45 Examples Of How Not To Behave In Public

Published on 07/13/2022

Thanks to cell phones, people may now almost instantly share their neighbor’s rudest behaviors with the rest of the world. On the one hand, is the world turning into a place where spies are just waiting to ruin the next individual who is just trying to live their life? On the other side, this type of social pressure can encourage people to behave properly because they never know when someone might take out their phone. Here are just a few examples of individuals who didn’t seem to give a damn about how they would act.

Too Lazy

It’s very astonishing, even though we don’t know who committed this first social error. Although they were physically close to the garbage can, they still thought it was appropriate to drop their trash on the ground. We have to infer that he was having trouble at the time.

Too Lazy

Too Lazy

Littering is terrible enough even when there isn’t a nearby trash can, but this is absurd. People, dispose of your rubbish properly!


To begin with, you can hone your bow and arrow skills in archery ranges, or at the absolute least, avoid practicing close to your home. And for the love of God, don’t shoot your arrow at a structure. There may have been so many worse outcomes in this situation.



Despite all of that, this is still a really awful situation, and not being cautious when practicing your archery is not only unpleasant but also risky.

Just Plain Rude

This gentleman is not like the terrible tippers that only left a dime. Bad tips can make it difficult for waiters and waitresses to do their jobs, but this particular customer seemed to be deliberately trying to make someone’s day miserable. Ignore the stick figure drawing of the happy person.

Just Plain Rude

Just Plain Rude

You probably shouldn’t be eating out if you can’t afford to leave a tip. Don’t ever belittle your waiter.

Those Are Balloon Pieces

We are confident that those who hosted the party that gave rise to these balloons did not discover it in that state because it is considered disrespectful to leave a public area in the same condition that you found it. There are a lot of balloon bits there, and someone will ultimately need to pick them up.

Those Are Balloon Pieces

Those Are Balloon Pieces

Littering is rude, end of story. We feel bad for whoever caused this mess since they really need to have cleaned up after themselves.

Put Them Out First

In case you didn’t know, charcoals are quite hot. Before removing charcoals from a grill, you must allow them to cool completely. They could also be disposed of in a garbage can. It turns out that plastic has a low tolerance for heat.

Put Them Out First

Put Them Out First

It would be quite inconvenient if they required a garbage collector to pick up the container in this manner. It is unwise to dispose of hot charcoal in a plastic trash container.

Starting a Cat Fight

Although technically not in public, the individual thought it was amusing enough to take a photo of and share to his buddies. The placement of the laser gives us a good idea of what is about to happen in this area. Getting into a fight? Just poor behavior, that.

Starting A Cat Fight

Starting A Cat Fight

That cat appears to be preparing to pounce, so hopefully they shut off the laser pointer.
And after that, they’ll be witness to a classic catfight.

Bite it, Buy It

There is a rule that states you must purchase any food you select to try at the grocery store.
Evidently, whoever left this cheese is unaware of or unconcerned with that regulation.
And was that a sizable bite of cheese they took, or is it just us?

Bite It, Buy It

Bite It, Buy It

Put it aside, at the very least, to prevent the area you bit into from contaminating the remaining cheese. It’s terrible to put an unfinished block of cheese on the grocery store shelf.

Dad Joke Alert

This dad proves that he is worthy of his reputation as a cruel father by telling an awesome dad joke. They were presumably pretty unhappy when his kid hit and killed a deer with their automobile the day before. Daddy dearest here opted to throw a little salt to the wound rather than consoling his child.

Dad Joke Alert

Dad Joke Alert

This person must be anxious about their AP exam alone, as dad didn’t do a great job of calming them down. However, we have to admit that this dad joke is rather hilarious.

Throw Your Diaper Out

Failure to properly dispose of waste in a trash can appears to be one of the most prevalent but frequent rude habits. This is unquestionably an instance of that, but there may be some mitigating factors as well. Taking care of a child can be very demanding; perhaps they simply forgot to discard it?

Throw Your Diaper Out

Throw Your Diaper Out

Those carts with the quarter lock to ensure that you return your cart are equally irritating, so perhaps this person was just annoyed and exacted some retaliation. No matter what, it’s still disrespectful to leave a soiled diaper outside.

Dinner and a Movie

The guy who took this photo certainly had something to say about these parents showing their child a movie at a beautiful restaurant, but we believe that they are the rudest person in this situation. At least the child is silent; which would you like to hear, a toddler screaming or an iPad video?

Dinner And A Movie

Dinner And A Movie

Of course, this would be a little more impolite if the music was booming, and wearing headphones would have helped to reduce the distraction. However, criticizing parents is the height of impoliteness.

Rude Mailman

This mailman may have been a little frazzled, but it’s still quite reckless. We can come up with a lot of alternative ways they may have left this person something as significant as a diploma, especially when the envelope specifically states not to bend. That is really annoying.

Rude Mailman

Rude Mailman

Diplomas are frequently framed and displayed on walls, but this mailman felt that it wasn’t particularly significant. How rude!

A Little Family Tagging

Most grandparents definitely consider taking their grandchildren out for ice cream when they’re out on the town with them, as well as to a movie or museum. This grandmother decided that her outing with her grandson needed a bit more excitement, so they decided to try their hand at graffiti.

A Little Family Tagging

A Little Family Tagging

Grandma is teaching little Timmy everything he knows with the kind smile and the helpful pointing to try and urge him to fill in that one corner a little better. This is totally out of place! Avoid damaging public property!

Still More Graffiti

While we’re on the subject of graffiti, there aren’t many more enduring indications of criminal activity.
Graffiti on a common structure or piece of public property is already unacceptable, but when you decide that the lovely mural on the corner needs to have the faces covered up, your actions are out of hand.

Still More Graffiti

Still More Graffiti

What type of person just considers how to damage wonderful art when they see it? Definitely someone who is exceedingly unpleasant.

Park Much?

Typically, if there isn’t a “no parking” sign posted, the parking space is open for grabs. However, that’s not truly the case in this situation. Parking in front of a ramp leading to an emergency services helicopter pad is really bad manners, even if there were no signs.

Park Much

Park Much

The person who parked here last is the worst offender. They still could have been able to access the helicopter, but whoever parked last completely eliminated that possibility.

At Least They Left Something

This note is an excellent illustration of how not to behave in public due to its incredible level of blatant indifference. They merely made a note to give the impression that they were doing responsibly, but they utterly missed the point. The saddest aspect is how little concern the person appears to be showing.

At Least They Left Something

At Least They Left Something

The soap bar is also a slap in the face. At least leave your name and phone number if you hit a parked automobile.

Just a Mouthful

Taking a bite out of someone else’s lunch is completely rude, unless it’s the end of the world and a sandwich is all that stands between you and starvation. Normally, people name their lunches, but in this case, we have a person who has no regard whatsoever for social conventions.

Just A Mouthful

Just A Mouthful

We’re presuming that the sociopath wouldn’t have been discouraged from snagging a mouthful by something like a label. The note is the poorest component. Undoubtedly, someone will object!

Ice-Cream Bandit

A man without a worry in the world is shown here. He enters a supermarket, takes an ice cream carton, carries it around, and then drops it somewhere else.

Ice Cream Bandit

Ice Cream Bandit

It’s one thing to store non-perishable products along with other non-perishable items; at least the food won’t spoil. However, this ice-cream thief didn’t care about the money the shop would lose. This is truly awful behavior!

A Spicy Surprise

Even if we are aware that this is more of a joke than just a disrespectful individual caught on camera, we still do not like pranks like this. Although cupcakes and mustard are both excellent, they are most definitely not meant to be together.

A Spicy Surprise

A Spicy Surprise

Imagine biting into one of these bad boys and experiencing the unexpected taste of mustard in your tongue rather than a mouthful of sweet and sugary frosting. Today is not good!

That’s Outside Food and Beverages!

Hey, we’re the first to say that the prices for movie theater snacks are ridiculous. An eight dollar soda cup? However, movie theaters must find a way to generate revenue, which is why they often ban patrons from bringing in outside food and drink. But these people weren’t the kind to follow the rules.

That’s Outside Food And Beverages!

That’s Outside Food And Beverages!

Even though they have incredibly great smuggling talents, this is still a rather unpleasant behavior. It’s likely that their bags were the source of the movie’s loud noises!

No Park for You

Speaking of being petty The majority of regular people would drive a distance, park, and then walk back if they arrived at a park and all the parking spaces were used. This person thought that since they didn’t get a parking spot, nobody was allowed in the park that day. Walking is too good for them.

No Park For You

No Park For You

Really, don’t interfere with other people’s enjoyment. It’s possible that they are just irritated because they are driving this tiny car around. Where are you being polite?

Not a Crust Fan

The crust is detested by the vast majority of people. Probably. The statistics have not been examined. Anyway, this person certainly fits that description, but instead of fumbling through or just grabbing a piece of pie and ignoring the crust, they bothered to cut a chunk out of the centre.

Not A Crust Fan

Not A Crust Fan

We have to respect their cutting abilities despite the fact that this is rude. It nearly seems as though a starship with a triangle-shaped beam has just arrived and abducted that one piece of pie, never to be seen again. You’d expect this pie to be damaged.

You’re Over the Line

One of the most accurate measures of how impolite you are is how you park. A persistent bad parker is a disgrace to society. This slightly agitated man obviously parked outside the marked space and is now frustrated that he can’t enter his vehicle.

You’re Over The Line

You’re Over The Line

There isn’t much he can do but jump over the passenger seat at this point. Thanks to him, there is plenty of space to enter on that side!

That Spot’s for Carts, Man

A cart corral might occasionally be mistaken for an open area when you’re driving through a packed parking lot. But this individual doesn’t have that issue; to him, they are identical. How long has he known that his truck fits neatly in these corrals? We ponder.

That Spot’s For Carts, Man

That Spot’s For Carts, Man

It’s likely challenging for this person to navigate some stores because the corrals are divided in half down the middle.

Please Put Away Your Phones

Another incident when the person snapping the photo is almost as disrespectful as the one being photographed. Cell phones are prohibited in theaters, but this is actually stated during the movie’s opening credits. Let’s calm down, everyone.

Please Put Away Your Phones

Please Put Away Your Phones

Now, that would be pretty rude if this person watched the entire movie on their phone. Additionally odd, why pay for a movie when you can easily view one on your phone?

Pig-Like Stephen

There is definitely one person in every office who will eat anything and everything, including other people’s lunches, all the baked goods, the coffee, and whatever else. Whoever Stephen is, he sounds like a true pig and ought to be called out by name.

Pig Like Stephen

Pig Like Stephen

Either that, or Stephen might just be a little child who hasn’t yet mastered etiquette. We’re hopeful Stephen can take a hint this time, whatever happens.

There Are Other People Here You Know

Airports are where the rudest people can be found. They rush about talking on their phones and running into you, they stand in line to board the plane, and they take a long time to put their luggage in the overhead bins. Like these folks did, they will likewise gladly carve out as much space for themselves as they can.

There Are Other People Here You Know

There Are Other People Here You Know

Although we can appreciate having a lengthy stopover and wanting to sleep, there are others here who could appreciate a place to sleep. Bring some socks or slippers if you’re going to remove your shoes, perhaps?

The Deli Line Was Long

The queue for the deli at the grocery store can become rather long occasionally. However, just because something is out the door doesn’t give someone the right to squat down immediately on the hamburger and hotdog buns. Even though this woman may be worn out, it is obvious that she is not sitting on any seat cushions.

The Deli Line Was Long

The Deli Line Was Long

Please resist the impulse to sit on the baked products if you are in the store and suddenly feel compelled to. Some people lack morality.

Don’t Sit on Avocados Either

Along with rolls and baked goods, vegetables is at the top of the list of grocery store items you should avoid sitting on. Produce has the unpleasant flaw of being easily crushed, but it’s also not the kind of thing you want to be eating close to someone else’s… I think you get the point.

Don’t Sit On Avocados Either

Don’t Sit On Avocados Either

This woman doesn’t seem to care about it, and she created her own bench because the store didn’t have the decency to place one there in the produce area.

Child Shaming

To begin with, from what we recall of our time in public school, there wasn’t much in the way of “essential educational experiences” that we couldn’t miss in order to use the lavatory. When the urge strikes, it appears that at least one instructor really struggles to use the lavatory, and their students have to suffer as a result.

Child Shaming

Child Shaming

In case it wasn’t clear, unless they start abusing the privilege, a kid having to use the restroom isn’t disrespectful. However, it is extremely impolite to make a child carry this humiliating pass.

The Sauce Bandit

Why not a McDonald’s sauce bandit when we’ve previously had an ice cream bandit? To be fair to this woman, though, some McDonald’s franchises are incredibly frugal with their sauce, even going so far as to charge you more money to acquire some extras.

The Sauce Bandit

The Sauce Bandit

However, you cannot threaten to rob a location just because they don’t provide you enough sauce. No matter how furious you become. Unacceptable conduct in public.

Saved Some Pizza for You

Human depravity truly has no limitations at all. When you order a pizza, the considerate thing to do is to take a slice and finish it all before taking another. If you don’t like the crust, don’t eat it, but never accept what you see below.

Saved Some Pizza For You

Saved Some Pizza For You

The fact that there is still some delectable pizza remaining, but you can’t even eat it because it was bitten by a wild animal, may be the biggest smack in the face.

It’s Not Ready Yet

Given that wet cement can appear to be dry even when you are not in a car, this may just be a simple misunderstanding. But this person just seemed to plow through. We can presume that he exclaimed something along the lines of “uh-oh” when he first inserted his front wheels and they became slightly stuck.

It’s Not Ready Yet

It’s Not Ready Yet

If you’re unsure, it could be preferable to back out of the cement rather than simply forging a path through it.

Hit the Jackpot

The worst are airplanes. Even though they move so quickly, it might occasionally seem like you are all being herded onto a cattle vehicle or something similar. Because of this, you make the most of the opportunity when you have two seats or an entire row to yourself.

Hit The Jackpot

Hit The Jackpot

Not the individual curled up for a nap, but the unpleasant person who took this picture in an attempt to humiliate this fortunate soul. Be glad for them and wish for the same for yourself.

They Have No Trash Cans?

Is this person trying to imply that the Target’s food court area lacks garbage cans by piling up candy wrappers on the floor? He’s probably just a cranky old man who decided to make the life of a high school employee a bit more challenging today.

They Have No Trash Cans

They Have No Trash Cans

Even if there are no trash cans in sight or they are full, it is never acceptable to simply put your waste on the ground in public. You’re stuck with it until you find one, so be prepared for that.

Package for You

Delivery services can be pretty excellent at times. Your packages will be handled carefully and delivered to you in good condition. In other situations, your delivery person might economize a little or, like in this instance, act in such a bizarre manner that you begin to wonder about their mental health.

Package For You

Package For You

Why didn’t they leave it on the stoop next to this lovely plant? Growing beautiful flowers can be quite difficult, yet whomever delivered this package seemed to not care that.

Prank Toilet Paper

Although there are several varieties of prank toilet paper, this one tops them all. Imagine looking at the toilet paper roll while sitting down to use the restroom. You have steel nerves if you even performed a double take. In all honesty, it would be cruel to leave a roll of toilet paper out like this.

Prank Toilet Paper

Prank Toilet Paper

You should surely reflect on yourself if you’re the kind of person who would find this amusing. Really bad behavior!

In-Flight Pilates

On an airline, where everyone is crammed into their seats, it might be a little annoying when someone tries to take up more room. However, there is also this woman’s activity, which strongly suggests that she is performing her daily calisthenics.

In Flight Pilates

In Flight Pilates

The nicest aspect of this picture is how everyone is looking at her like she’s insane. Hey, airlines will treat you like that!

Senior Prank of the Year

Some high school seniors organize one or more pranks each year to mark the end of their secondary schooling. Usually, these mischief-making activities result in some trouble, and cleanup is required. These seniors appear to have been striving to outdo someone, and their efforts have paid off.

Senior Prank Of The Year

Senior Prank Of The Year

They’ve hopefully been as dedicated in their studies this year, and they intend to bring that diligence to their college classrooms.

That’s Karma for You

Just to be clear, we don’t think less of you because you drive a Ford Raptor. Pickup trucks are driven by a lot of people. In the sense that you assume you’re getting a nice open position right at the front of the lot, only to discover that you can’t park there, we also find the electric parking spots to be inconvenient, but handicapped locations are as well.

That's Karma For You

That’s Karma For You

The fact that this guy crammed his enormous truck into a space ironically designated for eco-friendly vehicles suggests a small amount of karma. Next, I had it towed.

Those Poor Flight Attendants

Even on a good day, jobs in the service sector may be challenging, and flight attendants have an especially unforgiving job. Every day, they must deal with agitated, worn-out passengers. The next time you’re tempted to, say, throw all of your trash on the floor, you might want to keep that in mind.

Those Poor Flight Attendants

Those Poor Flight Attendants

There is no way this person could have brought all of this garbage from their flight, thus they must have brought leftover garbage from another location and added it to the mound.

Train Bottleneck

Nothing is more annoying than coming upon an obstacle that could have been easily avoided. High on the list of such irritants is a bottleneck on a bus or train. This obstacle was created by humans since they couldn’t wait for the passengers exiting the coach to exit first.

Train Bottleneck

Train Bottleneck

Guys, use your common sense! Wait your turn in life and benefit from it; if you try to cut corners, you’ll get into trouble.

Ever Heard of Earphones?

Nothing like being interrupted on your afternoon promenade walk by a noisy, egotistical idiot on a bike. All that this bygone had to do to listen to his music in a civilized manner was to use traditional earbuds, but instead, he actively chose to be rude.

Ever Heard Of Earphones

Ever Heard Of Earphones

Everyone on the promenade was now forced to listen to his loud music, which undoubtedly damaged the tranquility and comfort they were looking for at the beach. What a danger from the past!

That Doesn’t Go There

Listen, we’re not just watching individuals and passing judgment on every action they make. Since we are all human, we are all highly flawed beings who frequently make mistakes. Having said that, there is a line. And when frozen meat is shown in the snacks section, we draw the line.

That Doesn’t Go There

That Doesn’t Go There

I mean, come on! If someone changed their mind about a potential purchase, at least place the item back where you found it. By doing this, you run the risk of the meat turning bad and jeopardizing the entire purchase.

Public Indecency

Public indecency is the legal term for when someone purposefully exposes a part of their body that shouldn’t be exposed. Although we understand that this woman’s bare feet do not represent an extreme act, we believe they should.

Public Indecency

Public Indecency

She is purposefully placing her unclean feet in a public seating area. People can’t sit there now because of these stated feet, and the entire coach undoubtedly stinks.

A Wrongful Act

Most Moss grocery stores include an express lane for customers who often have 10 items or fewer. The main point of this straightforward solution is to save people time by preventing them from having to stand in line for such insignificant stuff.

A Wrongful Act

A Wrongful Act

Sadly, regardless how simple this method is, there will always be people who disobey the law. Like this woman over here, even her daughter can tell by the expression she’s pulling that something is wrong with her mother. What a wonderful example to provide your child!

The Finger Point

The definition of good manners is to treat people with respect, to be courteous, and to behave properly in public. Even while we are aware that something so simple shouldn’t require definition, tragically we must do so because of individuals like this guy.

The Finger Point

The Finger Point

We can tell he is acting badly just by the way he pointed his finger at the waitress, you see. In the world of manners and etiquette, pointing your finger in someone else’s face is a massive no-no. We advise this man to further his education.

Shopping Cart Culprits

We are pushing for a new regulation that we think all grocery stores need to support: violators will receive a ticket and a fee if they fail to park their shopping carts in the proper location. Although our proposal may seem harsh, we think it is the only way to instill respect for the system in individuals.

Shopping Cart Culprits

Shopping Cart Culprits

I mean, is pushing the cart into its designated lane really that difficult? Additionally, parking spaces are obscured when they are left in the state shown below, increasing the likelihood that someone will hit one and damage their vehicle.

Out of Toilet Paper

Being stranded on the toilet without a roll to complete the task is one of the least embarrassing circumstances one might encounter. We frequently have little choice except to use alternate wipes or yell for toilet paper, both of which are terrible answers.

Out Of Toilet Paper

Out Of Toilet Paper

They are humiliating, disappointing, and ideally need to be avoided at all costs. This is why we hold the person responsible for leaving an empty roll after using all the toilet paper. Why didn’t the perpetrator at least have the decency to throw away the roll?

How Dare You

This elderly man is carrying some authentic cannolis so that the other passengers won’t have to deal with the scent of the smelly fast food he ordered. He ought to have eaten his burger at the airport like everyone else if he were a considerate guy!

How Dare You

How Dare You

But instead, he had to put everyone else through pain in order to have his happy supper. This circumstance makes us extremely unhappy, and we therefore declare that the word “happy” is no longer appropriate. Laters!

A Line-Jumping Offense

This woman, acting as though it were something to be proud of, had the guts to cut in front of a line of drunk people waiting to get their drinks. She is to responsible for her impolite behavior, and the bartender is to blame for continuing to serve her despite her rudeness.

A Line Jumping Offense

A Line Jumping Offense

Although line-jumping isn’t a major infraction, more people ought to practice common politeness.

Chopping Down Old Trees

Getting removal of historical landmarks, particularly trees that are significant to the neighborhood, is wrong. For more than a century, this tree, known as the “Door Tree,” has drawn tourists because of its distinctive shape. It appears like someone cut it down out of rage.

Chopping Down Old Trees

Chopping Down Old Trees

Particularly atrocious behavior is defacing historical sites, especially if the only motivation is a desire for wanton destruction. Go strike a bag or something to punch!

I’ll Just Be a Sec

While we’re talking about parking in handicapped spaces, it’s clear that this person thought they would only need to enter the store briefly. The idea that someone would feel entitled to occupy not just one, but two parking spaces—even if they are standard spots—shocks.

I’ll Just Be A Sec

I’ll Just Be A Sec

Because these are handicapped spaces, this is a particularly severe example of inappropriate behavior. Please reserve those spaces for those who actually need them!

How’d Monkeys Get in Here?

We had assumed that theaters had policies prohibiting dogs and other animals, but it appears that this one does not. We say that because it would be depressing if people were to blame for this catastrophe. Literally, it appears as though a popcorn bomb was detonated midway through the film.

How’d Monkeys Get In Here

How’d Monkeys Get In Here

Consider the workers who have to clean up the mess if you ever feel tempted to simply throw bags of popcorn on the ground in the middle of a theater.

Play Before You Pay

We’re not sure if this is a place where you can test out toys before buying them, but we’re especially upset with the parents who let their children to simply leave the toys on the floor. Having your kids pick up a few toys after playing with them isn’t that difficult.

Play Before You Pay

Play Before You Pay

Given that big-box retailers would likely get this mess cleaned up, this appears to be more of a thrift business or consignment shop, which makes sense. But in a way, that only makes the mess worse.

Nature’s Trash Can

If by best you mean “what type of person would even conceive of doing that? “, then we’ve kept the best for last. Of course, we’re referring to what kind of mind would think, upon viewing such a lovely exotic plant, “Nice, they put a garbage can right here.

Nature’s Trash Can

Nature’s Trash Can

Again, we have no idea why you would think that to yourself or that a soiled tissue goes in a plant, but if you’re somewhere like a botanical garden, please find a trash can.