40+ People Who Perfectly Encapsulates Self Irony
Let’s face it, everyone occasionally has spectacular mishaps and embarrassing incidents. Failure itself is irrelevant; what counts is how you handle it. In order to save face or prevent shame, you must be able to laugh at yourself. By doing that, the people on this list show that self-irony may be useful in any situation. Without further ado, here are some of the most hilarious people who perfectly showed what self-irony is like.

Nowadays, you can virtually become whatever you want to be thanks to social media platforms and apps. You can change into anything using one of the many filters that are accessible, including an animal, a celebrity, or even your own grandmother. So when this Snapchat user decided to add a filter on her face, we bet she wasn’t prepared to see a cartoon version of herself! She did, however, manage to crack a very funny joke at her own expense!
Wayne’s World!
What started off as a popular Saturday Night Live sketch turned into one of the greatest cult classics. In the original sketch, Mike Myers and Dana Carvey portrayed basement-dwelling, babe-obsessed music fanatics.

Wayne’s World!
The 1992 film adaptation of the sketch garnered positive reviews when it was released. But just because you’re like it doesn’t mean you have to become Garth! We’re just kidding, but it’s funny that this girl over here created the connection.
“How Would I Know?”
Undoubtedly one of the finest actors of all time, Leonardo DiCaprio is recognized as one of Hollywood’s most influential figures. Although he has received numerous nominations for his outstanding performances throughout the years, he didn’t actually win his first and only Oscar until 2016 for The Revenant.

“How Would I Know”
He may be seen in this image right after being given the distinction. Of course, the venerable actor had to make a joke about not having won an Oscar.
National Donut Day
Why donuts and cops go together so frequently? you might wonder. Well, there haven’t always been many options for eating in the early morning or late at night because many police officers are obliged to work long, irregular hours.

National Donut Day
The former chief of the Seattle Police Department said, “Graveyard cops in the ’40s and ’50s had few choices. They could pack lunch, pray for an all-night diner on their route, or fill up on donuts […] They were cheap and convenient.” It’s encouraging to see police officers poke fun at themselves and the stereotype, in any case.
You’re Very Welcome
Without knowing any better, we could have believed the couple hit the sign on purpose. That, however, would be ludicrous! This picture screams irony even though it might have been an accident because they had to drive into this road sign because there were so many others.

You’re Very Welcome
You know, the one that metaphorically commends cautious driving. Of course, the OP can at least laugh at herself and her husband as long as no one was harmed.
Pimp My Ride
That’s the one, you know, that metaphorically commends cautious driving. The OP may at least laugh at herself and her husband, of course, as long as nobody was wounded.

Pimp My Ride
Despite the fact that he may be disappointed about not yet buying a car, this man has a great sense of humor. That’s intriguing, isn’t it?
When You Wish Upon a Star
As Scottish playwright and writer J.M. Once, Barrie said, “Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough. You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it.”

When You Wish Upon A Star
This OP seems to have taken that sentiment and run with it! This person wished fervently enough, and presto, they now weigh precisely what they desire. Guys, dreams truly do come true!
My Precious
What better method to demonstrate your dental talents than by painting Gollum from The Lord of the Rings before and after? Perhaps the dentist in the OP only practices dentistry during the day and is an artist at night.

My Precious
In all honesty, there are other methods to demonstrate your skill as a dentist or orthodontist than to hang this picture in your waiting area, so that would make much more sense.
Make-Up Hack
Let’s clarify one thing first, okay? There’s no doubting that this woman is brilliant, whether or not she’s making fun of herself for donning goggles in the shower. Those who use makeup will completely understand this.

Make Up Hack
There are simply certain days when you’ve applied everything flawlessly, including your eyeliner, mascara, and concealer, and you don’t want to take the chance of ruining any of it just because you need to wash your hair. What do you do then? You acquire a set of goggles!
Holiday Cheer
Even though this isn’t the first time we’ve seen an ugly sweater joke, as this one has been around for a while, we still find ourselves laughing at the guy’s sly grin as his boss looks at himself in the mirror.

Holiday Cheer
We have to give kudos to the store manager’s staff for the creative outfit, even though he was sporting the customary ugly sweater. What do you think, guys?
Heavy Lifting
When you’re on the interstate and see different kinds of cars with different stickers, license plates, and tire covers, there is sometimes nothing better. Consider this image as an example.

Heavy Lifting
This intelligent owner chose to purchase a tire cover that makes it appear as though their small Jeep is doing all the heavy lifting, as opposed to some folks who would typically just tie their Jeep to their RV and drive it down the highway as is. Even though we are all aware that the RV is actually doing the job, it is still amusing.
Play Ball!
We won’t lie: this doctor for prosthetics has a really fantastic vibe and a terrific sense of humor. It must be quite difficult to be born without a limb or to lose one at some time in your life.

Play Ball!
But as many have noted, laughter is the best medicine, and we’re confident this doctor would concur. After all, he’s holding a baseball bat in his prosthetic socket while posing for a photo. This image is yet another example of how self-irony can be beneficial in any circumstance.
”Flash Is the Fastest Guy in Here”
It goes without saying that the DMV is one of the worst places to be. You better believe that you’ll be spending a significant portion of, if not the entire day there because the personnel is so incredibly unpleasant and the lineups are so ridiculously long.

”Flash Is The Fastest Guy In Here”
Fortunately, one DMV worker understands the difficulty all too well and chose to poke fun of it by dressing up for Halloween. It’s not just any outfit, though. He donned a Flash the Sloth costume from Zootopia from 2016. Get it? as a result of how slowly DMV lines move!
Benching Bottles
The following individual nailed self-irony! Why not learn a few things from this poster if you enjoy drinking but don’t enjoy going to the gym? They chose to create their own training plan since they enjoy unwinding with a bottle of wine after a long day at work, knowing well well that they won’t make it to the gym.

Benching Bottles
Even though they are drinking all the calories they are concurrently burning off, it is still better than doing nothing at all, right?
“You’re a Wizard, Harry!”
Oh, this is strange. We can only speculate as to how actor Daniel Radcliffe responded when approached by this fan, who more closely resembles his well-known character, Harry Potter, than he actually does.

“You’re A Wizard, Harry!”
Perhaps the wizard here is actually the fan? Despite the jokes, it appeared that Radcliffe wasn’t really bothered by the encounter. Perhaps this occurs far more frequently than we realize…
No One Noticed
There’s nothing worse than feeling pampered but no one noticing, whether you just got a haircut or had your nails done. Come on, everyone has a friend who takes offense if someone doesn’t notice their new hairstyle. Consider Ghufran as an example.

No One Noticed
She must have had several haircuts all year, but nobody appeared to notice! We’re obviously just having fun and joining in the joke with Ghufran. No one can tell if she’s gone to a hairdresser recently because she wears a headscarf that completely encloses her head and hair.
All by Myself
Even if you have the warmest disposition, people will instinctively conclude that you are completely unapproachable if you have a resting (you know what) face. Consider this attractive lady, for example.

All By Myself
When she is speaking to someone, she is perfectly sweet. But when she’s with herself, she appears to despise everyone and everything. She personally understood this after seeing a photo of herself in class by herself.
Keep Them at Arm’s Length
She’s not mistaken; her arms appear long enough for her to tie her shoes without stooping. How come, one would wonder? Does she have arms that are unusually long? Did someone use Photoshop to make her arms look like that? Is it just the lighting and angle?

Keep Them At Arm’s Length
That’s what we’re assuming it to be. However, we’re confident that after looking at these pictures, this poster felt a little uneasy. But what better way to go past it than to crack a funny joke about yourself?
Is This Bad Luck?
There is nothing quite like some good ‘ol Chinese food, whether you order takeout or eat in a restaurant. Chinese food is one of the most soothing cuisines, from spring rolls to lo mein, especially when you know you’ll be receiving a fortune cookie at the conclusion of your meal.

Is This Bad Luck
But what if you received a fortune cookie that looked like this? There is a cookie and a fortune, yes, but shouldn’t the fortune belong inside the cookie? In that situation, we believe it is safe to claim that the work wasn’t really done all that well.
Failure Is Not an Option
Failure is not an option, you heard the mug, even if the handle of your beloved coffee mug breaks off as you take a morning sip. This image serves as further evidence that life may be difficult.

Failure Is Not An Option
Fortunately, this particular poster understands how to laugh it off. Although she is well aware that her mug failed her today, she is still willing to partake in some irony in order to win the day.
Buzz, Buzz
According to this next poster, “My friend, who has been in a coma for three months and presumed dead, texted me this.” Can you picture getting a message like this from a friend?

Buzz, Buzz
The person you’ve been missing for the past few months has woken up, so you check to see who it’s from when your phone buzzes with a notification. The fact that the ex-comatose friend submitted a selfie with a duck face suggests that he has a terrific sense of humor.
World’s Worst Parking Inspector
We are at a loss for words in this picture if it doesn’t scream irony. This guy is a parking enforcement officer. He is expected to monitor parking lots and streets as an inspector to enforce regional parking regulations. In rare circumstances, inspectors may even make arrangements to haul away vehicles that are parked unlawfully.

World’s Worst Parking Inspector
But while he was working, he parked his own truck in the incorrect location. As a result, another parking enforcement officer arrived and secured the tire boot on the vehicle. Just let’s hope his boss wasn’t informed!
Old Farts
It simply seems logical to offer them a sign they may use to claim their table since this group of guys frequents this restaurant daily. If we’re being really honest, they’ve actually lived long enough to merit that distinction.

Old Farts
It’s extra amusing what’s stated on the sign because these “old farts” don’t appear to notice or even care that this is the moniker given to their organization.
Picture Day
Imagine learning you are a twin years after you have reached adulthood. In actuality, you only learn about it because your twin’s faculty portrait is placed directly beneath your own in the school yearbook.

Picture Day
You two shared the same attire and exact pose thanks to the power of twin telepathy. Despite the fact that all the yearbooks had already been distributed, this mistake was amusing despite the fact that it probably wasn’t the most economical one to make. Mr. Ben Kisila undoubtedly laughed a lot, though.
Whatever Floats Your Goat
Your physique will unavoidably change as you get older. Age also brings hair thinning, and for some, baldness. But just because that’s the case doesn’t mean you can’t maximize your resources! Consider this man, for example.

Whatever Floats Your Goat
Despite going bald throughout the years, he has continued to live his best life. He even tattooed a goat on the bald place to make fun of his hairless head. In order to make it appear as though the goat is nibbling on the few remaining hairs, he also had the tattoo artist add some grass.
Ralph Lauren Won’t Break Your Heart
Love can drive you insane, leading you to get your partner’s name permanently inked on your body. But what would happen if you two split up, or even worse, if you were to get dumped? Of course, you should take a page from this man’s book.

Ralph Lauren Won’t Break Your Heart
He had Lauren’s name tattooed on the inside of his wrist as a tribute to his then-girlfriend. Unfortunately, Lauren caused him to lose his heart. He chose to cover up the tattoo rather than resort to getting it completely removed. What surpasses Lauren? Duh, Ralph Lauren!
ICU, Honey
There is no doubting that being ill and having to stay in the hospital may be very detrimental to your mental health. It is understandable that it can get extremely depressed if you frequently enter and exit the hospital. But as we’ve mentioned before, the best treatment is laughing, and this guy appears to agree.

ICU, Honey
He may be carrying an IV and wearing a hospital gown, but he is come to prove to the ladies that he is the ultimate catch. Any takers?
Be Different, They Said
People are always coming up with new ways to exhibit their uniqueness today more than before. After all, it’s crucial to value our individuality and celebrate what makes each of us special.

Be Different, They Said
That’s essentially how these guys felt when they were getting ready in the morning. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out the way we had hoped. They all intended to underscore the value of individuality, but by turning up in the identical t-shirt, they utterly missed the mark. That day, “be different” lost its actual meaning.
Safety First
People, put safety first! Who needs a ladder when a stairwell’s railings may prevent a fall, after all? Actually, the ladder would make this even riskier! Seriously though, this image is a hilarious example of self-irony.

Safety First
However, if you’re going to preach something, you need to live it out in your own behavior. If not, you are just being a hypocrite. Maybe the person who decided to turn the stair railing into a sort of jungle gym shouldn’t be the one to put up a safety warning.
A Little Self-Love Goes a Long Way
Sometimes all a girl needs is a little perk up; a kind of complement that’ll definitely brighten her day. That’s what it sounds like this little lady needs. She hasn’t gotten a complement in a while, and it’s really gotten to her. In fact, she’s started to think she looks like the magnified reflection of herself in her makeup mirror.

A Little Self Love Goes A Long Way
Well, dear, why not give yourself a compliment if no one else would this week? After all, the most crucial form of love is self-love!
Happy Divorce!
Some couples simply know they will spend the rest of their lives together when they are married. Then there are those who hold out hope indefinitely, at least until the day they discover they must file for divorce.

Happy Divorce!
Divorce is often a last option because it’s seen as a disappointing conclusion to a marriage that was meant to last forever. But one specific user didn’t see it that way; they celebrated their divorce because, well, why not? This is the beginning of a brand-new story, after all!
One in a Million
We’re back with another fortune, but this time there’s no cookie. Now, it’s generally better to make sure that the individual receiving the fortune doesn’t receive it more than once if you’re going to write a “You are one in a million” fortune.

One In A Million
Because if that occurs, the individual will no longer feel exceptional. They even feel a little bit cheated. At least, it is how we would feel.
Moms Are Superheros
Giving birth is a difficult task, as this new father can attest to. However, he wasn’t the one who gave birth in reality. This is not the first time we have witnessed a man unconscious on the ground following his wife’s delivery. In fact, we’ve witnessed it frequently.

Moms Are Superheros
However, it shows that men are incapable of enduring the discomfort associated with childbirth. Yes, men are physically stronger than women, according to study. But do you realize how much force it takes to expel a full human from your body?
She’s a Brick House
We’ve all heard the expression, “It’s like talking to a brick wall,” which refers to a person who doesn’t respond or pay attention when you speak to them. By posing in front of a genuine brick wall and writing the phrase “Just me and my girl having a disagreement,” this Snapchat user elevated this sentiment.

She’s A Brick House
Ha! Get it? Every time he and his partner argue, he feels like he is speaking to a brick wall since what he says only gets heard in one ear.
A Perfect Match
This picture was taken at the perfect moment, and the photographer deserves some sort of award. It really does appear as though the anime character’s face on the back of the phone case belongs to the genuine person seated at a Japanese restaurant since the iPhone is positioned so expertly in front of the man’s face.

A Perfect Match
Even the real guy’s hair matches the anime character’s exactly. Wouldn’t you say that this is a fantastic match, ignoring the upset look on the anime character’s face?
Made in China
We are all aware that many things, including clothes, toys, and electronics, are manufactured in China. On occasion, you can even flip a product over to expose the origin label, “Made in China.”

Made In China
This woman wants the world to know that she was manufactured in China and is from China even if she isn’t a piece of clothes, a toy, or an electronic. Getting an origin label tattooed on the back of your shoulder is a great way to accomplish that.
Snap of a Finger
If you’re a fan of Marvel, you’ll understand what you’re seeing. Let us quickly fill you in if you’re not a fan of the Marvel comics or movies. The Infinity Gauntlet, one of the most potent items in the Marvel Universe, was created by this mother bear here by cleverly transforming her son’s cast into the Infinity Stones.

Snap Of A Finger
So, this child is no longer missing a limb. Instead, he is endowed with unlimited power, so that all it would take for humanity to vanish is for him to snap his fingers. Whoa.
All Fun & Games
Everything is amusing until someone loses a hand. Putting jokes aside, this image is loaded with self-irony. This Snapchat user obviously understands how to make a joke and have a good laugh, especially when it’s at his own expense, just like the prosthesis doctor we already saw on the list.

All Fun & Games
Though his expression might suggest otherwise, don’t be duped—all that’s part of the act!
Glow Up
Another individual has also discovered the humor in using a prosthetic limb. Life is always an adventure when you have this sense of humor, even if you didn’t actually go on the beach vacation you told your coworkers you did.

Glow Up
The good news is that there are stain and varnish products available—not so you can update that worn-out piece of furniture, but rather so you can give your prosthetic limb a tan or glow-up of sorts. Your coworkers will then be convinced that you had a vacation in the sun. After all, you wouldn’t want to appear foolish in front of them.
How Big?
You know you’ve achieved success when you can afford a first-class flight for yourself. How large? According to this high school government instructor, Forbes’ cover is indeed huge.

How Big
Despite the fact that he wasn’t the subject of a business magazine cover, this man intended to signal to the other first-class travelers and perhaps even the flight attendants that he belonged there. The question that remains is whether he was seated in first class for the return trip. What magazine was he the face of on that flight, if he did?
New Diet Plan
There are many people who want to reduce their weight a little. They find it difficult to achieve this, or they give up when they get no results. On the other hand, this guy is rather funny about it.

New Diet Plan
He not only claims to be indigent, but his joke might possibly be alluding to genuinely losing weight. It’s funny no matter how you look at it, though!
Looking for Work
We are aware that being unemployed can provide a unique set of difficulties. You’re probably bored in addition to being anxious about how you’ll pay your bills. But this person has decided to try their hand at some humor.

Looking For Work
The best kind of self-irony may be seen in this photograph. She is adding a comedic spin to a very serious situation! Maybe comedy is her new line of work? Call Dave Chappelle right away!
Healthy Fats
We are aware that good costumes are valued at certain occasions and locations. Before you choose the best costume for you and the occasion, you frequently have to go through a number of options.

Healthy Fats
It’s obvious that this man is wearing a specially made costume as he rides around on his belly. Costumes that combine your various body parts may represent a new market for costume manufacturers!
Thinking Outside the Box
Since the tech sector recognizes that you require all the accessories in addition to the hardware, it has grown to be a multimillion dollar industry. This guy knows exactly what he’s doing. We are unsure if he is a genius or simply has a limited budget.

Thinking Outside The Box
In any case, he appears to have developed a life hack that many Mac users could undoubtedly greatly benefit from, and he makes no effort to conceal it.
When you’re a youngster, irking the grownups around you might feel like an Olympic sport, especially if they have a great sense of humor like this father’s. What does dad make of this, though?

It appears that he finds it to be entertaining himself; in fact, he thought it was so funny that he decided to post it online. We wonder what expression he is currently making.
I Have My Concerns
Your face may act in ways over which you have no control at times. This guy seems to have that issue, so he decided to find out why his coworkers consistently perceive him as being suspicious. What did he do after realizing it?

I Have My Concerns
He made the decision to inform everyone of his discoveries. He has had that face since birth, so it appears to be all there is to him. Or maybe the poor kid was just baffled as to why his parents gave him this outfit…
College graduation is one of the biggest moments in a person’s life. They wish to spend this great day with their family and friends, especially their parents. The fact that your parents can’t be there must be quite upsetting.

But this person was covered by his friends. They even made the decision to take a few photos so that their friend could look back on the memorable moments. In all seriousness, this entire scene was manufactured and is unmistakably a joke, but that’s the height of self-irony!
Many people battle with weight throughout their lives. Some people even set a target weight that they want to reach, and for those people, it’s important to record. However, those who don’t lose the weight they want to in the amount of time they set for themselves must have dreams similar to this woman’s.

At least she is able to laugh about it. The fact that her target weight is listed on the box the scale was delivered in might be a hint for her. We like this OP’s use of self-irony in any case.
Business in the Front?
Unique trends from the 1980s and 1990s were present at the time. One of those, the mullet, supposedly left its influence on society and is still doing so today (mullets are back!). Anyway, the father of this OP celebrates like it’s still the 1990s.

Business In The Front?
The “party’s in the back” flyer may have been intended as a joke about mullets, which are famously known as the “business in the front, party in the back” hairstyle. If only Joe Dirt, with his infamous mullet, could show up. Maybe David Spade, his counterpart in real life, would be willing to come forward?
Isn’t That Cute!
Everyone has seen those photos or video reels that reproduce people’s favorite memories that they have documented on film. This father and son made the same choice. But there is one significant distinction.

Isn’t That Cute!
The expression on the father’s face is very different. We also would. Between the weight of a baby boy and a fully grown man, there is a sizable variation.
Keep Smiling
Life will occasionally toss you a few curveballs. You might experience some life struggles as a result. But you must get back up and continue your work. This elderly man is obviously aware of that and is making an effort.

Keep Smiling
Naturally, he reasoned, “Why not have a little fun with getting back on my feet?” This sign will undoubtedly get our attention and prompt us to inquire about something.
One of the nicest things to do at the grocery store when you’re a kid is to ride around in the shopping cart. This father and daughter had a custom where he would push the daughter around the store in the cart.

But when your father is pushing you through a store as an adult, things are totally different. Maybe it’s time to start a new, better tradition!
Working Hard
Many of us work incredibly hard our entire lives to achieve goals that we and our families can be proud of. This can be difficult, and when you observe others succeeding more than you, jealousy may surface.

Working Hard
Of course, when the “person” in question is merely a duck, you shouldn’t be envious. But we can see why this man might feel a little insecure around this beast. Who wouldn’t want to be that duck after seeing all of their accomplishments?
Intermittent fasting is one of the newest diet fads. If done correctly, it can be very beneficial, but you must first do your research. Thus, if you’re trying to quickly, you might want to pay attention to what you’re doing.

We only hope he hadn’t already announced to everyone that he was fasting. If so, we believe he needs to study more diligently because it’s clear the guy doesn’t fully comprehend what fasting entails.
Need to Read More
When you do the same job every day, it frequently develops into second nature to the point that you can essentially complete the activity while closing your eyes. This truck driver obviously became too numb to the message on his vehicle else he would not have found himself (literally) in this predicament.

Need To Read More
The slogan has just been read by him so frequently that it barely registers in his mind. But now, we’re positive he understands the situation’s irony. Just let’s hope his supervisor finds the comedy in this.
Not So Psychic
There is no doubt that certain people are born with a unique skill that enables them to connect with various energies more easily than others. This frequently endows the aforementioned individuals with the capacity for mind-reading, future prediction, and even communication with those who have passed away.

Not So Psychic
But if you actually had this talent, you ought to be able to foresee the future. The irony in this situation is that this cancellation notice, which informs individuals that something has been postponed “due to unforeseen circumstances,” was published in a magazine for psychics and mediums. The psychic prowess of this magazine is obviously not all that it’s talked up to be, then.
Grammar Isn’t My Strong Suit
If we gave this award to any of our professors, we’re sure they would have a few things to say. We don’t know about you, but we’re sure they would. It wouldn’t be a speech about how much they enjoy their job or a thank you.

Grammar Isn’t My Strong Suit
It would concern the incorrect grammar used in this award. What about this whole circumstance is the most ironic? The fact that an English teacher received this card! Given that they couldn’t even teach this pupil to distinguish between “your” and “you’re,” are they really the best teachers ever?
It’s So True
Every day, we are exposed to a wide variety of advertising. We are drawn to commercials that are eye-catching and provocative. We might be missing out on a lot of other things as a result.

It’s So True
Safety starts with them, as they had to learn the hard way. They appeared to have understood the message clearly from the way they were staring at their now-totaled car. They can also realize how ironic it was for them to learn that lesson.
Like Father, Like Son
You frequently want an explanation from people who were home all day when you return from a long day at work and find the house in disarray. But despite the fact that they both appear oddly suspicious, this father and son pair is silent.

Like Father, Like Son
In fact, we believe they are actually entering a fifth-degree plea. We are grateful that mom was able to upload this picture to the internet at least! However, we hope that they soon ended their quiet. Otherwise, the night must have been really long!
Spitting Image
A handmade present from a loved one is always welcome. much more so if it’s a work of art that was created especially for you. This grandfather just wanted his granddaughter to feel good about herself; he was just trying to build her self-esteem.

Spitting Image
Unfortunately, despite Grampy’s best efforts and good intentions, we’re not sure if the intended result was achieved. Although we believe it likely did the opposite of boosting the OP’s confidence, we suppose it is still important to think positively.
On social media, new fads and trends are always emerging. One of these involves pregnant women uploading images of themselves online. This woman wants to participate but isn’t really expecting.

Even so, it would be utterly charming if this was a picture of a pregnant woman. She has a lot of self-assurance in her body, which is much greater than that and is all we could ask for!
Saving the World
Governmental measures are being made in numerous places all around the world to encourage people to live more sustainably. The action taken by many of these locations was to prohibit or charge for plastic bags. It appears that not everyone received the memo, though.

Saving The World
But, hey, at least the OP is able to understand the irony in this picture. This person wants to highlight the fact that the town he was born and raised in obviously hasn’t understood the definition of “ban.”
Not So Much
People frequently receive coffee and tea mugs as gifts, whether it’s for their birthday, a special occasion, or just because. Many of these mugs have some kind of statement printed on them. Naturally, this can also result in some sardonic remarks.

Not So Much
The word “Quality” is printed on this coffee cup, but can you see what’s really going on? We’d say the quality of this mug isn’t the best given that the handle just fell off. Irony, how we adore you!
It’s the Effect
Fast delivery of orders is essential, especially when it comes to food. You don’t want to send cold food, after all. In that situation, finding this kind of scene as you walk outside feels like someone is attempting to communicate with you.

It’s The Effect
This pizza delivery worker is aware that they will be deeply familiar with what the “Domino” effect genuinely entails. Ha! Get it? Just let’s hope that their scooter wasn’t the one under everything, but rather the first in the chain!
Almost an A+
When a new restaurant passes its initial health inspection, it’s a major deal. It is therefore understandable why this person wanted to capture the incident on camera. But when they took the picture, they were in for a little surprise.

Almost An A+
Unfortunately for one restaurant, the post nevertheless made its way online even though we are certain they just shared it with their Snapchat pals. Simply said, this is too ironic for words. It appears that the inspector did not pay close enough attention.
Let’s Be Honest
A building needs a lot of maintenance, especially if a lot of people enter and exit it daily. This maintenance firm has already asserted that they can fix everything, so they just wanted to be extremely explicit about what they can and cannot fix.

Let’s Be Honest
However, they do have a limited understanding of irony. And at least they are truthful and aware of their limitations! No one can claim that they didn’t effectively communicate after that!
Bad Dog
There is a lot of training involved when you have a new dog. You must make sure kids are aware of right and wrong. Some people do this by enrolling their tiny furry friends in schools.

Bad Dog
However, it seems that sometimes the lessons don’t stick, just like with children. This person desired to expose the world to the irony of their return. It appears that they must locate their dog a new school, and they may want to get a refund from the previous one.
Do as I Say
How can one instruct another not to do something? The solution is quite simple: you simply post a sign, and the issue is resolved. This person’s employer required them to do that. But sadly, there is a tiny bit of irony in the way they asked him to do it.

Do As I Say
He had to share the sign with everyone since he wanted to make sure he wasn’t the only one who had this opinion. But he is right. This is quite ironic, and we appreciate him sharing it with us.
His pals celebrated his dismissal, just like the divorce party we saw on this list! Even while getting the axe isn’t always the best outcome, if you weren’t really sure about what you were doing, you might be able to see it as a blessing in disguise.

If you genuinely enjoyed your employment, that stinks. This guy didn’t seem to be in the mood to celebrate when his pals gave him a surprise party, so we’re guessing he was probably rather upset about getting fired.
Your Package Has Arrived
We don’t know what to say to you if you didn’t laugh at the next post. We began to laugh as soon as we saw these pictures. How the OP must feel each time they get an email informing them that a delivery has been delivered to their flat is something we can only speculate about.

Your Package Has Arrived
They’re presumably waiting for this delivery man, who obviously knows how to have a good time, to take another picture. Just saying, he wouldn’t waste his time posing with delivery boxes if he didn’t have a sense of humor.
Hotline Cringe
This following instance of self-irony is probably something you’ll like if you enjoy dark humor. This OP is employed by a crisis line dedicated to helping those in need of mental health care. Therefore, their desktop background is quite cringe-worthy and ironic.

Hotline Cringe
The user was undoubtedly very shocked on their first day of work because, based on the tone of their voice, it is clear that they did not select this image as their computer background.
Sorry, Mom
Some parents have a propensity to urge their children into choosing a particular job route. Who among mothers doesn’t enjoy boasting about their kids? “My son’s a doctor… my daughter’s a lawyer!” Until he became a published author, it sounds like this OP experienced the same kind of pressure from his own mother.

Sorry, Mom
He had to dedicate his first book to his mother, of course. Along the way, he made sure to emphasize that he made the right career choice because “people would have died” if he had chosen to become a doctor.
Beary Tasty!
Nowadays, we have access to just about anything we need online, including recipes and instructional videos for creating the ideal meal. This user was motivated to give the rice dish made by a food influencer a try. While the influencer was able to transform her plate of rice into a tiny bear, the OP opted for a more otherworldly appearance.

Beary Tasty!
Even better, they reproduced Spongebob Squarepants’ Old Grandma’s mother! “What do they have for sale? CHOCOLATE? Though practice makes perfect, we’re confident that the OP will master it after a few more tries.