40+ People Share Their Holiday Party Stories That Went A Bit Overboard

Published on 10/10/2022
40+ People Share Their Holiday Party Stories That Went A Bit Overboard

40+ People Share Their Holiday Party Stories That Went A Bit Overboard

An office is typically associated with professionalism, a strong work ethic, and adherence to the rules. An office party, on the other hand, is a completely different matter. We have gathered an eclectic collection of outrageous workplace party tales that will demonstrate nothing less than poor behavior. Prepare the popcorn because you’re about to witness some moviemaking magic!

A Marilyn Monroe Moment

Even if Madonna’s “Vogue” always makes you want to dance and have a wonderful time, check sure the ground you’re standing on is secure. If not, you risk slipping, falling, and experiencing Marilyn Monroe’s famous dress-flying moment, but it won’t be quite as graceful.

A Marilyn Monroe Moment

A Marilyn Monroe Moment

Particularly in the case of the unfortunate woman who encountered it at her office party and ended up flashing her boss. It’s pretty much impossible to recover from such an embarrassing situation.

A Dolled-Up Horse

Without outrageous decorations, a party wouldn’t be complete, and for this office party, a coworker who had consumed too many potions decided to take on the job of a decorator. She had the bright idea that she should pull out her fake lashes and stick them on a huge ceramic horse sculpture.

A Dolled Up Horse

A Dolled-Up Horse

She thought the horse was genuine, though, and when she found out it wasn’t, she wailed like a baby. It must have been interesting to see it.

A Tupperware Party

Do you recall the traditional Tupperware parties that women used to have in the 1950s and 1960s? Well, thanks to this one employee, the practice of stuffing oneself with leftover food is once again fashionable. She basically arrived at her workplace’s Christmas party with a variety of Tupperware containers in hand, hoping to stock up on enough food to last the season.

A Tupperware Party

A Tupperware Party

Even though it’s a bold move, we must say that this woman is a genius because she won’t have to prepare nearly as much as the rest of us over the holidays.

A Seinfeld Dance Homage

Nothing is more satisfying than seeing a reference to one of your favorite television programs in everyday life. But we bet you’d hide under a table if the impersonator was your mother and her target audience was the entire workplace party of businesspeople.

A Seinfeld Dance Homage

A Seinfeld Dance Homage

The bold storyteller, however, is adopting a different strategy and choosing to share the amusing incident with us instead. If it were your parent, would you be this forthcoming about this Seinfeld dance homage? Start the cricket chirps.

Naptime in the Coat Room

Imagine entering a posh bar’s coat room only to see someone asleep on the floor. Intriguingly, the genuine tale is even stranger because the location was reserved for an exclusive bank’s office party, and the guy dozing off was a worker.

Naptime In The Coat Room

Naptime In The Coat Room

We acknowledge that drowsiness might set in while the cocktails are flowing, but in that case, perhaps you should head home to your own bed rather than wearing your boss’s pricey jacket as a cover.

The Wrong Kind of Business

While office parties are known to get raucous with dancing and excessive consumption of strong beverages, the following anecdote is simply plain disgusting. At a corporate party, attendees found a coworker’s number two sitting on the floor at random.

The Wrong Kind Of Business

The Wrong Kind Of Business

If you feel the need to use the restroom at your holiday office party, you better hold it in for dear life until you find a restroom. We have no words to explain how or why this public indecent behavior occurred.

The Shrimp Incident

Nothing is worse than trying to introduce your lover to your friends and having a bad experience. The next tale satisfies that standard, but it’s even fishier. With her spouse and an overserved buddy, this woman attended her workplace celebration.

The Shrimp Incident

The Shrimp Incident

When you present your boyfriend to your friends and things don’t work out, it’s the worst. Despite fitting that description, the following tale is much fishier. She attended her workplace party alongside her spouse and a buddy who received excessive service.

The Office Crush Story

When the next employee finally had the chance to dance with her boss/office crush, she almost had her happily ever after. On the dance floor, they became quite intimate, and just as she was about to experience her Cinderella moment, it was wrecked.

The Office Crush Story

The Office Crush Story

But in this contemporary tale, the head of HR took on the role of the evil stepmother who entered to ruin the fairytale. She became enraged over the office romance and made the decision to physically separate the couple. Not a joyful ending in sight!

The Failed Backflip

Every party has that one show pony who tries to amuse the guests by performing an outrageous act. Generally speaking, bad things happen when there are a lot of beverages involved. In the case of this braggart, he tried to impress his peers by flashing his former gymnast skills.

The Failed Backflip

The Failed Backflip

The inexperienced gymnast knocked himself out cold before executing his backflip and awoke with a severe carpet burn. We assume that his ability to execute those moves is long gone. We can only hope, I guess.

The Rapping Boss

Nothing is cooler than watching your boss have a good time and let loose unless, of course, he goes crazy. This karaoke-rapping CEO, who had perhaps had a little too much alcohol at the pub, used his opportunity on stage to express his candid opinions about his staff.

The Rapping Boss

The Rapping Boss

After that wild performance, he must have had a very unpleasant morning at work. He ought just to stick to singing to himself in the shower.

Christmas Gas

Nothing compares to a Christmas feast, but you never know how it will affect your bowels. In the unfortunate case that eating rich foods causes you to have gas, make sure you are hidden first. Sincerely, there is no recovery from the discomfort of letting loose in public.

Christmas Gas

Christmas Gas

This unfortunate employee passed gas in front of his bosses during his holiday office party, and we are sending him our thoughts and prayers.

An Outfit to Be Remembered

This anecdote about a worker who misinterpreted the invitation to her company’s office party and showed up at the wrong number comes to mind in a scene from Legally Blonde. Do you recall the famous moment where Elle attends a formal mixer dressed as a bunny?

An Outfit To Be Remembered

An Outfit To Be Remembered

Well, this tale definitely fits the bill. She left the celebration early out of embarrassment over her bad outfit choice, forfeiting her raffle prize.

Not the Designer Shoes

Bringing your lover along to a work event might make an already tense night much worse. Even if we try our hardest to impress our coworkers, sometimes the night just doesn’t work out for us.

Not The Designer Shoes

Not The Designer Shoes

This woman’s now ex-boyfriend was the one who created a scandal by spitting his overserved guts on her coworkers’ high-end shoes. It makes logical that they are no longer together given that she worked in the high-end fashion sector.

A Night to Forget

Nothing is worse than waking up the following morning with severe regrets following a night of mischief. Even worse, you might as well resign from your position if that hazy night happened during the corporate party.

A Night To Forget

A Night To Forget

We would strongly advise putting in a letter of resignation the next morning in the case of the pair who opted to be non-exclusive for the evening in front of everyone. They might as well relocate across the nation while they’re at it, change their identities, and acquire new phone numbers.

A Bag of Barf

Making a good first impression on your coworkers is crucial when you’re in a new job. Well, at a firm office party, this office worker really screwed hers. She continues to work there, though, 15 years later, to tell the story.

A Bag Of Barf

A Bag Of Barf

She had essentially overindulged at the party and ended up puking all over her luggage. She may have been somewhat ashamed about the evening, but it also earned her a household name at work.

The Promotion Party

People might act bizarrely due to a guilty conscience, which is what happened after this boss drank too many potions at his business party. He ended up throwing up all over one of his employee’s dresses as a result.

The Promotion Party

The Promotion Party

The following day, he promoted her since he felt so horrible about it. She also received money to purchase a new dress. Thus, the boss’s careless actions ultimately served this employee’s interests well.


Who would have imagined that a hat could be the reason for two grown ladies to engage in physical violence? Even if we are astonished, the plot is also highly entertaining and somewhat like a WWE SmackDown.

Hat Gate

Hat Gate

We’re giving the manager’s wife a virtual championship belt for the dramatic action even though she only delivered the first and only punch. I’m completely joking, but the 22-year-old gets the belt for maintaining her composure.

The X-Rated Holiday Party

This company had to discontinue its annual holiday party because the staff overreacted during the previous one. This celebration brought to mind the chaos from The Wolf of Wall Street, from the fight in the parking lot to the publicly lewd secretary.

The X Rated Holiday Party

The X-Rated Holiday Party

This image, which was shot from one of the movie’s workplace scenes, vividly captures the hubbub labeled as X-rated. We really enjoyed the movie, therefore we do hope the firm changes its mind for the sake of the employees.

The Boss Bail-Out

An odd disclaimer was distributed to all staff members a few days before this company’s annual Christmas celebration. The memo warned them that the business would not provide bail for anyone who was detained.

The Boss Bail Out

The Boss Bail Out

Later, the complete tale emerged, revealing that the CEO had to save a number of the staff the year before due to their questionable partying habits. What sort of business is this? We want to learn more so much.

The Mop Make-Out

You know those reserved, somber bosses that you always found boring—until you saw how well-fed they were on a night out? That’s exactly what happened in the following tale, though. While making a pass on one of his staff is probably one of the easiest ways for a manager to embarrass himself, trying with a mop is a new low.

The Mop Make Out

The Mop Make Out

Nevertheless, it makes for a funny narrative that is sure to make you smile. That employer deserves praise for being the punchline.

Welcome to the Club

The Christmas party at this workplace was particularly scandalous because it coincided with the youngest employee’s birthday and the company decided to celebrate by overserving him. He was like a kid again by the end of the night, and his coworkers had to assist him to drink water.

Welcome To The Club

Welcome To The Club

The employer then pulled off the ultimate practical joke by claiming that the birthday boy’s father had called to ask how much he drank. Up until the parent gets involved, everything is amusing.

An Instagram-Worthy Night

Imagine hosting your office celebration at Madame Tussauds in London. That takes first place for the finest location among all the bars and clubs. Additionally, the coworkers had exclusive access to the wax figures and were allowed to snap pictures with them. Just think of the high-quality Instagrams that could have been taken on this night.

An Instagram Worthy Night

An Instagram-Worthy Night

For instance, take this worker who amusingly posed with a Benedict Cumberbatch lookalike. Who would you stand next to if you had the same chance?

Teeth Today, Gone Tomorrow

Up until someone goes too far and fractures a tooth, it’s all fun and games. At this office party, a sad tragedy took place. When a group of adult guys misbehaved with the food trays, they lost all of the mashed potatoes, as this particular poster was witnessing.

Teeth Today, Gone Tomorrow

Teeth Today, Gone Tomorrow

The boss also lost his teeth as a result of falling face-first into the mash. The lesson of this narrative? Keep the games for the playground’s children only.

There Goes the Christmas Tree

One wouldn’t often anticipate finding an eight-foot Christmas tree on the ground during a formal banquet reception. However, as this list has previously demonstrated, anything can occur when everyone gathers for the evening.

There Goes The Christmas Tree

There Goes The Christmas Tree

The flood of alcoholic beverages further enhances the festive atmosphere. Having said that, it’s difficult to picture a diminutive female manager toppling a huge tree. Unquestionably dynamite in tiny packaging.

Overpriced Company

Even if many of us value and adore our coworkers, that doesn’t mean that our time together is worth $60. In reality, we probably wouldn’t spend that much money unless it meant meeting our favorite celebs.

Overpriced Company

Overpriced Company

Additionally, one would expect the party planners to go above and beyond for a $60 advance party, yet the food wasn’t even included in the deal. We too would reject this!

A Legendary Lady

Everyone has encountered the office troublemaker who frequently gets in trouble. For the firm, it could be a hazardous venture, but for the rest of us, it’s a lot of fun. We would offer real money to see the action in person while munching on popcorn after hearing what this woman got up to at her business party.

A Legendary Lady

A Legendary Lady

Interestingly enough, despite the jaw-dropping experience, this humorous woman was able to keep her work. How’s nine lives for you?

A Generous Boss

Office parties typically end in headaches and regrets the next day due to all the mayhem, but this one was different. A CEO who was intoxicated told his staff that the entire company would be taking a vacation.

A Generous Boss

A Generous Boss

While many questioned the veracity of his claim, everyone was on holiday in the Caribbean resort of Cancun ten months later. Who would have thought that a holiday office party would lead to such a conclusion? It resembles a real fairy tale.

Santa Was a Hit

The time during office gatherings is when we can loosen up a little and make our coworkers laugh until they hurt. These colleagues chose to adopt an overserved Santa for the celebration with that in mind.

Santa Was A Hit

Santa Was A Hit

This Santa, who had consumed too many sweets, ended himself wandering the streets of New York rather than following the plan and remaining at the location. A group of coworkers decided to join him on his sugar high since they found him to be too fascinating to miss.

Always Be Nice

Let’s face it, visiting theme parks or recreated filming locations always brings out the child in all of us. Unfortunately for the party’s personnel, the combination of that nostalgia and too many potent drinks led to a chaotic scene fit for a crime scene. Some non-potion drinkers kept their eyes on the prize and were able to secure a private tour while businessmen behaved like boys.

Always Be Nice

Always Be Nice

The grandeur of visiting the Leavesden Studio and reliving the sensation that was the Hogwarts school may be appreciated by all Harry Potter aficionados.

A Total Rip-Off

Nothing is worse than feeling taken advantage of. In many cases, leaving you with a lighter wallet doesn’t just leave you lighter in the wallet; it also leaves you with a heavier soul, particularly in this case when the business mandated the payment but offered no recompense for the calamity that transpired. Instead, the business received a refund, and the staff members contracted food sickness.

A Total Rip Off

A Total Rip Off

That certainly was an unjust outcome. Even worse, the business’s efforts to improve it the next year were unsuccessful. These poor coworkers now have negative recollections from the past two years in a row.

Come Hungry, Leave Starving

We all have certain expectations in mind when we attend a big corporate party. For instance, we may see a large room with elaborate table settings, hearty cuisine, and just the right amount of music and lighting to create the ideal ambiance.

Come Hungry, Leave Starving

Come Hungry, Leave Starving

The sad reality is that these expectations are frequently unmet, leaving us chilly, hungry, and cranky from a sense of confinement. It’s time to go and get some quick food at this point.

The Bearer of Bad News

The mood at a party should be lighthearted and enjoyable, so it’s crucial to keep the conversation going in that direction. If not, you’ll end up spoiling the evening by breaking the terrible news. Unfortunately, this CEO missed the memo and decided to tell the workforce that their jobs were in jeopardy at the office party.

The Bearer Of Bad News

The Bearer Of Bad News

Due to this fundamental error, the staff became irate and took full advantage of the open bar. The positive sentiments eventually gave way to the nauseating aroma of vomit-infused flesh. Gross!

All Fun and Games Until There’s a Shark

Organizing a large party on a boat may sound like a lot of fun, but there are logistical challenges. For instance, the waves’ motion can easily make individuals queasy, or even worse, they could fall overboard. In this instance, one inebriated partygoer’s reality turned out to be the latter possibility.

All Fun And Games Until There’s A Shark

All Fun And Games Until There’s A Shark

Unfortunately, that meant that the party was finished for everyone because she fell into hazardous shark-infested seas. All those employees survived to tell the humorous story, despite the fact that the fun was cut short and dessert was never served.

A Non-Anonymous Complaint

We’ve all overindulged at parties and made embarrassing errors, but this one could take the cake. Speaking poorly of your supervisor in private, behind his or her back, is one thing, but when you do it in front of them, it’s quite another.

A Non Anonymous Complaint

A Non-Anonymous Complaint

That is exactly what this female employee unintentionally accomplished. The discomfort of this interaction is too entertaining not to share, so thank goodness someone overheard and told us the tale. We feel awful for her, but we just had to laugh.

No Regrets

The next guy had no idea what he did at the workplace party for his employer, but it sure made him popular with his coworkers. The life slogan “no regrets,” which was notably used and spelled incorrectly in the cherished comedy film We’re the Millers, is brought to mind by this particular story.

No Regrets

No Regrets

If any of you regret your drunken behavior, just start chanting these manifesting phrases. We can’t stop seeing the incident.

No Drinks, No Party

Budgeting is crucial when organizing a party for an occasion, but there are some things that cannot be skipped. For instance, there is music, food, and of course, beverages. We laughed as a result of the cheap owner’s decision to take away the potions from the hotel’s office party.

No Drinks, No Party

No Drinks, No Party

He emptied out the beverages, and everyone else went looking for them elsewhere. The proprietors of the business were ultimately left with an empty ballroom and an absence of workers.

A BBQ to Celebrate the End

None of the employees at this company knew what to expect when they showed up for a fun Friday BBQ at their workplace warehouse. In reality, it was a farewell and thanks to the personnel because the company had collapsed, rather than a sign of celebration after a year in operation.

A BBQ To Celebrate The End

A BBQ To Celebrate The End

As a result, when everyone arrived after the weekend, they found the warehouse to be empty, signifying the success of their business. What a sad, happy ending, huh?

It Takes One Person to Ruin a Party

Up until one clown spoils the party for everyone else, it’s all fun and games. In this instance, the clown was a female employee who had joined the party early and was drunk. She accidentally fainted in the bathroom, stopping the entire function.

It Takes One Person To Ruin A Party

It Takes One Person To Ruin A Party

Just visualize the scene: a partygoer in full attire, with glam hair, and makeup, being carried off the boat on a stretcher. It resembles a terrible, low-budget horror movie.

An HR Nightmare

Imagine looking through the internet photo album from your office party and finding your boss with another employee in an inappropriate position. This was an uncomfortable reality for one corporation, which put the HR team in charge of crisis management.

An HR Nightmare

An HR Nightmare

For a moment, let’s all don our Clue masks and ponder the mystic question of “Who posted those photographs online?” a spiteful ex? An agitator? We suppose we’ll never know, but one thing is certain: that boss will be remembered forever.

Mother’s Going to Be Mad

Whenever we hear about a sizable housewarming party, the tale seldom goes well. Frequently, chaos quickly breaks out as more guests come who are usually strangers to the host. Then there is that one partygoer who has been overserved and wants to make a scene. In this instance, the offender damaged not only a table but also a portion of the balcony.

Mother’s Going To Be Mad

Mother’s Going To Be Mad

It, as we subsequently discovered, belonged to his mother and wasn’t even the host’s property. His entire life will be filled with time-outs.

A Bruised Face and Matching Ego

In addition to embarrassing himself in front of his boss at the office party while inebriated, this one employee also made the grave error of trying to flirt with her.

A Bruised Face And Matching Ego

A Bruised Face And Matching Ego

She felt uncomfortable and attempted to leave, but her employee failed to recognize the social indication and fell flat on his face while attempting to follow her. Let’s simply say that while a broken chin will mend, damaged ego will never go away.

Perfect Timing

Our education has led us to believe that our exceptional credentials are the only criteria used to hire us for a position, but this is frequently not the case. The importance of timing cannot be overstated, and for this specific employee, it just so happened that her job interview with her current employer took place the day after their annual office party.

Perfect Timing

Perfect Timing

They proceeded to train her under the assumption that she had already been hired because of everyone’s frail mental state. Lucky fish they are!

Steak Will Never Be the Same

When your boss dares you to a drinking game, you know the evening will end in regrets. This worker’s attempt to keep up with his supervisor resulted in him passing out, earning him a new (and dubious) moniker.

Steak Will Never Be The Same

Steak Will Never Be The Same

He still doesn’t know what he did to earn this label, but we’re assuming it was something unkosher. The next day when he entered the office, he was greeted by the name “Steak Pants.”

I Never Wanted to Know That

Drinking during a party typically results in secret spilling, which is known to have negative consequences for the inebriated whistleblower. This particular female employee made the decision to inform her coworkers of her previous transgressions, which only made everyone else uncomfortable.

I Never Wanted To Know That

I Never Wanted To Know That

Although no one passed out or physically damaged themselves at the office party, this kind of information can be just as bad, if not worse.

The Talent Show

The likelihood of a firm successfully hosting a talent show at its corporate party is close to none. This story demonstrates our point since not only did the corporation have to bribe the workers into participating by dangling prizes, but those that did were a complete snooze fest.

The Talent Show

The Talent Show

The entire business left the party after listening to a karaoke singer who couldn’t sing and hearing dull tales of people’s tropical trips. The lesson of the tale? Keep party planning straightforward.