Sport is not only crucial for people, in order to maintain a healthy and good body. Also dogs should stay active and do sport every day. For some dogs just going for a walk, just isn’t is enough! In this article, you find the best sports for dogs.

The Best Sport For Dogs
Rally is a sport, that you and your dog can enjoy together. It is not only a fun activity and will get your dogs energy out, it also will strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend. Rally is a sport based on obedience. It is build on a course of 20 signs. Every sign explains a skill that needs to be done and for every skill that was done correctly, you and your dog get points. Which dog-owner pair has the most points and was the fastest wins.
Agility is the perfect sport for very energetic dogs. Agility is a parkour in which your dog needs to do technical maneuvers. Dogs love agility training, as it’s not only fun but also demanding and helps them to get their energy out. Furthermore, it helps to tighten the bond between you and your dog, and maybe you are even lucky and your dog is such a talent, that he might even win the next championship.
Canine Freestyle
Canine Freestyle is for everyone who loves to dance! Canine freestyle is a sport, where you and your dog dance a choreography in front of an audience. The canine freestyle demands a lot of trust between the dog and its owner. Typically, the choreography includes moves like jumping, twist and turns and moving in synchronization with the handler. If you and your dog a music fans, you should definitly try this bonding sport out.
Disc Dogs
Disc Dog is very similar to Frisbee. The sport consists of the owner throwing the disc and the dog needs to catch it. The field on the competition is divided into zones. The further the zone the dog caught the disk in, the more points he gets. This dog sport is especially great for very energetic dogs, such as Border Collies, Australian Shepard or Australian Cattle Dog.
Dock Diving
Dock diving is a sport, which is especially loved by dogs who love water, such a Labradors etc. Dock Diving is a competition, in which the dog must jump into a pool. The higher/further the dog jumps, the more point he gets. But be careful, because Dock Jumping might be addictive. Once your dog gets the hang of it, he won’t want to stop.
Tracking is a sport, that will challenge your dogs natural instincts. The sport requires the dog to follow a scent trail and find a special item, that you can choose. You might think that this won’t exhaust your dog, but you are wrong! Following a scent trail is very exhausting for a dog, as they are using a lot of energy, to keep the trail and follow it. Whenever your dog found the item, you should reward him, with his favorite treat.