40 Men Share What Life Is Like As A Single Father

Published on 10/17/2022
40 Men Share What Life Is Like As A Single Father

40 Men Share What Life Is Like As A Single Father

There is no disputing that being a parent is challenging in any situation, but being a single father is unquestionably a completely different animal. Although it’s not simple, it’s not all horrible either. These single fathers are revealing what it’s like to be in their shoes in the most relatable and entertaining way conceivable – Snapchat! They are sharing the good times and the terrible times; the hardships and the moments of joy!

Gotta Get One for the Road

It goes without saying that you will occasionally need to purchase your kid some presents if you are their father. But sadly for some parents, some children are a little bit more picky about what they get and how frequently they get it. Oh well, it doesn’t harm to indulge, right?

Gotta Get One For The Road

Gotta Get One For The Road

Even if this child may want a toy car whenever he goes shopping with his father, don’t you believe that in the end, a toy car is a tiny price to pay to make your child happy? These kinds of little gestures can establish a strong link between parent and child.

Never Say No to the Whims of Your Daughter

When you have a daughter, being a single father means something different. There is no mother to play attractive princess, have a tea party, and do hair and nail polish. Therefore, if your daughter is interested in those things, it all depends on her dad and his desire to carry out her requests.

Never Say No To The Whims Of Your Daughter

Never Say No To The Whims Of Your Daughter

Thankfully, the majority of devoted fathers can concur that something as trivial as masculinity, pride, or appearance is not a barrier to their daughter’s happiness. After all, do you really care more about what people think of you or what your daughter thinks of you?

Patience Is a Virtue

Particularly if he’s a single father who must also assume the maternal role, a father has a lot to teach his child. One such crucial quality to instill in a youngster is patience, and fishing is undoubtedly an effective way to do so.

Patience Is A Virtue

Patience Is A Virtue

Fishing is the only outdoor recreational activity that doesn’t provide rapid gratification and typically only offers personal happiness as a reward. It goes without saying that it might be challenging to instill in children a sense of worth for both of those things at a young age.

Taking the Time for Something Small

When it comes to parenting, there are a lot of extremely essential factors to consider, but sometimes it’s the little things that really strengthen the bond between father and child. The exact definition of a simple thing, a temporary tattoo may make a child very pleased.

Taking The Time For Something Small

Taking The Time For Something Small

When it comes to parenting, there are a lot of extremely essential factors to consider, but sometimes it’s the little things that really strengthen the bond between father and child. The exact definition of a simple thing, a temporary tattoo may make a child very pleased.

Putting Out Some Subliminal Messages

Even young children are aware of what they want and when they want it, which frequently causes a single father a lot of stress. Fortunately, some toddlers can express their needs and wishes without screaming or crying, which is a sign of intelligence.

Putting Out Some Subliminal Messages

Putting Out Some Subliminal Messages

For instance, this youngster believes she doesn’t need to communicate with her father to let him know what she wants for breakfast. Some toys were sufficient for the task, so who can really blame her? Everyone wants bacon for breakfast every day, right?

All Worth it in the Long Run

Let’s face it, Mother’s Day always takes precedence over Father’s Day, but when you’re a single father, the playing field is a little bit more even because there isn’t any competition. In that situation, you might even be fortunate enough to obtain something spectacular like a pizza ax!

All Worth It In The Long Run

All Worth It In The Long Run

A gift like this at least shows that your children have given some thought to what you would want and what would make you happy on Father’s Day. Of course, it takes more than one wonderful gift to compensate for all the labor that goes into being a single father. Being a single father isn’t always difficult.

Master of Stealth and Seeking

When parents play games with their children, they frequently outperform the children in those games. Most of the time, this calls for restraint, but when your son is this terrible at “Hide and Seek,” there isn’t much you can do besides pretend to be blind.

Master Of Stealth And Seeking

Master Of Stealth And Seeking

Personally, we believe that once children reach a certain age, parents should be ruthless. Because how else are they meant to improve at the game if they don’t discover which hiding places are bad? A solitary father has a responsibility to teach his children through genuine competition.

Arts and Crafts for Years to Come

As a single parent, you must collaborate with your kids on numerous school tasks. Over the course of the elementary years, you’ll at the very least, have your hands full with work, whether it be a diorama, a film, a presentation, or anything else. This, obviously, occasionally puts one’s imagination to the test.

Arts And Crafts For Years To Come

Arts And Crafts For Years To Come

Fortunately, though, it looks like your child is the creative one; all that’s left for you to do is the hard lifting for her tiny unicorn box project. However, it also means that you will be held much more accountable if you make a mistake and fall short of your child’s exact expectations.

Meeting Any Whim, No Matter How Silly

Children frequently make absurd requests that have no real value or significance to an adult because they aren’t the most logical beings in the world. But as a single father, it doesn’t matter how valuable your child’s whims are in the actual world. You comply with their requests without hesitation!

Meeting Any Whim, No Matter How Silly

Meeting Any Whim, No Matter How Silly

Why, therefore, would a stuffed bunny rabbit require a bath? In the broad scheme of things, it doesn’t, and will your child ever really know if you don’t give it a bath? You could have been better off tossing it in the washer and calling it a day. Would she have been happier doing this than doing that, though?

The Best You Can Do Sometimes

If you’re not very good at cooking or don’t know how to do it, being a single father might be very difficult. After all, if not you, who would prepare meals for your kids? However, if your skills are as dubious as those of this fatherless family, perhaps you would be better off just eating out.

The Best You Can Do Sometimes

The Best You Can Do Sometimes

Sincerity is told, we have no idea what we are looking at. Even so, is it edible? Will it genuinely taste nice if you eat it? Did he simply assemble whatever was on hand from the pantry? In fact, we’re curious as to how someone could possibly create something of this caliber.

Before-and-After-Child Transformation

Having a child alters many aspects of your life. The way you behave, how you dress, the things you purchase, and of course, the appearance of your home. You cannot simply leave your home in the same condition as when it was just for you once you have a baby to take care of.

Before And After Child Transformation

Before And After Child Transformation

This single father is showcasing the difference between his living environment before and after having a child. The transition, while perhaps not very remarkable, does demonstrate the type of mental shift required when the time comes to provide for a child.

It’s Not for Me, I Swear

Men have always felt a little uneasy about shopping alone for feminine products or other items that are seen as girly. We don’t understand why it is because most workers would presume that a mature man purchasing a child’s toy is likely doing so for his child.

It’s Not For Me, I Swear

It’s Not For Me, I Swear

Well, we assume there are some folks out there who would be interested in that sort of stuff, but in most circumstances, we wouldn’t think that assumption to be the most reasonable one to make by an employee. Oh well, we still recognize that being a single father can sometimes provide a few unpleasant situations.

Emergency Rations Ready to Go

For a single dad, getting ready for your kids’ first school field trip can be a little frightening. How would you get them ready for the task? Naturally, you’ll need to develop your lunch and snack-making skills so you can prepare meals for your kids to consume on the trip.

Emergency Rations Ready To Go

Emergency Rations Ready To Go

Even though it might seem simple to throw something like that together, creating a good lunch requires a little more skill, at least if you genuinely care about your children eating a balanced meal. But this father needn’t fret; with practice, this is a skill that’s rather simple to perfect.

A First Shared Experience

We do believe that there is a special link between a single father and their child, even though we do not believe that single men love their children more than other fathers do inherently. Being present when your child encounters something beautiful for the first time definitely has a special meaning.

A First Shared Experience

A First Shared Experience

It’s challenging to be a single parent, but when you reach times like these, it all seems worth it. Even though they may be infrequent at times, if you strive for them and show your child nothing but the greatest love, they will eventually happen more regularly.

Letting the Creative Juices Flow

The majority of the time, kids don’t have great ideas, but if you’re a single parent, you sometimes have to accommodate such ideas in order to keep your kids happy. For instance, some kids ask for dessert suggestions that any adult would find abhorrent. This appears to be a prime illustration of that.

Letting The Creative Juices Flow

Letting The Creative Juices Flow

There is no question that the young person who created this monstrosity most likely did not consume it in the long run, but that is not the point. In most cases, allowing your child to have a little bit of fun is more important than the cost of a few food items that will be squandered.

Peak Operational Hair Tying Abilities

You will undoubtedly need to acquire the art of hairstyling as a single parent of a young girl. If you want a girl’s hairstyle to look acceptable, you will at the very least need to learn how to tie her hair in some fashion, which isn’t always as simple as it sounds.

Peak Operational Hair Tying Abilities

Peak Operational Hair Tying Abilities

Of course, it’s not too difficult to find a workaround if you ever feel a little lazy on that front. Given that zip ties are readily available and much simpler to use, you don’t necessarily need to use hair ties. Of course, if your youngster decides to undo it for some reason, that could be an issue.

Making the Most of What’s Available

If you can’t multitask in every way possible, you won’t get very far as a single father. When your child is still an infant or toddler, this is especially true because you won’t always have both hands free. Heck, there are occasions when you might not even have a hand to use!

Making The Most Of What’s Available

Making The Most Of What’s Available

Therefore, you must come up with inventive solutions to make eating possible while holding your child in your arms, such as using your child’s back as a makeshift table. Don’t worry; we don’t believe there was child abuse or anything of the such.

Yearly Compensation

It’s difficult to be a single father, especially if you have several children. That’s a completely different beast, yet some individuals are tough enough to handle it. They might at least receive some kind of honorable payment on Father’s Day, one way or the other.

Yearly Compensation

Yearly Compensation

Every year, on that one day, a single father can, to a certain extent, kick back and relax while his family takes care of him instead of the other way around. He would still need to provide for them somewhat, but it wouldn’t be every day that you could relax in a kiddie pool and play games with your children at your side.

Making the Most of Your Tools

Playing with their children is not something single fathers dislike, although it may occasionally be quite exhausting. Long periods of pushing a mature child on a swing can be incredibly taxing on your arms. However, if you have access to a rope, the workout can be simplified.

Making The Most Of Your Tools

Making The Most Of Your Tools

Sure, it could appear a little careless, but as long as the child is having a good time and the father is unwinding—and nobody gets hurt—who cares? As they say, efficiency is just clever indifference. It’s also not like nobody is there to call him out on it, anyway.

Easy Cover, Easy Carry

When it snows, infants are more susceptible to lethal colds. Additionally, if you intend to go out, you must not only dress your children adequately but also carry them around, which frequently leaves your hands full. What can you do to eliminate every one of these issues?

Easy Cover, Easy Carry

Easy Cover, Easy Carry

It’s easy; all you have to do is keep the infant inside your winter jacket. There is no chance the infant will be able to escape if everything is placed correctly. This will allow you and the little nugget to keep quite warm.

Puns — The Bread and Butter of Fatherhood

Dad jokes are well known to all, and lone fathers are certainly not exempt from them. While some dads like to make verbal jokes, others truly make physical puns. This girl is said to have begged her father to “put her hair in a bun.”

Puns — The Bread And Butter Of Fatherhood

Puns — The Bread And Butter Of Fatherhood

We can’t blame her; it makes sense that a good father would take this to heart in a way his daughter wouldn’t appreciate. We’re not sure anyone would want to eat the bread now that it has been in a girl’s hair, to start with. Furthermore, what kind of girl would want bread in her hair?

Mastered Motor Skills

Working on your motor skills is necessary if you are a single dad. If those don’t advance to a suitable level, you’ll quickly discover that holding your infant is necessary for you to perform the things you want to do. Are you up for a game? Not unless you can properly handle your infant!

Mastered Motor Skills

Mastered Motor Skills

If you want to take care of your child and pursue a passion at the same time, you must be skilled with your hands and maybe even your lips. After all, as a single parent, you don’t really have anyone to turn your child over to.

Is This Creepy or Genius?

A lone father will obviously not breastfeed his child, at least not in the traditional sense. But there are workarounds for these restrictions if you’re inventive enough. The actual query is: even if you’re capable of it, should you do it?

Is This Creepy Or Genius?

Is This Creepy Or Genius?

Of course, since he’s a single parent, he’s probably not giving the kid breast milk, but it’s clear that he’s at least attempting to mimic it. Is that genuinely advantageous for the infant, or is that just an adult making an effort to help without any evidence?

No Need for Child Protective Services

We won’t pretend that attaching a leash to your child isn’t strange, but at the same time, we can’t deny that it’s a fairly good way to keep track of them. Even two parents occasionally struggle to accomplish it.

No Need For Child Protective Services

No Need For Child Protective Services

So while it may seem a little strange, it’s still far preferable to losing your child in the vast and dangerous outside world, don’t you think? In addition, a single dad acting strangely and dubiously in the name of their child’s protection is quite on-brand.

When a Dad Is in Charge…

Everyone is aware that guys have a propensity for performing strange and ridiculous things more often than women do. You end up constructing a cake that looks like this one because, regrettably, a single father has no one to say, “Hey, this is probably a bad idea.”

When A Dad Is In Charge…

When A Dad Is In Charge…

We suppose it’s okay as long as the son is cool with this disgusting item. However, we must agree that he doesn’t seem overly pleased with the outcome. He can request that his father simply go out and get a cake from a grocery store or an ice cream parlor the next time.

A Lacking Sense of Fashion

When it comes to daughters’ fashion, some parents are genuinely extremely knowledgeable, but we’re prepared to guess that the vast majority of them are not. Therefore, the outcomes may occasionally be… dubious when it falls to a single father to dress up his daughter in something pleasant for a night out.

A Lacking Sense Of Fashion

A Lacking Sense Of Fashion

We have to wonder what exactly was going through her father’s mind when he observed the poor girl’s attire. Did he truly believe this to be good or was he simply too lazy to put in more effort? He might want to find a way to raise his fashion game in the future, even if this is the best he can manage for now.

Entertaining One by Torturing Another

Even though children and pets frequently get along in most homes, that isn’t always the case for single dads who have both. Of course, it depends on what the father is putting on his two “children.” In this case, the dog is obviously not happy with what’s going on.

Entertaining One By Torturing Another

Entertaining One By Torturing Another

But, just like regular siblings and families, there are times when the best way to amuse oneself is to make other people feel uncomfortable to some extent. It is a well-known fact that not only people engaged in family animosity but other animals as well.

Doing More With Less

One of the fundamental principles of being a single father is learning how to get more done with less. Believe it or not, if toys are made properly, they can be utilized for purposes more than simple entertainment. A good illustration is this toy giraffe holding a milk bottle.

Doing More With Less

Doing More With Less

Really, everyone should take a look around their home to see what intriguing things they could make out of commonplace items. There are actually a lot of alternatives there to consider when you go past the stated function of some items.

An Attempt Has Been Made

In the household, baking has frequently been the mother’s domain, however, this is steadily changing. But when you’re a single father, it’s obvious that you’re on your own for handling that sort of thing. If you’re new to the field, that can present a little bit of a challenge.

An Attempt Has Been Made

An Attempt Has Been Made

But if you put your best effort forward, you might very well be able to produce something that is both appealing and distinctive. The father in question will likely make many more garden cakes, but we are confident that with practice, his baking abilities will advance.

How Many Toys Can We Get?

When you initially become a single father, you’ll probably need to buy a lot of toys because kids enjoy them. You may amass a sizable quantity of toys in the space of just six months. Ideally, there won’t be too many that you can’t accommodate in a single space.

How Many Toys Can We Get?

How Many Toys Can We Get?

While the number of toys this single parent has purchased for his child may not seem like much at first glance, it is important to keep in mind that toys may occasionally be quite pricey. That is a substantial sum of money when you are purchasing dozens of them!

The Price of Christmas

Being a single father causes you ongoing worry about how your children are feeling about not having a mother. A child can easily become upset or sad over such things, after all. Therefore, many single fathers truly want to go all out for their children’s happiness at Christmas.

The Price Of Christmas

The Price Of Christmas

Of course, doing that can be somewhat expensive, but it’s ultimately well worth it. You can always earn more money, and if not for providing for your family, for what purpose do you even have it? Having said that, if you do have true necessities, you probably shouldn’t put this ahead of them.

Food and Art Go Hand-in-Hand

Making supper for your children usually involves more than just the food itself. You sometimes have to oblige your children’s requests for a little extra flair and inventiveness. Sure, it can be straightforward, but you still need to offer it.

Food And Art Go Hand In Hand

Food And Art Go Hand In Hand

We’re certain that many single fathers have had to experiment with their cuisine in order to please their children, but it’s a minor price to pay considering that youngsters are more inclined to consume food that amuses them.

Making Preparations for the Day

Getting your kids ready for school may be more difficult than you think depending on how rambunctious and disorganized they are. And it only seems sensible that things would get considerably trickier in the morning when you’re on a really strict schedule. But there is a simple answer.

Making Preparations For The Day

Making Preparations For The Day

Yes, it is much simpler to simply arrange the appropriate costumes for the kids in advance. Why not arrange everything the night before to reduce part of the morning’s hassle? That greatly simplifies everything for everyone, including the father and the children.

The Resemblance Is Uncanny

All fathers, even those who are raising their children alone, laugh about them. The biggest distinction is that lone fathers lack a companion to attempt to temper their tendency to joke around. They can be as ridiculous as they want to be!

The Resemblance Is Uncanny

The Resemblance Is Uncanny

However, we must concede that this single father is undoubtedly onto something with this startling similarity. When a child doesn’t yet have a complete head of hair, its head does resemble a kiwi quite a bit. Really, all one needs to make the link is the tiny sticker.

When There’s No Supervision

Compared to fathers who have a wife to raise the children with them, single fathers tend to be a little more responsible, but it doesn’t imply they are constantly being particularly careful. In fact, single fathers may occasionally exhibit even greater recklessness than other people because they lack a support system.

When There’s No Supervision

When There’s No Supervision

Given the potential for disaster, we don’t advise using a mattress that is fastened to a four-wheeler to transport your children. The kids undoubtedly enjoyed themselves, but kids also enjoy themselves with a lot of things that aren’t always a good idea.

Exhaustion Comes for Us All

Ironically, the effort required to put your child to sleep really consumes more of your energy. Many parents will attest to how exhausting it may be to put a child to sleep; it can even be challenging to get back to your own bed at times.

Exhaustion Comes For Us All

Exhaustion Comes For Us All

Although this particular image may have been manufactured, the underlying concept is correct and extremely comprehensible. When single fathers finally succeed in putting their children to sleep, we suppose that many of them feel like they could just give up and fall right there on the floor.

It’s Actually Quite Comfy in Here

When sleep is scarce, a single parent may feel compelled to use any available space for a nap, even if it means using the cot that his own child sleeps in. In addition, even if they are a little too small for a grown man, some cribs can actually be pretty comfy.

It’s Actually Quite Comfy In Here

It’s Actually Quite Comfy In Here

Heck, the child might feel a little offended about having his personal space invaded, but he or she might also find it a little cozier to sleep on top of their father rather than in the safety of the crib itself. The future?

Mind Swapping With Me, Son?

The creature comforts known as leisure and relaxation are not always available to single fathers. When you’re a single father, it can be a little harder to find somewhere to sit, sleep, or simply rest, especially if you also have to balance your job.

Mind Swapping With Me, Son?

Mind Swapping With Me, Son?

In this case, you might even be tempted to borrow your son’s stroller so you can rest your tired legs while you make a phone call. Even though it would appear a little goofy, we figure that when one is exhausted, one wouldn’t care.

Feel Free to Ease My Burden

Although it is clear that this is a jest, the sentiment it conveys is one that occasionally affects parents. Despite the fact that we may love them, parenting children is a battle—and a hard one at that. A parent could occasionally feel the need for someone to take custody of their child.

Feel Free To Ease My Burden

Feel Free To Ease My Burden

For caring parents, it’s usually a fleeting emotion, but wanting a break from a child is actually a very common occurrence. Thank goodness for babysitters, as they are usually a much better option than the options seen in this picture.

Inappropriate But Hilarious

We won’t pretend that women never make inappropriate jokes, but when it comes to kids, the father frequently holds sway. Normally, a mother would disapprove of a prank like this, but since this man is a single father, there is no one to stop him.

Inappropriate But Hilarious

Inappropriate But Hilarious

However, no one can fault a single dad for seizing the chance to crack a lighthearted joke. The least your child can do in return when you have to care for them alone every day is occasionally strike a funny internet pose!