30+ Screenshots Of Strange Private Messages That Will Give You The Creeps
A list of the most bizarre and disturbing private messages people have received will be made public. You’d be amazed at what some people’s private messages contain! What if we’re wrong? See for yourself by scrolling down the page. At the same time, you’ll want to laugh, cry, and put your social media accounts on private. Hopefully, you’ll find them as entertaining as we did!

Is Your Tux Ready?
Knowing the dress code ahead of time helps us feel more confident when attending an event to which we have been invited. It wasn’t because he wanted to ask his crush to a formal event that this dude suggested they both wear tuxedos. It would have been great if that were the case because it would have made for a great movie, but his offer was far more, um, casual.
Who Got Destroyed?
A hacker who makes contact with you online is likely to wield considerable influence. This is because they have access to your personal information without your permission. That’s what they say.

Who Got Destroyed?
As it turned out, the hacker who tried to play that card wasn’t messing with a scaredy-cat after all! It was the recipient of these threats who successfully robbed the hacker of any tools he might have used.
Lover Boy
We are harsh on the texters of today’s generation. For the most part, because of their avocado toast stories as well as post-workout selfies, they’ve earned their scorn. They can ramp up things so quickly, and we have legitimate reasons for our dislike.

Lover Boy
You can tell right away that the girl isn’t interested in this conversation. While still, the lover boy’s word vomit keeps going. He even proposes that they skip the dating phase and go straight to marriage, which was never on the table.
Too Unprofessional
It sounds so innocent and sweet when we hear about secret admirers leaving flowers in kids’ lockers at school, but it’s not so rosy. That was our intention, didn’t you think? As a way to bring you back down to earth, we’ll describe a more typical situation.

Too Unprofessional
In order to flirt with you, your furniture delivery guy goes against the terms of his agreement and steals your cell phone number. When we saw the second message, we were about to give up on this guy. We hope he’s on his way to confess his sins!
Show Me How It Works
Like predicting the weather, determining whether or not someone is interested in you is a dangerous gamble, as it can go from hot to cold at any given moment.

Show Me How It Works
So, even though this guy was hot for this girl, she didn’t reciprocate. She wasn’t just cold in her texts; she also actually was cold. She is fortunate to have central heating. We certainly hope that the man has some cream to rub on the rejection burn he received!
Don’t Do It Again, Sebastian
You’ve heard the expression “whisper sweet nothings,” which means basically that someone is flattering you in a whisper. Since people hardly ever converse in real life anymore, we’ve chosen to update that.

Don’t Do It Again, Sebastian
No, we crouch behind our mobile phones and offer up generic, spooky compliments, much like Sebastian has done in this instance. Do not follow in his footsteps if you are trying to get a date with your crush!
Where Were You?
We are aware that there are a few things we can anticipate with each new month. The first item is our paycheck, which is really the fun part. The bills arrive after that, which tends to rob us and our accounts of all the fun we had been having.

Where Were You?
But hey, that’s just part of growing up. Do you know what doesn’t happen on a monthly basis? A regular text message from a creep on Instagram. However, that is the purpose of best comebacks, and boy did this guy deliver!
How To Not Spice Things Up
Roleplaying is a technique used by couples to liven up their interactions and alter the usual storyline. However, the situation doesn’t exactly scream sexy. We, therefore, want to give these texters a few pointers.

How To Not Spice Things Up
First off, stop using asterisks to separate your sentences; it’s excessive and unsettling. The kitchen-obsessed respondent should concentrate on the bigger picture in this case. Stop being so picky, because your partner is attempting to seduce you. Even we find you annoying.
Are We On The Same Page?
It makes sense that there will occasionally be misunderstandings when people’s mother tongues are different. On the other hand, these individuals were actively engaging in two separate conversations in the same language.

Are We On The Same Page?
The other was just talking about her dog, whereas the first was trying to talk dirty. Since he is the dog for speaking that way, we are actually relieved that the dog lover did not understand this guy’s love language. The mic is now being put down!
What A Creep
In particular, while the parents are away, babysitters are expected to watch over and protect the children. But it seems like there are times when the children require protection from the babysitter. Don’t trust us? Just take a look at this history of the text.

What A Creep
This former babysitter is not only completely inappropriate for stepping outside the lines and attempting his luck, but he is also extremely angry. Get this man his medication before he ends up in handcuffs, please!
Lemme Give You A Quick History Lesson
The best thing about modern technology is that it allows us to communicate with people all over the world, proving that relationships can still flourish despite the distance.

Lemme Give You A Quick History Lesson
However, despite the fact that they may be geographically far apart, these individuals have very different perspectives on one another. While one attempts to be flirtatious, the other is giving a quick history lesson on Armenia.
How Much For The Kid?
A parent’s love for their child is unwavering. Most people view raising a child as a priceless blessing, Regardless of the expense involved. “Most” is the key word. Because some strange outliers believe having a child is as easy as going into a store to buy an item.

How Much For The Kid?
This woman’s text appeared exactly that way. It’s one thing to stalk somebody and then ask for information about their clothing purchase or whether they’re selling a piece of furniture, but it’s quite another when they ask you to purchase your child.
Keep Dreaming
When a creep tries their luck with you, there’s nothing worse than when they pretend they weren’t when they’ve been turned down. If she’s not interested in you, then you should admit it and move on.

Keep Dreaming
His crush’s heart was shattered when he told her, “Keep dreaming.” We’ve got some advice for him: Stop pretending that you’re a smooth operator and learn how to talk to women instead.
The Guy On The Cover Photo
Things happen to us that make us feel terrible about ourselves at the most inopportune times. If you forget a friend’s birthday, for instance. Fortunately, we have Facebook’s algorithm to help us out with that one these days.

he Guy In The Cover Photo
This person, on the other hand, was attempting to slam this girl and ended up giving her the ultimate compliment. Ouch! It must be difficult to live with that accident. More luck to you next time!
Can I See Your Body
This exchange of text messages should serve as the face of our creepy PMs mythos. Why you might ask? As a matter of fact, because it covers so much in so few words. He was saying one thing but really meant another, which isn’t that uncommon, right?

Can I See Your Body
It was only then that this girl decided to give him a taste of his own medicine, rather than just disappearing. She sent him a picture of her body, but it wasn’t hers. The truth is, we don’t know. Is that something from another planet? What kind of animal is this? Is it an anteater, or something else? It’s safe to say we’ll never know the answer to that question.
You can bet your bottom dollar that there will be consequences if you decide to harass others online by sending indecent photos.

Here, a violation report landed this person in hot water. You little incompetent, good luck trying to navigate your way out of this one (beep). Payback is coming to make amends for your wrongdoing and to bite you in the bum.
If You Need A Dude….
We couldn’t help but chuckle as we followed along with the chain of messages. Someone getting rejected in such a savage manner is always amusing to witness. Rejection is a painful experience for everyone, but at least we can laugh about it.

If You Need A Dude….
Who among the “beautiful couple” could possibly have disappointed him more? Maybe, but it’s unlikely to have been worthy of a screenshot at this point. What a sick, distorted world we live in, right? One man’s pain is another man’s pleasure.
“If You Don’t Mind”
“Double the chins equals double the fun,” as the saying goes. Don’t fret if you’re scratching your heads at this, because we just made the whole thing up now. Those chin-friendly selfies were a big inspiration for us!

“If You Don’t Mind”
We are in awe of this girl’s ability to laugh at herself. With our newfound knowledge of the art of the double chin, we’ve learned a better way to respond to someone who asks us for inappropriate photos.
Not For You Though
We’ve heard, seen, and experienced it all at this point. To date, this stranger from Laguna Beach has sent the creepiest text message. Please bear with us as we work our way through the many, many layers of creepiness in this situation.

Not For You Though
First of all, if she smiled at him, it doesn’t mean she was infatuated with him just because. When he remembered and wrote down her phone number, even though it wasn’t meant for him, it was truly astounding. Our brains exploded when he had the audacity to believe that the message would be delivered.
Try Harder
We immediately think of Dr. Phil whenever we hear the name, Phil. Despite the fact that there are many other Phils in existence, we can’t help but expect them to be cheerful and cheery, as well.

Try Harder
Until this point. It’s because Phil is both creepy and strangely domineering for a stranger. What justification does he have for behaving in this manner toward a woman? We’ve had enough of Phils now!
A Rare Disease
When it comes to girls and dating, boys aren’t afraid to go to extremes to get their way. The idea of faking an illness that doesn’t even exist is beyond our comprehension. What’s more, who does this guy think he’s playing on?

A Rare Disease
Just hoping she was being sarcastic and didn’t exactly believe the crap he was selling. Have dinners by candlelight and love letters completely vanished? No, it’s all about the bare chests and the ego these days.
From Tinder To Insta
Those of you who are a little too eager to find love, we have a piece of advice for you: if someone isn’t interested in you after you try, then that would be all there is to it.

From Tinder To Insta
In other words, if your interaction, or lack thereof, occurred on one social media platform, there is no need to switch platforms. You come across as desperate and creepy, which aren’t exactly qualities that people look for in potential partners.
Have You Tried Petting A Human?
Petting animals is acceptable for dogs, cats, and perhaps trained monkeys kept in zoos, but not people. So it just baffles us that this weirdo thought saying that would be cool when he was first getting to know this girl online.

Have You Tried Petting A Human?
These people should put down their phones and gather the boldness to interact with others in person, and without petting, of course.
Married At The Moment
We’re all familiar with the concept of flings. Despite the fact that they’re not among our favorites, we’ve come across a few examples. The casual marriage, on the other hand, baffles us.

Married At The Moment
When it comes to casual partners, we know not to judge until we’ve walked in their shoes. We’ve decided to focus our attention on this married guy who thinks it’s perfectly acceptable to message and hit on the married delivery woman.
He’ll Do Whatever It Takes
Advertising is no longer a subject that excite us as much as it once was. It’s like putting a carrot in front of someone’s nose. In other words, unless you’re offering us something in return, we won’t be all that interested.

He’ll Do Whatever It Takes
Even if you’re still confused by our analogy, it’s not a problem. In other words, we want to see results, not just hear about them. This guy’s game, on the other hand, is nothing more than a sham. Instead of telling me you’re funny, show me!
The Recruitment Process
In the old days, you were hired for “traditional” jobs like modelling work or acting, but as time has progressed, so has the recruitment process itself.. Now, you could be a sugar baby for someone else.

The Recruitment Process
Can’t Read The Room
In real life, it’s not always easy to determine if someone is or isn’t interested in you based on their demeanor in the room. However, when communicating via text, everything is laid out for your perusal.

Can’t Read The Room
As a result, instead of asking a slew of irrelevant questions, this texter should have gotten the hint that this girl wasn’t interested. Unfortunately for people like him, the only way to deal with them is to block them out of your life. Even though we know it’s cold, they don’t seem to grasp the concept.
What Do You Play?
Sweet little Izzy mistook this guy’s question for one about her favorite online games, but he had a different idea in mind. While she likes playing D&D’s Tieflings Race, the other one is more interested in games that aren’t suitable for her age.

What Do You Play?
Izzy could have avoided this awkward encounter if she had realized that sooner! On the other hand, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy the amusement of reading about such a blunder. This is a one-of-a-kind experience!
Cancelled Appointment
We’ll explain cancel culture to those of you who are familiar with this new form of ostracism, thanks to the internet. People are expelled from social or professional circles because of something they said or did that was unforgivable.

Cancelled Appointment
Those of you who are already familiar with this novel form of social exclusion made possible by the internet can learn more about cancel culture from us. Because of something they said or did that was unforgivable, people are expelled from social or professional circles.
More Cancellation
Due to the person’s bizarre behavior, we’ve decided to post the second installment of this text exchange. Even while she was at work, he badgered her with questions and demanded answers.

More Cancellation
As if that wasn’t bad enough, he tried to make light of the situation with a joke. We can all guess what happened based on his previous texts. Basically, this Wednesday date is doomed to fail.
Now, She’s The Rude One
There are, unfortunately, some seedy characters out there if you’re willing to put yourself out there. In the world of online dating, this is a common occurrence. Don’t worry if this happens to you!

Now, She’s The Rude One
It’s best to simply stop the person before they can say their next word. Anyone who behaved this way toward a girl would be reported and removed from the site in less time than you can say “loser,” which is what he is!
Predator Coming Through
Online dating has the drawback of not allowing you to get to know the person you’re communicating with on a personal level. As a result, you run the risk of coming into contact with a predator, and spotting one isn’t always easy.

Predator Coming Through
We’d say he’s just a weirdo and not a danger to a society based on how open he was about his desire to kidnap and his hair fetish, but the truth is, there really is no telling.
Shakespeare Era
A bad texter is one who is mistaken for a robot by others. This guy’s defense, however, is that the woman did give him reasons to believe that with her strange exchanges.

Shakespeare Era
Which one of you is saying, “I now release all feelings of hopelessness and despair?” It’s as if she was born in the Shakespearean era, perhaps? Thy self-preservation would have been better served by stopping at the initial hello.
An Innocent Post
At least one Twitter user, going by the username @basicallycatx, felt the need to express how creepy some people can be. They didn’t send weird messages because she didn’t post weird photos, she wrote ironically in the caption of a screenshot of their Snapchat conversation. What does it mean when we say she wrote it in an ironic manner?

An Innocent Post
This may be due to the fact that Cat has only shared a photo of her new headphones. When he sent her the message, the guy who did it turned it into something completely obscene. As far as we can tell, it doesn’t matter what women post on social media; there are still creepy people who will say and do creepy things.
To be honest, we’ve never been so baffled and unnerved by the same two parties at the same time. Initially, we were not a fan of this strangely detailed observation of his babysitter by this freak of a husband, but his response changed our minds.

Which is creepier, the overly attentive husband or the eye-eating Shrek babysitter? It’s okay if you can’t decide; it’s a toss-up as to who takes home the title of biggest creep.
Who Are You?
The fact that he’s trying some innovative approaches doesn’t change the fact that his intentions are a little unnerving for a stranger. You can’t try to be someone’s boyfriend from the get-go.

Who Are You?
A $1000 suit and fedora are irrelevant to us. We also recommend that he visit a modern-day store, as fedoras aren’t worn nowadays.
Just Because
No, we’re not used to people being so adamant about distributing money. Call us old-fashioned. After all, how did this become a thing in the first place? The recipient’s response, on the other hand, makes it clear that this is not a typical request, as she too does not comprehend it.

Just Because
To be on the safe side, we know he’ll be looking for something in return for the money he’s would’ve given (thanks Milton Friedman). What are your thoughts?
A Goddess Like You
In our hearts, we all desire to be adored by our significant other as if we were a god or goddess. In the case of a random stranger, this is just annoying and a waste of time.

A Goddess Like You
Based on her one-word responses, we can infer that she, too, isn’t interested in it. Next time you’re flirting with a guy, try the less is more approach and see if that works better.
Your Breathtaking Smile
To be accepted in today’s society, one must look the part. In order to achieve this, you’ll need a healthy complexion, full tresses, and a smile worthy of the Colgate commercials. If you’ve got perfect teeth, you’re going to get compliments on them.

Your Breathtaking Smile
However, the DM’s creepiness is what’s surprising. Is this guy interested in dating her teeth? We’re put off by his obsession with mouth. Before he can get his hands on her pearly whites, she should probably block his advances.
Play Sometime, Yeah?
Most of us immediately think of classic board games like Monopoly or Scrabble when someone suggests playing a game in real life. This question can be tricky to answer if you’re asked via a direct message, because it’s likely that the person is referring to an adult-oriented game.

Play Sometime, Yeah?
As the clue he gave us was the word “intimate,” it was clear to us. Regretfully, our game enthusiast on the other side is a little naive and misunderstood what he meant.
Pizza Is Life
We truly feel sorry for this guy who appears to have been cheated on by a pizza delivery service. You read that correctly. By telling him who she really cares about, the girl not only makes it clear that she isn’t interested.

Pizza Is Life
A Group Message
Really, the only time group texts or spam texts are acceptable is when you’re inviting people to an occasion. Therefore, messaging nine girls and trying to tell them the very same thing is not considered to be in this category.

A Group Message
We find it hard to believe that such sleazeballs exist and that they believe this stuff works, but we are so relieved that he was exposed. Catching the offender in the act is the sweetest form of vengeance. Please, Shaun, find yourself a hobby or something.
Which One Is True?
We start to doubt the veracity of all of someone’s big statements when they send them all at once. Therefore, even though we took the breakup text seriously, the other texts left us perplexed.

Which One Is True?
Surely the main topic of this conversation would be pregnancy? And if that’s the case, who really cares if the Xbox is destroyed? Nothing makes sense to us. How do you all feel?
Say No More
We really should be tired of these hilarious “send me a naughty picture” requests, but we simply aren’t. We find it inexplicable that these boys would ask girls for such a thing, but they frequently receive exactly what they deserve.

Say No More
And in this case, after seeing that horrifying image, the guy most likely experienced some bowel problems. In the event that any creep tries their luck with us, we intend to zoom in on this image, screenshot it, and use it as evidence. We are prepared and armed!
Typo Error
One characteristic of millennials and the generations that have come after them is that they dislike wasting time. Whether that entails using an app to order takeout rather than cooking a homemade meal or posting an Instagram with a digitally enhanced background rather than going to the location.

Typo Error
We’ve overlooked all of their eccentricities, but the DM culture is one thing we find difficult to comprehend. What happened to a straightforward “Hello, how are you?” Nowadays, people prefer to skip the entrée and move straight on to the dessert.