Summer trips are simply more enjoyable when the entire family is together, including your dog. This summer, whether you’re going to the beach, the trails, or the road, you’ll want to make sure your dog can enjoy it securely. The outing will be less stressful for dog parents if they have peace of mind. To help you and your dog make the most of the summer together, we’ve outlined 15 essential tips to remember while out and about this season.

Here Is How To Keep Your Dog Safe While Exploring New Areas
On The Trails
– Ticks are abundant in wooded regions, so be sure to check your dog for ticks by running your fingers through their fur and feeling for any lumps on the skin. If you come across one, get rid of it with tweezers or a tick removal tool.
– Watch out for poisonous plants – Many common plants are poisonous to dogs if consumed, so it’s crucial to prevent your dog from biting any plants while hiking. Keep them on a leash so you can reroute them as necessary. Stay on the trail. Your dog needs to learn training cues like “leave it,” too!
– Give your dog plenty of breaks; otherwise, they might be too excited to go on adventures with you to know when they need a rest. Particularly on a lengthy journey, you should stop frequently to let them rest and replenish their water supplies. Watch out for symptoms of overexertion as well: excessive panting, a limp, and your dog lying down in the middle of a hike are all red flags.
At The Beach
Recognize the symptoms of heat exhaustion – In hot, sunny weather, dogs can become just as hot as humans, if not hotter, especially if you have a long-haired breed. You should take your dog to the veterinarian as soon as you notice panicked panting, shortness of breath, or bright red lips, which are all emergency indicators of overheating. Keep ice packs, a spray bottle, and an umbrella nearby to ensure that they stay cool.
Give them a life jacket – A life jacket is essential to have whenever you are near water, even if you don’t think your dog will go into the water. Not all dogs have an innate ability to swim!
Sand can heat up to dangerous temperatures, occasionally even as hot as pavement, so protect their paws! Try to visit the beach in the morning or early evening when it’s cooler outside, or consider buying some protective shoes. (You ought to take these off once you’re in the shade because they might make your dog feel hotter!)
On The Road
Make sure they’re contained while driving – The best way to keep your dog secure in the car is to confine them to a crate or carrier. Look for a harness that has been certified by the Center for Pet Safety if your car isn’t big enough for a crate.
Keep your vehicle well-ventilated – Even when you’re driving, you might feel much warmer in the backseat than you do in the driver’s seat. In order to prevent your dog from becoming too hot, make sure their vents are open and the air is flowing.
Refrain from letting them hang out the window – As adorable as it may be—and as much as your dog may adore it—allowing them to poke their heads out the window while driving poses numerous safety dangers, particularly on highways. Smaller dogs might get out of the car, and while you’re driving, a rock or other piece of debris could fall on your dog.
At A “Home Away From Home”
Be aware of other animals that may be there – Whether it’s a hotel or a short-term rental, you should inquire in advance about the presence of other animals. Then determine whether your dog has had enough exposure to those other animals to engage in safe interaction. Keep in mind that even though your dog may adore other dogs, he or she may run screaming from a chicken!
Pet-proof the home as necessary – After checking in, perform a fast walkthrough to check for any valuables or breakables that are within your dog’s reach and move them if necessary. To shut off any stairs or hallways, you might also want to bring one of your security gates from home.
Bring a few things with you to make it feel more like home – Dogs are creatures of habit and may become anxious in a strange environment. To make the rented or hotel room feel more like home, bring their beds, any favorite toys, and regular food bowls.