These Hilarious Pictures Prove That What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas

Published on 08/04/2022
These Hilarious Pictures Prove That What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas

These Hilarious Pictures Prove That What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas

One of the best places to go to let loose and have fun in Las Vegas, Nevada. Because of its location in one of the last vestiges of the Wild West, Las Vegas was planned in a way that makes many activities that are illegal elsewhere in the United States legal within a specific area. The following are numerous photos capturing events in Las Vegas that the people depicted probably would rather have vanished into thin air. You too can share in the hilarity of these unbelievable, Vegas-only moments.

Sleep Tight

Sleep Tight

When one has consumed a few too many alcoholic beverages, one’s faculties become disorganized, and this woman was unable to decide whether she needed to use the restroom or go to bed. After a while, she became too exhausted to continue and collapsed on the bathroom floor. It wasn’t the cleanest spot in the world to nap, but it beat dozing off in the middle of the Las Vegas strip.

Don’t Drink And Tat

There’s something about getting drunk that motivates some people to get tattoos, and we’ll never understand why. In all likelihood, it won’t go well, and you won’t be proud to show off your new tattoo to loved ones back at home.

Don’t Drink And Tat

Don’t Drink And Tat

This guy obviously couldn’t stop thinking about Bon Jovi’s “It’s My Life” and decided to permanently immortalize his obsession with the song. After a few drinks, however, words become jumbled and spelling goes out the window, so what was written on his arm was essentially gibberish.

A Drinking Problem

This booze store is dominating the competition with its billboards, hands down. The harsh honesty of their performances is a draw for virtually all of the people who find themselves in the clubs and casinos in Las Vegas.

A Drinking Problem

A Drinking Problem

Sin City is, after all, a destination for many who are in need of treatment of some kind. This sign is great for the Las Vegas therapy-seekers who are also trying to cut costs due to the high frequency with which money is stolen in the city.

Home Is Where The Slot Is

One should not underestimate this man. When he goes to Las Vegas, he takes it very seriously, so seriously that he pays extra to have the casino open before anyone else and stay until after everyone else has left.

Home Is Where The Slot Is

Home Is Where The Slot Is

His efforts may seem excessive to others. But after he gambles his way to a six-figure income and a mansion in Beverly Hills, those same individuals will be knocking on his door to learn his secret.

Red Light

The redhead had the shock of her life when she got more than she bargained for on the street in Las Vegas, where you never know what you’re going to encounter.

Red Light

Red Light

This charming little monkey was the last thing the lady anticipated to attract the attention of the cash. The similarities between man and monkeys are greater than most people realize, and scientific evidence supports the theory that we descended from apes.

Dedication Is Key

Adults flock to Las Vegas to let loose, and it’s not uncommon to witness crazy bachelor and bachelorette parties. This man chooses to take the intoxicated antics of the group in stride, unlike the many onlookers who had likely grown tired of the same reactions.

Dedication Is Key

Dedication Is Key

He went out and bought the skinniest, most exposed dress he could find, accessorizing it with a bachelorette sash and a fan reading “tips.” What people think is up to them.

It Felt Like A Dream

People frequently depart from Las Vegas feeling defeated by everything the party city has to offer. These guys couldn’t survive a weekend in Vegas because they took the saying “go hard or go home” a little too literally.

It Felt Like A Dream

It Felt Like A Dream

They required a lot of sleep since they either drank too much tequila or stayed up too late partying in Vegas. It’s safe to assume that none of these guys are carrying their heads high right now.

No Judgement

This might be the most degrading yet hilarious advertisement we’ve ever seen. We’d like to know how this idea came to fruition and whose plan it was, as it was certainly a risky one.

No Judgement

No Judgement

While a lot of men would find the idea funny, others may not have gotten into the light-hearted, Vegas spirit so much and may have written a strongly-worded complaint about all of this. It is no surprise that this Vegas bathroom is now famous, having gone viral on the Internet.

Bubble Burst

When walking around the Las Vegas strip, it is all too common to come across different characters and Disney stars trying to make a living off of visitor tips.

Bubble Burst

Bubble Burst

Although they come across as funny and friendly, the hustler’s life can be hard for some, and many resorts to hitting the bars after a long day walking up and down the strip in a boiling costume. However, Minnie Mouse took it too far, and we just hope little kids didn’t have their innocence taken away after seeing this.

Forgive And Forget

The old saying, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” might be true, but it doesn’t mean that your actions aren’t being judged by the big guy upstairs. What better way for a Church to attract more people than to claim “what happens in Vegas is forgiven here!”

Forgive And Forget

Forgive And Forget

Clearly, Pastor Allen F. Harrod is a very forgiving person and understands that people might lose themselves when they hit the adult playground for the weekend. Sin is bad, but there is always forgiveness.

For Better Or Worse

Aside from partying, drinking, shows, and gambling, Vegas are well-known for its Little White Chapel. There are so many stories of people getting drunk in Vegas and getting married to someone they met in a club five minutes prior, and the activity is so common that even Britney Spears couldn’t say no.

For Better Or Worse

For Better Or Worse

However, this man’s bride wasn’t another newlywed; he was just trying to get tips while strolling around the strip and making people laugh.

Better Safe Than Sorry

With alcohol and partying come beer goggles and poor choices. Many people, don’t even know the name of the person that they are taking back to their hotel suite in Vegas, let alone their medical history.

Better Safe Than Sorry

Better Safe Than Sorry

This healthcare organization took the liberty of reminding revelers that not everything stays in Las Vegas and that they should probably get checked before and after going. It’s better to be safe than sorry. Don’t let Vegas get the better of you!

Court Knee

Whether you’re a resident or a traveler, the temptation of Las Vegas can get the better of anyone, including this Starbucks employee. After going way too hard at the club the night before, this employee showed up to work very late with a raging hangover, albeit still slightly drunk.

Court Knee

Court Knee

When it came to making coffee first thing in the morning, it proved too much of a challenge, and writing names correctly was even harder. This might be the best spelling of Courtney that we’ve seen.

I’m Going To Level With You

From late 2010 to early 2011, planking was the biggest craze around. People took the fad very seriously and began coming up with crazy and dangerous places to plank, all for a post that would generate thousands of likes on social media.

I’m Going To Level With You

I’m Going To Level With You

This lady was not going to let her age be a factor in holding her back from planking, and what better place to let yourself go than Vegas? Grandma planking on a slot machine would go down as one of the greatest family photos.

‘Till Annulment Do Us Part

Marriage is an ideal that many strive towards at some stage in their lives. However, there are also those who want to avoid all the tedious preparations that go into a big wedding and want to get the nuptials out of the way nice and quickly.

‘Till Annulment Do Us Part

‘Till Annulment Do Us Part

There is something romantic about driving off into the sunset with the one you love and eloping together. Las Vegas is the perfect place to do this, as it has numerous chapels for couples who want to get married on the fly.

Super Vegas

Due to the fact that Vegas is not light years away from Hollywood, it should come as no surprise that every once in a while, you will find some of your favorite movie characters parading the Vegas strip.

Super Vegas

Super Vegas

You may even find some superheroes sitting in a fast food joint, having a burger. Take this group of friends, for example. In the comic books, you wouldn’t normally expect Batman to be on good terms with arch-nemeses such as Bane and The Joker.

Mushroom Kingdom, Nevada

There is no denying the impact that the Super Mario Brothers have had on pop culture. The two Italian plumbers are arguably the most iconic characters in the history of video games.

Mushroom Kingdom, Nevada

Mushroom Kingdom, Nevada

They are known for getting into all sorts of adventures as they try to save Peach from the claws of the evil Bowser. It seems like the pair went on their own bachelor party in Vegas but just couldn’t handle it. They had fewer stars and mushrooms and more bottles of Malibu…

One Night Stand

Sometimes, people just get a little too creative with their Halloween costumes. If there is ever a place on the planet where Halloween could be a particularly special occasion, it has to be Las Vegas.

One Night Stand

One Night Stand

On any given day of the year, you’ll see people parading down the Strip wearing all sorts of outrageous costumes. So when this guy went with his friends for a Hallow’s Eve bachelor party, he decided to take things to the next level with this One Night Stand costume.

It’s A Zoo Out There

Not only are the humans in Vegas dressing up for every possible occasion, but they are also giving their pets wacky transformations! Ever seen the show Pimp My Ride?

It’s A Zoo Out There

It’s A Zoo Out There

Well, it looks like MTV has just got another goldmine on their hands with a show called Pimp My Pet! This cute little tabby doesn’t seem too phased by the little makeover it received. All it wants to do is make money for its owner so they can have some more milk!

Vegas Flare

People aren’t just wearing crazy costumes when they go to Vegas, but they are also sporting some of the most bizarre hairstyles on the planet. Whatever you might think about this guy’s mohawk, you can’t deny that it is an impressive piece of work.

Vegas Flare

Vegas Flare

One side of the building has the classic sign that says “Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada,” while the other has the classic star-spangled banner. We can only imagine this guy getting cheers whenever he walks into the room.

Bridging The Gap

You always hear in the news stories about people who have had prophetic revelations or interactions with holy figures. Some have claimed that they have seen the Virgin Mary on their toast, while others have claimed to have died for 10 seconds, meeting God on the way.

Bridging The Gap

Bridging The Gap

However, who is going to argue with this old lady? With years of experience under her belt, why would we question her when she put on a baker’s hat and wrote on it, “I went to the Prom with Jesus?”

Dream Come True

Every woman dreams of that glorious day when her man takes her to a romantic location, gets down on one knee, and pops the question. You get to a stage when you know that he will propose to you at some point. It is simply a case of, “how will he do it?”

Dream Come True

Dream Come True

So when this young lady was introduced to Britney Spears and asked for her hand in marriage by her boyfriend at the same time, she wasn’t sure what to be more excited about!

Food Flunk

What does “true friendship” mean? Is it someone who will listen to you no matter how trivial or important your topic might be? Is it someone who will always answer the phone, even if it is at three in the morning?

Food Flunk

Food Flunk

Or is it someone who will rest your head on a pizza box as a pillow and buy a box of hot dogs and put it by your side in your drunkest hour? We think we have a clear answer.

Play The Part

As we previously said, Las Vegas is the center of audacious costumes. That’s not all, though. The city that Elvis used to sing about is, without a shadow of a doubt, the gambling capital of the world.

Play The Part

Play The Part

The words “casino” and “Las Vegas” go hand in hand so well that you can’t really have one without the other. This lady knew that all too well. So she knew exactly what the tourists would love when she dressed up in this awesome costume.

Slippery Hands

When Timofey Mozgov helped the Cleveland Cavaliers win a huge game, he couldn’t help but take them to the clubs of Las Vegas, specifically, the famous nightclub XL. The basketball player was happy to party with random party people and take selfies with them.

Slippery Hands

Slippery Hands

Here’s a perfect example, where he took one of the young ladies’ phones and had the group selfie with a towel on his head. Apparently, though, he dropped the phone just moments after he took the photo.

Not Impressed

Many companies like to take their employees to Vegas every once in a while. It’s a little treat that is meant to show the workers that their company appreciates the hard work they put in over the years.

Not Impressed

Not Impressed

It’s always a fun occasion though because it means that everyone in the company goes on this hedonistic trip. You could be in an entry-level position and be doing a dance with your CEO! What a hoot!

Ugly Ducklings

Maybe one of the most iconic locations on the planet to take a selfie at is the classic welcome sign that reads “Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada.”

Ugly Ducklings

Ugly Ducklings

The sign has been seen in numerous movies and shows and is such an ideal spot to take a photo for your Instagram account. If you truly want to capture the essence of the Vegas experience, make sure to be extremely drunk with your friends before you take that selfie.

Grab The Bull By The Horns

Part of the fun of riding mechanical bulls is that you will almost certainly fall off. Of course, it’s certainly ironic that the more beverages you consume, the more likely you are to want to try the bull, but it then becomes even more difficult to keep your grip strong.

Grab The Bull By The Horns

Grab The Bull By The Horns

This girl may look like she’s taken a nasty spill, but with her hand still grasping the saddle, it’s clear she was trying to keep it up.

Burst His Bubble

Vegas is a great place to celebrate your birthday, especially your 21st. This guy had been planning a wild birthday weekend with his birthday for months, but once they were in the midst of their festivities, their ideas began to go downhill.

Burst His Bubble

Burst His Bubble

Luckily for the guys, they pooled their money to book this crazy suite with a killer bathroom, but by the next morning, the only thing he could remember was that he had this bubbly picture on his phone.

Pole Party

You may have thought that an office trip to Vegas would be the best way to blow off some steam, but once you see this picture, you realize just how wrong that can go.

Pole Party

Pole Party

Most of these party bus patrons seem to be having a good time, though they’re clearly not sure how to handle the guy from the third floor who started pole dancing. Monday meetings with the marketing team will certainly never be the same again.

Characters Capital Vegas

When you’ve only grown up with stories about the wildness of Vegas, it can be quite a shock to discover that it’s even more outrageous than the legends.

Characters Capital Vegas

Characters Capital Vegas

This man finally bit the bullet and decided to live out his childhood dream, only to discover that it was far crazier than he ever thought it would be. Though he was wary of the man covered in pink feathers from head to toe, he decided he’d be bold for the second time in his life.

Cupid’s Cabin

With decor from the Vegas of old, unscrupulous couples who meet on the darkened dance floor of a Vegas club can easily book this room if they’d like to spend a romantic night away from their respective roommates.

Cupid’s Cabin

Cupid’s Cabin

With a design taken from a Valentine’s Day horror movie, you too can elope downstairs before consummating your brand new marriage while multiple cupids watch over you. If you’ve ever wanted to do something you’ll regret for years to come while you’re in Vegas, hurry up and book now.

A Dare Is A Dare

When the planking craze hit America, Vegas was one of the most popular places to give it a go. People were seen so constantly throughout the streets, lying flat in an unexpected place, that eventually, onlookers didn’t even bat an eye.

A Dare Is A Dare

A Dare Is A Dare

This guy missed the craze by just a bit, but he was so hungry that it seemed like a great idea to plank in a fast food restaurant while he waited for his order.

Lucky Charm

These girls were definitely ready to let the dogs out with Zach Galifianakis, AKA Alan, from The Hangover. Arguably the funniest of the four main characters from the 2009 blockbuster, Galifianakis really buys into all of his roles and is rarely out of character.

Lucky Charm

Lucky Charm

That’s probably why these girls stumbled across Galifinakis wandering the streets of Vegas by himself without his wolfpack. The bearded bachelor crashed their Vegas party, making for one hilarious photo and one memorable (or not) evening.

Love Hurts

Whoever says that only single people know how to have fun in Vegas clearly hasn’t met this adorable couple. These lovebirds decided to hit the town decked out with matching hilariously descriptive pillowcases on their heads, proving that Vegas can also be a romantic destination for lovers.

Love Hurts

Love Hurts

Maybe they lost some kind of bet, or maybe they are simply immune to embarrassment. In either case, their server certainly got a kick out of their interesting hats, as did we.

Brolove Captured

One thing led to another, and these bros ended up getting a little too close for comfort on their trip to Sin City. While plenty of guys set out on trips to Vegas looking for a rebound after a recent breakup, rarely do these gentlemen find comfort and solace in the arms of their fellow bros.

Brolove Captured

Brolove Captured

But after all, it’s really none of our business who these guys want to spoon. We just hope the pain of the breakup has subsided.

Hair Of The Dog

The opulence of the hotels on the Vegas strip is nearly unparalleled. Emulating many famous sites from around the world, you can dine at the top of the Eiffel Tower, or take a gondola ride through the grounds of the Venetian hotel.

Hair Of The Dog

Hair Of The Dog

Though most boats are staffed by gondola men, attired in the same uniform as they are in Venice, Pawlo is available for gondola rides upon request. You may have thought coffee was the antidote to a hangover, but really, it’s Pawlo.

Liar Liar, Pants On Fire

If there’s one place where no one will believe that you had a dryer mishap, it’s definitely in Vegas. For all of her protestations that she didn’t sort her laundry very well.

Liar Liar, Pants On Fire

Liar Liar, Pants On Fire

It’s hard to believe when there are so many places to go where you might get smacked in the back with a pair of panties. The barista taking her order may not even have noticed, but the tourists in line behind her most certainly did.

Interesting Choice

Las Vegas is known for being an extremely accepting city where visitors can feel free to be who they are and wear what they want. This guy decided to utilize his newfound freedom to wear a nice scarf, along with a balloon hat in the shape of an exotic dancer.

Interesting Choice

Interesting Choice

While we are unsure if this head-dress would be acceptable to wear on his flight back home, he seems to be enjoying wearing it while in Vegas, and his girlfriend doesn’t seem to mind.

Tiring Game

This is what happens when you forget to nap before a big night of gambling. The trip to Sin City can sometimes leave visitors feeling jet-lagged and exhausted. This Vegas-goer should have cut her losses and gotten some shut-eye before gambling away all her money.

Tiring Game

Tiring Game

In Vegas, it’s always important to know when to quit, though they’ve definitely done their best to design casinos in such a way that the above keeps happening. It’s a tough combination, but then again, the house always wins.

Careful, It’s HOT

With a name like the Heart Attack Grill, it’s no surprise why this Vegas specialty restaurant has its visitors requesting someone to call the doctor.

Careful, It’s HOT

Careful, It’s HOT

This over-the-top burger joint has gone all out with their hospital theme, with waitresses dressed as nurses who take “prescriptions,” AKA orders, from “patients,” AKA customers who are required to wear mandatory hospital gowns and wrist bracelets. The Heart Attack Grill has a fitting slogan, as well, which claims they have been “fighting anorexia since 2010.”

Permanent Reminder

This may just be the first tattoo in the history of Las Vegas that actually stayed in Vegas. This woman wanted something that would remind her of her BFF’s bachelorette party in Sin City, but wasn’t ready to commit to an actual tattoo.

Permanent Reminder

Permanent Reminder

So, she did the next best thing and had a friend write “I love Vegas” on her back with a marker as a trial run before getting a permanent tattoo. We’re pretty sure she didn’t follow through with the real version.

Drop It Like It’s Cold

Unlike the rest of America, Vegas is such a free-wheeling kind of town that it’s one of the few places you can walk around with a drink in hand. That doesn’t mean there aren’t rules to be followed, and hotel security always has their work cut out for them.

Drop It Like It’s Cold

Drop It Like It’s Cold

Oftentimes, however, they find that those who need to be corralled are too far gone to heed their instructions, much like this guy, who no longer knew the difference between “drop” and “drink.”

Fear Works Wonders

While the adage “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” may have been true once upon a time, with the rise of social media, you better believe your wife will figure out just what kind of unholy shenanigans you were getting up to on your “business trip.”

Fear Works Wonders

Fear Works Wonders

This man hadn’t even been home two hours when he stepped out of the shower, attempting to wash away his sins, only to discover it was too late, his wife knew everything.

Feeling Blue

With Vegas as glitzy of a city as it is, it’s not surprising that you’ll find people trying to blend in with their surroundings, whether they’re on the street, at a concert, or are genuinely forced to wear a ridiculous costume for their performance job.

Feeling Blue

Feeling Blue

This music fan was super excited to see her favorite artist come to town and wanted to dress to impress. She pulled out her favorite sequin dress and all of its matching accessories before going and dancing the night away.

Cannot Resist

Anyone that goes to Vegas and doesn’t gamble has some serious self-control. The vast majority of people that go get drawn to the slot machines, and even a small win can spur them on to play the game all night long.

Cannot Resist

Cannot Resist

This man succumbed to the addictive nature of the slot machines and, after staying up all night long playing, ended up crashing in his chair. With all the girl parties, it was a given they were going to pose with the snoozing man.

Jackpot Joke

This gentleman let his anger get the best of him as he faced off against this slot machine. It’s easy to understand his frustration. Day in and day out, countless unsuspecting victims fall prey to the ruthless slot machines, clinging to the hope of one day winning big with just one magic lever pull.

Jackpot Joke

Jackpot Joke

These unlucky individuals end up cutting their losses, leaving the casino with their tails between their legs, and accepting that they just wasted their entire life’s savings.

It’s A Sign

We’re almost positive that this taxi driver immediately regretted his decision to leave this sign in his taxi. There is no doubt that the average Vegas-goer has absolutely no problem doing any of the listed elicitous activities in the back seat of a cab.

It’s A Sign

It’s A Sign

While it’s certainly a nice gesture to let his passengers know that they have permission to smoke, drink, laugh, yell, sing, scream, run, jump, and commit other lewd acts, we have a feeling they would have gone ahead and done these activities regardless.

Trash The Dress

Excitement got the best of this recently-wedded bride. She was so excited, in fact, that she couldn’t even wait to change out of her wedding dress and show up to the casino, vail and all, to try and win some money for the honeymoon.

Trash The Dress

Trash The Dress

Rumor has it that she was so jacked up at the prospect of winning big at the slot machines that she didn’t even stick around the chapel to get some photos with family and friends following the ceremony.

Gambling Away His Freedom

It’s not every day you face off against an urban legend on the blackjack table. It turns out that Sasquatch is actually a rather frequent visitor to Las Vegas and an avid gambler. Just be sure not to count cards on his table, as this angers the beast.

Gambling Away His Freedom

Gambling Away His Freedom

His poker skills are unprecedented, and even though he doesn’t get out as much as he used to, whenever he visits Vegas, he always returns to the forest with heavy pockets and high spirits.

Going Green Is Not Always A Good Decision

Vegas might be closer to Utah than to Colorado, but clearly, too many patrons take the ethos of partying hard a little too far. This hotel, in particular, began getting complaints from vacationers about a weird smell permeating their halls on too frequent of a basis.

Going Green Is Not Always A Good Decision

Going Green Is Not Always A Good Decision

While it may be harder to crack down on all illegal substances, they can easily tell patrons not to engage in any activities that involve a lingering, unpleasant smell.