Bringing a new puppy into your home is often one of the most exciting ventures. However raising a puppy requires a huge amount of commitment and responsibility as well as a lot of careful planning, especially if you are a newbie to the puppy parenting world. To help the process feel a lot less intimidating and overwhelming, we’ve put together a few essential tips that will definitely help you out.

Essential Tips For All New Puppy Parents
Choose The Correct Food
This tip is one of the most important ones to follow when you are a new puppy parent. Choosing the right food for your new pup is essential. Good quality dog food does not come cheap, however, dog moms and dads need to ensure that their pups get the best food they can from a young age. Of course, there are different options to choose from and should be based on the needs of the dog. Your vet is probably the best person to talk to regarding recommendations based on the dog’s size, age, and lifestyle. However, your local pet store can most probably guide you as well.
Puppy Proof Your Home
If this is your first time owning a dog or puppy, this may sound quite strange. But trust us – this tip is so helpful and should be done before you even bring your puppy home. Just like a toddler, a puppy should be given a home that provides him or her that is both safe and comfortable. So, in order to create this type of environment, you can start by getting rid of any poisonous plants that will be harmful to your pooch. Additionally, it is also recommended that all electrical wires and cords be removed from the puppy’s sight and reach as they might just think that it is their new chew toy. Make sure your trash is always properly thrown away…we all know how curious little pups tend to be.
Begin Training Early
We all know the popular phrase, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. Well, after reading this you may just understand it a lot better. Although it is very possible to teach and train dogs of any age, it really is a lot more difficult. Just like humans, the more dogs get into certain habits the harder it is for them to change. This is why it is so important to train puppies from a very young age. The more positive interactions, reinforcements, and socialization that can take place at a young age – the better! This will largely pay off when your dog is no longer a puppy!
Establish A Routine
The day you bring your new puppy home, is the day you should set and follow a routine. With regular meal times, exercise schedules, and even downtime, the more accustomed your puppy is to a strict schedule or routine the better for both you and your dog. There are huge advantages and benefits that come along with establishing a routine, some include helping prevent your dog from becoming overly stressed or anxious as well as quickly adapting into your home.