Essential Tips For First Time Hamster Owners
Hamsters are adorable little creatures, we can all agree on that. Watching them be adorable on social media can really make adopting one or two hamsters tempting to many people, but you should understand that caring for a hamster is not as easy as it looks. Hamsters are very delicate animals. For this reason, it’s important to understand their needs before getting one. Owning a hamster takes a lot of responsibility, money, and time. Not to mention, you need to think about whether you have the right home for a hamster – is your home quiet? Do you have other pets? Make sure your home would be a safe environment for a hamster if you end up getting one.
Figure Out Your Budget
The first thing to do is figure out how much you can and are willing to spend on your hamster. Think about all the accessories for the cage you’d need, food, litter, and bedding. These all amount to a fair sum of money over time. Not to mention, you should be prepared to take your hamster to the vet if something is wrong and once a year for their checkup. Just like all other things in life, taking care of a pet means thinking ahead of time, especially when it comes to potential expenses.
Find the Space in Your Home
Another important factor to consider is space. You’ll need a quiet spot away from any direct sunlight for your hamster. When a hamster is active, it needs plenty of space to roam and play. The cage itself should be no smaller than 480 square inches.
Learn to Tame Your Hamster
It’s important to do this step if you want to be able to pick up your hamster to pet it or even to take it to the vet. The taming process will take time, so be prepared. Many people aren’t aware of the fact that hamsters take time to warm up to you and get used to their new environment. Patience is key here. It’s advisable not to touch your hamster for a week after getting it. If you want to feed it, place its food inside its cage. After a week, when your hamster has become accustomed to your presence, you’ll see signs of your hamster warming up to you.
Buy the Right Food
Don’t just buy any food you find at the pet store. Just like humans, hamsters need a healthy and balanced diet to thrive. They’re omnivores, meaning they eat both meat and vegetables, so keep that in mind when searching for the right food to buy for them. One thing to remember is not to give your hamster citrus fruits – the acidity can make it sick.
Clean the Cage
As we’ve mentioned, hamsters are fragile creatures. They can get sick easily when stressed or placed in an environment that has poor sanitation. This is why you need to clean the cage regularly and use the best bedding for your hamster. Spot clean the cage and be sure to regularly replace the bedding to prevent any fungi growing or bacteria that can make your hamster sick. Once a month, you need to wash the cage and do general cleaning. When cleaning the cage, it is highly recommended to use antibacterial soap. Of course, when doing this, you should place your hamster somewhere safe like a playpen or a travel cage.