human body parts.k
Sandwich Trip
This is a very gloomy story. We weren’t sure what to make of the stranger’s remarks, but we found them depressing — and even rude, come to think of it. We’re talking about an eight-month pregnant woman.
You could try to reassure her rather than scare her. Who would say such things to a complete stranger in public? This strange woman appears to be in need of assistance, in our opinion. She is, without a doubt, a danger to all pregnant women.
Demanding Answers
It is entirely up to a mother to decide where she will take her child. No one has the authority to tell a mother that her baby is healthy and safe. No mother would ever seriously harm her child’s safety.
We understand the stranger’s real worry for the baby, but she was mistaken in pressing the mother for an explanation in this manner. If the baby is doing well, you should be able to leave him or her alone.
Thanks, Mom
As per OP’s mother, the baby’s great-grandmother, what occurred was simply carelessness. When traveling with a baby, always keep them safely buckled in their car seat. It’s dangerous, in my opinion, and these people need to be aware of it.
Even if you’ve never driven with a baby in the car before, you should avoid doing so just because she’s crying. In the event of an accident, it is always better to be safe than sorry. To put it in other words, grammy, that’s a no-no.
Fake News
Apps can induce autism in children. Yea right! Do you believe that, inexperienced mother!? Your expert mother has an eight-year-old child. Keep your focus on your newborn; we’re sure she knows what she’s doing. Moreover, when did we begin to associate drawing apps with autism?
These younger generations are arrogant and believe they know everything. Nevertheless, thinking about her unborn child makes us nervous. Even though it is never a good idea to allow children or adults to spend too much time in front of screens, the prospect of never being allowed to use an app is terrifying.
Terrible Twos
Some people have a lot of guts. Ignoring the fact that she is the mother of the child in question, you act as if you know more than she does. You’ve got to be smarter than arguing about the ages of strangers’ babies in public.
Her efforts resulted in the child’s birth. This is a pointless debate, in our opinion, started by a moron. Momsplainers, as they are popularly known, should be avoided. Let’s just say we have a strong suspicion that lady is insane.
Child Abuse, What?
In what world is circumcision referred to as “misuse”? How illiterate must this random person be to say something like that? Our thoughts are with this new mother, who will no doubt have had a few sleepless nights as a result of this inane remark.
Circumcision should be decided solely by the parents, with no input from anyone else. Except for a specialist, no one has the authority to comment. Is this “momsplainer” aware that circumcision is required in some religions?
Not Premature
No, it isn’t true. A baby born at 39 weeks and 4 days is not considered premature. People should avoid making emotionally charged and false assumptions in their comments. Referring to someone’s child as premature is impolite and disrespectful.
When she told the new mother bear that she wasn’t producing enough milk for her child, this stranger said something truly humiliating. What a distressing situation! What kind of person does she imagine herself to be? A doctor of children and adolescents? These smarty-pants ‘momsplainers’ pose a threat to moms.
Wannabe OB
This advice has to come to an end at some point. Please don’t ask others to educate you if you’re unsure about something. This woman, who is the OP’s cousin’s better half, may have inadvertently caused a miscarriage. Stop attempting to be a specialist and instead delegate your duties to the OBs!
This will wreak more havoc than anything else. Fortunately, this would-be mother ignored her cousin’s boyfriend and instead followed her OB’s instructions. In any case, who can say for certain what happened?
A Private Matter
What happened after the stranger said this, obviously, was completely unexpected. “If it’s all the same to you, this is a private matter, and you ought stay out of other people’s affairs,” the OP’s little girl says when she answers.
Even though the mother would have preferred to use more poetic language, she couldn’t have said it better herself. To aggravate the stranger even more, the OP then purchased the game for her daughter. Furthermore, if we were in OP’s shoes, we would have done the same thing.
What’s it to You?
Soft drinks, on the other hand, have not been linked to cancer development. Who is this enigmatic stranger who gets to decide whether or not the OP gets it? Please, however, refrain from disseminating false information. We can’t see what’s going on inside the heads of these ‘momsplainers.’ Do they go around looking for people to annoy with their ‘momsplaining’ methods?
This lady is insane. Don’t drink soft drinks if you truly believe they can cause cancer or other health problems. You are not required to avoid lecturing mothers or denying children who are not yours. We would have been terrified if we had been that child.
But what’s the harm in being a softie? We want everyone to understand the importance of a man who is sympathetic and compassionate to those around him. If referring to men as “softies” is harmful, then the lady who uses it is clearly generalizing!
In addition, how does allowing a child to sit on his mother’s lap and gaze out the window lead to being delicate? He’s a kid, for God’s sake! She did the right thing when the mother stopped her somewhere near inquiring whether this ‘momsplainer’ was speaking from personal experience. Individuals like the stranger in this story should be barred from having children. They are the root of a toxic masculine culture.
Pregnant and Fit
It is possible to be pregnant and fit at the same time. Is this considered advanced science? Barely. The vast majority of these so-called “momsplainers” appear to be devoid of sound judgment. The myth that exercising is harmful to pregnant women must be debunked. Unless your primary care physician advises otherwise, if you were fit and practiced regularly prior to considering having a child, you can continue to do so during your pregnancy.
According to current medical theory, pregnant women benefit from maintaining a healthy weight and engaging in regular physical activity. It’s imperative to get rid of that baby-boomer! We hope that now that people are aware of this, they will refrain from speaking so hastily.
Tight Onesie
This one does not appear to be as bad as the previous ones. To be honest, she appears to have been attempting to help this lady. That bit about her toes being messed up should have been skipped. Nonetheless, we’re not sure how much her remark bothers us.
But how can we be sure if we don’t have our own children? It doesn’t matter if this person is correct; their remark about the baby’s tight onesie is completely unfounded. She could have been more careful with her words.
Nap Time
Is there something about supermarkets that piques the interest of nosy women? Who has time to mock new mothers who aren’t making any mistakes? The mother and child were in a peaceful state as she went about her daily routine. Couldn’t they just shut their mouths?
This does not appear to be a problem. The mysterious stranger in this story gives me the creeps. Who do she think she is to pass judgment on this mother? You’d better back off, lady, if this mama’s doing her job correctly.
Stickler for Shoes
Some in-laws are downright obnoxious, as demonstrated by this example. Despite the fact that the OP was very clear about why she allowed her son to walk around barefoot, her family refused to listen. We’re baffled as to why, once the baby began walking, hygiene became such a priority.
This is a smart move on the mother’s part, as long as she is not completely disregarding her children’s health, which she is not. Don’t be a bother, even if your point of view isn’t being heard or accepted.
C You Later, Ladies
What world do you live in where people in support groups have the decency, rudeness, and judgmental attitude you describe? People do not willingly consent to having their stomachs dissected for no reason. Doctors, on the other hand, should be fully aware of the situation. C-sections are not performed simply because they are possible.
Mothers in this class had ridiculously strong opinions. How do they categorize C-sections, which aren’t even considered birth? That’s just plain stupid! It was a wise decision not to retake that class. If we were in the same situation as the OP, we would not return to that class.
Too Snide for Her Own Good
So, while the’momsplainer’ is permitted to show her own child rainy-day movies, the OP does not appear to be allowed to give her child screen time. The woman in question appears to be a blatantly dishonest hypocrite.
What does a mother feel when another mother receives an epidural after two days of agonizing labor? She has no authority to pass judgment on other people’s parenting decisions. This is especially true when she is doing something she despises.
Baby Formula
People like this know-it-all must be convinced that baby formula is not poison in order to be happy. The formula was designed with the intention of being consumed by infants in mind. If it didn’t exist in the first place, why would it exist now?
She needs to understand that, unlike this breastfeeding consultant, not all women can or want to breastfeed their children. To put it another way, there’s no reason to make someone feel bad about their child’s decision to use formula.
Projectile Vomit
Wouldn’t it appear to be advantageous to that doctor? Even though we understand his concerns, he should have shown compassion and empathy to the new mother instead of threatening to contact Child Protective Services. Unfortunately, the baby had a formula allergy and could not feed on breast milk.
What else could the woman do in this situation? Is she intending to starve her child? We don’t understand why the doctor was so concerned about the baby, who was perfectly healthy and drinking cow’s milk. Breathe, doctor!
I’m Confused
Some people, on the other hand, are simply impossible to persuade. Why bring up the bottle as a topic of conversation if you’re uncomfortable breastfeeding in public? Ugh! Some people have the audacity to say such things!
In the first place, she had no right to interfere with how this mother chose to feed her child. Second, the OP actually paid attention to the woman and started breastfeeding her right away — on her own! This, on the other hand, did not sit well with the stranger. What else could you possibly want, lady?
No More Kids
People should respect one someone’s decisions, especially when it comes to having children. For one thing, they are not required to be parents. Second, whether or not to have children is influenced by a number of factors. The pregnancy of this woman was a real headache.
As a result, if she says she doesn’t want any more children, others should respect her decision. It is absurd to believe that only children are bad! Rather than a large number of children, spoiled children are the result of poor parenting.
“Real Moms”
To this “momsplainer,” what does it really mean to be a “real mother”? The fact that a woman had a C-section has no bearing on her status as a mother. These’momsplainers’ don’t know when to stop talking.
They verbally abused this poor mother, accusing her of being a bad mother because she had a C-section and was unable to breastfeed her children. Instead of shaming her, other mothers should encourage and support her.
Mismatched Shoes
This irks us to no end. We’re not sure if this conceited “momsplainer” doesn’t deserve a slap in the face for her conceit. What kind of person would purposefully jeopardize a child’s mental development in this manner? This interaction between them happened only two years ago.
What difference does it make if everything looks the same to a two-year-old? Even if she was mentally underdeveloped, who in the world would be so naive as to make such a rash statement? At the very least, this woman deserves to be called out on her actions.
Bottle Feeding
We’re not certain where this ridiculous stigma about bottle-feeding came from, but we’re baffled. It doesn’t matter how the baby is fed as long as he gets the nutrition he needs, right? For God’s sake, this was a doctor’s appointment.
People need to be more aware of when they should keep their mouths shut. If bottle-feeding was such a heinous crime, there would be no need for bottles and formulas. Ignoring these types of people is the best course of action.
Nurse’s Orders
The ‘momsplainer,’ despite having three children, doesn’t give a damn as long as she can hear herself speak. Given our ranking, we can safely conclude that breast milk is incredible and the undisputed best option for nursing newborns.
Nonetheless, if a mother is physically unable to produce milk or is otherwise unable to breastfeed for any reason, she should not be ashamed. Rather than tearing each other down, women and mothers should collaborate to empower one another. To put it mildly, this “nurse” should have known better.
Sorry, What?
Someone, and it is most emphatically not the eight-week-old baby, requires the services of a psychiatrist. We’re all aware that common sense is becoming increasingly scarce, but no one warned us that some mothers had such a severe lack of it. Wow!
We were laughing so hard after reading this post that we were rolling on the floor. What is the most accurate way to tell if a child has ADHD? Is it even possible to be overly cautious in this day and age? We’re not mad, but we’re certainly intrigued.
Better Me Than You
Luckily, the ‘momsplainer’ did not give birth to twins, so there will be one less funeral to plan. All kidding aside, she and others like her should be avoided at all costs. That’s a hard thing to say to anyone, let alone a woman about to give birth to twins.
That was the most callous thing anyone ever said to me. Based on what she said, this woman does not deserve to be a mother. We’d make it a point to never speak to her again after this experience.
A Healthy Baby
Thank you for blessing this healthy child. We’re confused, however, as to why carrying one’s own child, regardless of age, is considered inappropriate. It was not the woman’s place to make such a remark, even if she didn’t realize how old the child could have been.
Whether a child is able to walk or not, it is the parent’s responsibility to carry the child. The baby in this case was only a year old at the time. And who cares, right? It is their child, not yours.
The story that follows is simply heartbreaking. This woman has looked after her stepdaughter since she was three years old, a total of six years! As a result, she is undeniably a parent figure in the life of the child. Who is going to discipline her if she isn’t willing to discipline herself?
The fact that she did not give birth to this girl does not diminish her status as a mother to the child. We have no doubt that she does her best. It’s not appropriate for her sister-in-law to speak to her in that manner.
Vitamin Water
It’s amazing how some people, regardless of the situation, are always willing to express their point of view. You’momsplainers,’ spare a thought for this poor woman if they were at the doctor because they had the stomach flu.’ The “poison” was the only thing keeping the child from being rushed to the emergency room.
To keep the child from becoming dehydrated as a result of the vomiting, he needed a few electrolytes. What is the proper way for a woman to approach and say something like that to someone who is dealing with a sick child? You narcissistic woman, keep your two cents to yourself. This establishment does not allow ‘momsplaining.’
Only Child
Is there something wrong with only having one child? How does the number of children you have anything to do with whether or not you are a “true parent?” These are issues that only these “momsplainers” understand. This kind of logic is beyond the average person’s comprehension.
We would never want to come into contact with this obnoxious neighbor if we were in the OP’s shoes. Notify her that she will not be invited to any more birthday celebrations. Rather than worrying about other people’s children, start your own and raise your own. Also, lady, keep your wise words to yourself.
Grandma Troubles
No parent wants to see their child in pain. Even if the grandmother’s remark was not intended to be hurtful, there’s no reason to make a mother feel any worse than she already does. Ultimately, she appears to be doing everything she can to help her young daughter!
Grandma, if you can’t help, please don’t make things worse. Further to that, no mother wants to be told that she is a bad mother when she is clearly doing everything she can. Mom, we admire you for being brave for your child.
Neck Support
Gosh. Mom, thank you so much! How do you think this OP managed to be a mother for five years while not knowing how to hold a newborn baby properly? She works as a nanny as well! Stop ‘mothersplaining’ to her.
Keep in mind that she makes a living doing exactly what she’s doing here! They must learn to keep their opinions to themselves and to avoid blaming others for their mistakes. Yes, it is difficult, but practice makes perfect, as we all know. Maintain your efforts, and you’ll soon learn how to avoid being a “momsplainer.”
Skinny Shaming
As you may have guessed, people do not want to be sick in the morning on purpose. Rather than criticizing someone who is struggling to gain weight, people should offer to help or simply stay out of her way. In any case, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to exhibiting.
Different people react differently to pregnancy. Given their extensive knowledge of everything else, these ‘momsplainers’ should already be aware of this. The remark about purposefully dieting was vile and uncalled for, and it should have been removed. Please don’t judge other women’s bodies, momsplainers.
Offside Commentary
Telling someone that they don’t understand children because they don’t have any of their own is incredibly cruel and impolite. Even ‘momsplainers’ lack the authority to say such things. Please refrain from passing judgment on this person’s personal life because you have no idea what her story is!
She’s an educator with 18 years of experience. She has a clear understanding of what educational opportunities children require. Please keep these vile women and their venomous remarks to themselves at all times. No child should have to deal with their own parents.
Burping? What’s That?
Burping is beneficial for both babies and adults in releasing gas, even if we are not parents. Of course, this OP has given it a shot. Nobody understands why people say things like this, as if they know everything there is to know about everything.
Even those of us who aren’t parents know that burping is a good way for both babies and adults to release gas. Of course, this OP has given it a shot. Nobody understands why people say ridiculous things as if they are experts on everything.
Of Course It’s Okay
The rest of us, like the mother/OP, are perplexed by what the other mother was trying to say. We believe she intended to take a cheap shot at the baby’s development, but she realized how ridiculous that would be and changed her mind.
At the very least, she came to a stop sooner rather than later. What was the newborn baby supposed to do? Can you play catch with two five-year-olds? Do they expect them to be aware of the toys they’re using?
Bad Advice
Okay, someone should call the cops and report this person’s whereabouts! It’s bad enough that this person is using drugs or alcohol while pregnant, but now he’s encouraging other expectant parents to do the same. What has she turned into?
This should be brought to the authorities’ attention by someone. She is a danger to her own daughter and other mothers. We have no idea how many things could go horribly wrong if a young pregnant woman chose to follow her advice.