30+ Genius Car Hacks That Experts Have Been Hiding From You

Published on 12/11/2022
30+ Genius Car Hacks That Experts Have Been Hiding From You

30+ Genius Car Hacks That Experts Have Been Hiding From You

Cars are expensive toys. On top of the costs of acquiring one, you would have to pay for gas and maintenance regularly. It would be best if you also had a garage to park it in. Did you know there are ways to save money? It might sound like a scam, but this hack genuinely works. Many vehicles now employ keyless fobs. However, they only operate within a specified range. If you cannot unlock your automobile because you are out of reach, place the fob on your chin and try again. It may appear that your chin will not work, but it does. We don’t know whether brain waves can expand the reach or not. It won’t hurt to try, and it could work.

Check Your Tires With A Penny

Tire inspection is an important element of automotive maintenance. The penny test will tell you whether or not you need new tires. They deteriorate with time, and you must know when to replace them.

Check Your Tires With A Penny

Check Your Tires With A Penny

The depth of a tire’s thread is used to assess its condition. As a result, when you take a dime and turn Lincoln’s head down, the quantity of tire covering his head determines whether you need new tires. If nothing is protecting his head, he needs new tires.

Pull Out Dents With This Bathroom Tool

It’s possible to damage your automobile now and again. Dents, scratches, and nicks result from normal wear and tear. If your automobile has a ding and you don’t want to take it to the mechanic, look no further than your restroom.

Pull Out Dents With This Bathroom Tool

Pull Out Dents With This Bathroom Tool

Take a plunger from your bathroom and place it in the center of the ding. Pull as hard as you can until the dent disappears. You may repeat the process as often as possible until you are pleased with the speedy repair. It’s a less expensive approach to keep your automobile looking beautiful.

Don’t Forget To Unfreeze The Key Hole

Living in a cold climate will appreciate the difficulties of defrosting the automobile in the morning. When the weather drops, your automobile, even the keyhole, might freeze. It will worsen your morning if you don’t know how to solve it.

Don't Forget To Freshen Up Your Windshield Wipers

Don’t Forget To Freshen Up Your Windshield Wipers

All you need is some hand sanitizer, which we all have on hand now. Then you put as much sanitizer as possible into the lock, and the alcohol will heat the ice and unfreeze it. You don’t have time to wait for the ice to melt naturally when you need to get into your automobile immediately.

Say Goodbye To Foggy Headlights

Foggy headlights are problematic since they might reduce the quality of your nighttime lighting. If your lights are cloudy, it can lead to accidents and endanger other drivers on the road.

Say Goodbye To Foggy Headlights

Say Goodbye To Foggy Headlights

You could pay to repair them, but why not save some money? Brush toothpaste all over the headlights. Allow it to sit for a minute or two before wiping it clean with a clean towel. You can keep doing this until the fog lifts.

Never Get Locked Out Of Your Car Again

Most modern automobiles now have electronic locks that do not require keys. Vehicles that do not require a key have a manual lock for emergencies. This has numerous advantages and disadvantages, but what happens when it stops working?

Never Get Locked Out Of Your Car Again

Never Get Locked Out Of Your Car Again

If your electronic key breaks, search for a little plastic piece on the door handle’s edge. Remove this component to reveal a manual lock beneath. In an emergency, this will come in handy to assist you in climbing into your automobile.

Keep Your Wipers Warm And Cozy

If you live in a colder area, you’ve undoubtedly had your windshield wipers freeze behind snowdrifts. This makes cold days tough and may also damage your wipers and cost you more money in the long term.

Keep Your Wipers Warm And Cozy

Keep Your Wipers Warm And Cozy

Fortunately, a simple solution is to keep your wipers from freezing and damaging. Put a pair of long socks over the wipers to keep them from freezing on cold winter nights. You may also do this with mirrors to prevent them from freezing.

Which Side Is Your Gas Tank On?

If you’ve ever gotten into someone else’s automobile that you weren’t acquainted with, you know how difficult it is to figure out where the gas tank is. It’s humiliating to pull up to the petrol pump’s wrong side and go back into your car to reposition it.

Which Side Is Your Gas Tank On

Which Side Is Your Gas Tank On

Fortunately, there is a simple way to find out without stepping out of the automobile. When you look at the gas gauge, there is a little arrow next to the pump’s image. This will show you which side the tank is on so that you can find it in every car you drive.

The Speed Limits Are There For A Reason

When individuals are late, they disregard prudence and press the pedal to the metal. Most individuals drive faster than the speed limit because they feel it will get them to their destination faster; however, doing so is doing more harm than good because you are wearing out your brakes by stopping at every stoplight.

The Speed Limits Are There For A Reason

The Speed Limits Are There For A Reason

While not everyone likes it, speed restrictions are in place to help drivers make it to every green light. Sticking to the speed limit will result in fewer red lights and getting to your destination on time. It may be difficult to exercise this control, but give it a shot and see how it goes.

Never Have A Messy Car Again

Have you ever gotten into your car and seen trash everywhere? It occurs to everyone when they use something while out and about and then forget to throw it away when they get out of the automobile. There is, however, a basic home item that will assist you in keeping your car trash-free.

Never Have A Messy Car Again

Never Have A Messy Car Again

Put a plastic bag into a cereal container. This may be found at any dollar shop or in your pantry. You now have an improvised garbage can that takes up little room and keeps your car neat. You’ll never have to worry about remembering to take out ten pieces of trash from your car again.

Freshen Up The Dingy Car Smell

The automobile does become a touch stinky now and again. The scent isn’t always the best due to kids, pets, and people coming in and out of the car. This easy technique can make your car smell better without spending a fortune on air fresheners.

Freshen Up The Dingy Car Smell

Freshen Up The Dingy Car Smell

Pick up a box of dryer sheets from your laundry room or the nearby grocery shop. Put one beneath each seat, neutralizing any odor or scent stinking up the car. When combined with a regular air-out of the car, you will never have to worry about a nasty odor.

“Where Did I Park My Car?”

Have you ever forgotten where you parked in a vast parking lot? We’ve all been there, and we realize how frustrating it is. Nothing is more frustrating than idly roaming around a parking garage, wondering why twelve automobiles look the same as yours and why your car has suddenly become hard to spot.

Where Did I Park My Car

“Where Did I Park My Car?”

There are several methods for remembering where you parked your automobile. To begin, photograph the location and the floor number of a garage. If it is an outdoor lot, you may mark it on your maps as a “parked car” to help you find the vehicle when you return.

Keep the Car Cool On Hot Summer Days

Nothing like getting into a searing hot automobile on a hot summer day. Most believe sliding down all four windows would instantly chill the automobile, but this is not the case. The air flows straight through with no circulation of chilly air.

Keep The Car Cool On Hot Summer Days

Keep The Car Cool On Hot Summer Days

Instead of making this typical error, merely roll down the first two windows to allow air to circulate throughout the vehicle. While the air conditioning is turned off, this will assist keep the car cooler. It will not turn the car into an icebox, but it will be more pleasant than leaving the windows open.

Get Rid Of Excess Moisture

Driving with misty windows is not only impossible but also extremely dangerous. Every automobile has condensation on the windshield due to external conditions, but there is a solution that can help you drive safely.

Get Rid Of Car Dents Quickly

Get Rid Of Car Dents Quickly

Throw dry rice in an old t-shirt or fabric pouch to quickly remove moisture and set the bag on the dashboard. You may dry out the rice by putting it in the microwave now and then. It will absorb excess moisture and prevent fogging of the windows.

Save Money On Fancy Interior Wipes

While most people only view the outside of your vehicle, it is important to maintain the interior as clean as possible for your enjoyment. You do not need to spend extra money on specialized auto wipes or cleaning equipment. A common household item will keep the interior of your vehicle clean.

Save Money On Fancy Interior Wipes

Save Money On Fancy Interior Wipes

Coffee filters are an excellent substitute for auto wipes. Use them to clean dust and grime from surfaces in your automobile. You can purchase hundreds of them for a few dollars, and they are just as efficient as more costly items.

The Pesky Key Ring Will Never Bother You Again

A key ring is probably the most difficult object to open. Adding additional keys or tags without damaging your nails is hard. However, this technique will save your nails and simplify adding keys.

The Pesky Key Ring Will Never Bother You Again

The Pesky Key Ring Will Never Bother You Again

While adding a new key, use a stapler remover to keep the metal parts apart. This will relieve discomfort in your fingers and nails while keeping your keys organized. Just be careful not to overstretch the ring, or your keys will fall off.

Remove Your Bumper Sticker Regrets

People put bumper stickers on their cars for some reason but forget how tough it is to remove them. Stickers cause stains and sticky residue, so it’s better to avoid placing them on your vehicle in the first place, but if you do, we have a quick technique to remove them.

Remove Your Bumper Sticker Regrets

Remove Your Bumper Sticker Regrets

If you want to remove stickers from your automobile, use a hair dryer to heat them until they peel off. Picking at the stickers may damage the paint and appearance of your car.

Keep The Cup Holders Dirt And Crumb-Free

While cup holders are one of the most important components in a car, they soon become dusty and untidy. Instead of bringing a vacuum out to your car every week, capture the trash and crumbs using cupcake wrappers.

Keep The Cup Holders Dirt And Crumb Free

Keep The Cup Holders Dirt And Crumb Free

Your car will stay cleaner for much longer if you remember to change them regularly. These are significantly easier to replace than constantly vacuuming your automobile. Try it, and then thank us when your car is pristine.

The Seat Warmers Are Good For More Than One Thing

Contrary to popular belief, seat warmers may be utilized all year to keep objects other than humans warm. Don’t let your pizza or fast food grow cold and damaged if you’re stopped in traffic. Instead, take advantage of this valuable feature.

The Seat Warmers Are Good For More Than One Thing

The Seat Warmers Are Good For More Than One Thing

Place the meal on the seat and crank the seat warmer to the highest setting. This will keep your meal warm and fresh for as long as you drive. To provide further protection, ensure the meal is fastened with a seatbelt. As a result, you will be the best delivery guy in town.

Save Yourself The Headache Of Finding The Garage Opener

Have you ever misplaced your garage remote? You notice the clicker missing as you pull into the driveway, and you have to get out of the car to open the door manually. It’s inconvenient, and you generally find the remote beneath your seat when you get out.

Save Yourself The Headache Of Finding The Garage Opener

Save Yourself The Headache Of Finding The Garage Opener

To manage your garage, many automobiles now have a remote control embedded into the rearview mirror, which must be programmed. If your car lacks this feature, a specialist can assist you in attaching the remote to the inside of your door.

Nail Polish Isn’t Just For Your Nails

Let’s face it; we’ve all scratched our automobiles. Scratches are a normal component of vehicle wear and tear, no matter how careful you are. Even if it’s only a streak, you’re not going to repaint the entire car to conceal one smudge.

Nail Polish Isn't Just For Your Nails

Nail Polish Isn’t Just For Your Nails

Fortunately, if you’re in a hurry, you may conceal minor blemishes with nail paint. Not only are there a variety of colors to complement your automobile, but it is also simple to conceal imperfections. Keep a bottle in your car for on-the-go use if you are prone to scratches.

Stop Hitting The Back Wall Of The Garage

While most people don’t drive past their houses daily, you may hit a wall if you park in a garage. This can result in damage and scrapes, and a tennis ball can alleviate your problem.

Stop Hitting The Back Wall Of The Garage

Stop Hitting The Back Wall Of The Garage

To begin, determine the distance between the wall and your windshield. Then, when you’re at the correct distance, attach a tennis ball to a thread from the ceiling, so it hits the windshield. This will keep you from parking too near the wall and save you money in the long run.

Don’t Dent Your Door On The Garage

Although pool noodles are the most worthless pool toy, they may be useful in various situations outside the pool. Pool noodles may keep your car door from slamming into the garage wall, saving you from unnecessary scratches and repairs.

Don't Dent Your Door On The Garage

Don’t Dent Your Door On The Garage

To function as a buffer between the door and the wall, cut the noodle in half and attach it to the wall. This may be handy if you have a small space between your car door and the wall. Pool noodles can be purchased for less than a dollar, making this a simple and inexpensive remedy.

Quickly Melt Ice With This Mixture

Icy windshields are at the top of the list of things that make people not want to drive on chilly winter days. You probably don’t have time to wait for the car to warm up and the ice to melt when you’re racing to work.

Quickly Melt Ice With This Mixture

Quickly Melt Ice With This Mixture

To simplify your life, fill a spray bottle with vinegar and water and spray it all over the ice windshield. Allow a minute for it to dissolve, and the ice will melt right before your eyes. Remove it from the water, and you’re good to go.

Have Fun While Cleaning Your Car Interior

Slime has grown in popularity over the years but is mostly used to entertain youngsters. It’s both useful and entertaining! However, this gooey mixture has a far better application, such as cleaning the difficult-to-reach crevices within your automobile.

Have Fun While Cleaning Your Car Interior

Have Fun While Cleaning Your Car Interior

You may buy prepared slime at an auto shop or dealership, or you can create your own using one of the many recipes available online. This goo may be used to clean dust and grime from vents and other hard-to-reach areas. It is also reusable after washing.

Use The Sun To Your Advantage

Take advantage of the sun if you don’t want to use the heat in your car and don’t have vinegar on hand. Instead of freezing and wasting time on this laborious job, fight ice the natural way.

Use The Sun To Your Advantage

Use The Sun To Your Advantage

When it’s cold outdoors, please park your car in a bright area, so the ice melts naturally when you go to it. If the sun isn’t shining brightly enough when you leave for work, you might have to resort to one of our other ice-melting tricks.

Get More Gas For Your Money

Nobody enjoys pumping gas, but you have little choice unless you live in New Jersey. Because they are in a rush or do not want to spend time at the pump, many want to get in and out of the gas station as fast as possible.

Get More Gas For Your Money

Get More Gas For Your Money

If you want to obtain more gas for your money, fill the tank gently so that there is no additional air within. When you hold the pump at 50% instead of fully squeezing it, you get more than you normally would.

Get The Hot Air Out Of Your Car Fast

As previously stated, entering a hot automobile feels like entering the burning underworld. Even if you are in a hurry, it isn’t easy to start your automobile after sitting in the sun all day.

Get The Hot Air Out Of Your Car Fast

Get The Hot Air Out Of Your Car Fast

If your auto is overheating, roll down the passenger window while opening and closing the driver’s door. This swiftly drives heated air out of the car, allowing it to cool down faster than waiting for the air conditioning to kick in. It will make your summer days a lot easier to tolerate.

Improvise A Cellphone Holder In A Pinch

When driving, you should not be glancing at your phone, but there are situations when you will want guidance from it. Many people utilize dashboard holders, but if you don’t have one, you may construct an inexpensive DIY version.

Improvise A Cellphone Holder In A Pinch

Improvise A Cellphone Holder In A Pinch

String a rubber band through the air vent to secure your phone. Put your phone through the loops, and it will stay in place in a pinch. While it is not a long-term solution, it can be helpful in the short term.

Get Rid Of Car Dents Quickly

If you tried to repair the dent in your car using our last hack and it didn’t work, here’s another option. The plunger is still required, but so is a saucepan of hot water. This will make the original plunger technique much easier to do.

Get Rid Of Car Dents Quickly

Get Rid Of Car Dents Quickly

Pour hot water over the region after inserting the plunger into the center of the dent. The dent will be much simpler to remove when the metal expands due to the heat. This is best suited for little and insignificant damages.

Shoes Can Double As Extra Cup Holders

Businesses are removing cup holders as cars get more sleek and futuristic on the interior. People nowadays only have one or two cup holders, which is insufficient if you have a family or a thirsty person with several beverages.

Shoes Can Double As Extra Cup Holders

Shoes Can Double As Extra Cup Holders

Although it is not the most aesthetically beautiful hack, using a shoe as a cup holder will suffice in a hurry. The shoes will not protect your drink if you make a quick bend or stop short, but they function well on flat, straight roads.

Keep Your Dashboard Bright And Shiny

Olive oil has several applications beyond cooking, such as keeping your hair and skin nice. Olive oil can be used for cosmetics and may also help keep your car’s interior looking new.

Keep Your Dashboard Bright And Shiny

Keep Your Dashboard Bright And Shiny

People will be surprised if you have a fresh new automobile. Polish the dashboard with olive oil and one of those coffee filters we mentioned before. It removes all dust and makes your automobile appear like it just left the factory.

Don’t Forget To Freshen Up Your Windshield Wipers

Most car owners remember to do routine maintenance on their vehicles, such as changing the oil and cleaning the inside and exterior. However, most individuals overlook something that will improve windshield sight in the long run.

Don't Forget To Freshen Up Your Windshield Wipers

Don’t Forget To Freshen Up Your Windshield Wipers

Remember to take particular care of your windshield wipers the next time you clean the outside of your automobile. Wipe them down with a rag and glass cleaner, then replace them if necessary. This improves sight and keeps the windshield clean.

Makeshift Car Freshener

It might be expensive to get a nice vehicle freshener that does not lose its aroma after a few days. This simple DIY hack will keep your car smelling fresh for weeks despite taking up one of your cup holders.

Makeshift Car Freshener

Makeshift Car Freshener

An empty mason jar and scented candle wax are all you need. Poke holes in the jar’s lid and insert the wax. When your car warms up, the wax begins to melt and emits the aroma of your choice. You may adjust it with the seasons so that the scent suits your mood all year.

Paper Towel Holder For Emergencies

We cannot suggest this highly enough if you are a messy or clumsy person like us. If anything spills or dirt in the car, you normally don’t have paper towels since they take up too much room.

Paper Towel Holder For Emergencies

Paper Towel Holder For Emergencies

There is, however, a simple approach to always be prepared. A bungee cord may be used to secure a roll of paper towels to the interior of your trunk. You’ll always have paper towels on hand, plus the roll won’t get in the way or be destroyed.

Never Lose Things Between Your Seats Again

As previously stated, pool noodles may be used for a variety of purposes other than swimming. We’ve all been in this situation where we accidentally drop something between the seats, and our hands are too large to fit. They should seal the gap, but since it exists, here’s how to keep your belongings from falling.

Never Lose Things Between Your Seats Again

Never Lose Things Between Your Seats Again

Cut a pool noodle to fit the space between your chairs. You will never have to worry about losing your phone, keys, jewelry, or loose coins. With this simple repair, you can avoid the unavoidable.

Keep Your Groceries From Spilling In The Back Seat

When doing a major shopping run, you may run out of trunk space and have to put items on the back seat. But what if your backseat is already occupied? We have a solution for you, as we do for most things.

Keep Your Groceries From Spilling In The Back Seat

Keep Your Groceries From Spilling In The Back Seat

Install a hook behind the front seat’s headrest to hang your grocery bags. Your food will no longer fly around while you drive, and you will never have to worry about broken eggs or spilled milk again.

Get Extra Storage Space In Your Tiny Car

When you buy a compact automobile these days, you are most certainly giving up critical storage capacity. There is never enough room in your vehicle for everything to fit properly, between the stuff you keep in it at all times and going on shopping excursions.

Get Extra Storage Space In Your Tiny Car

Get Extra Storage Space In Your Tiny Car

Take a mesh net and some bungee cord to free up trunk space if you want to increase your storage capacity. Secure the net to all four hand-holders and utilize the ceiling area for tiny, light things that will not obstruct your vision.

Keep All Your Belongings Organized

Things may rapidly become disorganized when you have a lot of little stuff in your automobile. Instead of dumping your items in the back seat, there is a better method to organize them. All you need is a shoe organizer, which can be found in most stores.

Keep All Your Belongings Organized

Keep All Your Belongings Organized

Place the organizer behind the chairs; each pocket may hold a different object. You will never have to seek something because everything will be visible and arranged.

Keep Your Trunk Clean And Organized

When individuals are in a hurry, they dump stuff into the trunk randomly, and the trash rapidly accumulates. However, a simple and inexpensive solution is to keep your trunk tidy with only two laundry baskets.

Keep Your Trunk Clean And Organized

Keep Your Trunk Clean And Organized

Instead of a messy pile, tidy up the trunk by storing items in the baskets, which provides extra storage space. With a little imagination, you can make a shelf system out of the baskets for even more storage space.

Survive The Winter Driving Season

Driving on slippery or snowy roads in the winter may be quite dangerous. It will be difficult to drive safely when there is insufficient grip between your tires and the icy roadways. There is a better method to be safe throughout the harsh winter months.

Survive The Winter Driving Season

Survive The Winter Driving Season

The first thing you can do to make your automobile safer is to put extra weight on the back tires. Use sand or salt sacks to weigh down the back of the automobile. Add the bags on the floor of your passenger seat if you have front-wheel drive. However, this is only useful if you have rear-wheel drive.