Yes, humans are pretty smart, but believe it or not, we’re not the only intelligent creatures on the planet. A lot of research shows that animals are far more intelligent than most people think. Over the years, all animals have evolved when it comes to their cognitive abilities including problem-solving, communication, and even creativity. Oftentimes, an animal’s intelligence is very much underestimated, but the truth is that there are so many different kinds of animals who are extremely smart. Here are some examples of animals that are really intelligent.

The Most Intelligent Animals In The World
The world has so much knowledge about the amazing intelligence of dolphins. Not only are these gorgeous mammals known to be sociable, curious, and highly empathetic, but research has suggested that dolphins can even learn to call each other by name in the form of a unique whistle. Their brains are structured in a way that they that gives them a huge capacity for emotion and might even be more complex than humans. So, inevitably, it’s no surprise that dolphins are one of the most intelligent creatures on the planet.
Some people may find it hard to believe that Orangutans are indeed one of the smartest animals in the world. One measure of the orangutan’s remarkable intelligence is their ability to understand the concept of the future, and to make plans for it. Researchers have even witnessed orangutans stashing objects for future use, such as piling up stones to use hours later as ammunition. It has also been said that wild orangutans can even plan out their travel routes in advance and will communicate the itineraries to other orangutans within their group. These amazing primates seem to grasp language at a sophisticated level, and they also use facial expressions and body language.
All over the world, elephants are famously known to be amongst the smartest animals. Not only do they have excellent memories but these massive mammals also boast various other mental and emotional complexities. Did you know that elephants are capable of recognizing themselves in a mirror? Elephants can also communicate with other members of their herd, and experts have even said that some are capable of painting works of art! How impressive is that?
Believe it or not but raccoons are really one of the most intelligent animals. Think back to when last you spotted a raccoon sifting through a pile of garbage and then nibble on the item in an unnervingly human-like way. Raccoons’ problem-solving skills and cleverness in sourcing food are well-known, and one of the many reasons they were so often used in lab research in the early 20th century. However due to their high intelligence and constant attempt to try escape they were no longer used. In recent years, researchers have found that these animals have a high IQ, despite the fact that always come off as super mischievous and curious. Perhaps the reasoning behind them destroying gardens and causing havoc is much deeper than we think.