Before you agree on getting your own rabbit, find out what that entails. Because even if rabbits are usually portrayed as cuddly playmates – they are definitely not. They are so-called escape animals and therefore by no means suitable for cuddling. A species-appropriate attitude is not that easy. In the following, we have a few tips for new owners of rabbits.

What You Need To Know Before Getting A Rabbit
Rabbit Buying Tips
Children want a rabbit that just looks cute. What to look for when buying, however, isn’t just the cuteness factor. A healthy animal is lively, has a shiny, smooth coat, and clear eyes. The nose, ears, and buttocks have to be dry and clean. When you get home, give your cuddly partner some rest so that he can get used to his new home.
Who Is Taking Care?
It is important to take into consideration that children’s interests change quickly. Be aware that you, as the parent, have primary responsibility for the rabbit. A kindergarten child is overwhelmed with their care anyway, but can and should take on certain tasks from the start. Remain consistent and insist that agreed daily duties, such as feeding or cleaning the water bowl, are actually fulfilled. Only after school age can a child do most of the work quite independently. The least popular job is always cleaning the enclosure. This too – especially the toilet – should be cleaned every day, otherwise, the rabbits could get sick.
Diet For Rabbits
In addition to the well-known carrots, the rabbits also love fennel, celery, apple, and pear. Therefore, a maximum of a quarter of the daily feed ratio should consist of fruit. Green fodder such as grass, dandelion, or lamb’s lettuce is the natural food of the animals and should therefore be fed relatively often. Since green fodder is not available all year round, you will need a replacement for your animals. The best thing to do is drive with high-quality hay. You should avoid dry feed mixtures altogether, as they have negative consequences for the rabbits and, moreover, cannot be processed by the stomach.
Rabbits In An Outdoor Enclosure
Rabbits can live in the garden all year round. A solid, large enclosure that offers protection from attackers such as cats martens or birds of prey, as well as from wind and weather – through a rabbit cave – is the best option for keeping. You should also make sure that there are enough job opportunities for the little rascals. Since rabbits can dig very deep and possibly escape from the enclosure, a grid is necessary, which is sunk around 50 centimeters into the ground.
Keep Rabbits Indoors
If you want to keep rabbits as pets in the home, you must also be able to offer them enough space to run and play. You must also make sure that you cannot injure yourself in the apartment. Remove poisonous plants from the animals and secure the power cables. A litter box filled with rabbit litter serves as the toilet.