50+ Vacation Photos That Got Out Of Hand

Published on 10/06/2022
50+ Vacation Photos That Got Out Of Hand

50+ Vacation Photos That Got Out Of Hand

So, you read and enjoyed that article about bad vacation photos, didn’t you? We have much more to offer and are eager to begin working with you right off the bat. At some point in their lives, everyone needs a vacation. We all need more vacation time, no matter how long it has been since our last one or how recent it was. Reading this will make you feel a little better. Observing the experiences of others who have gone on vacation and had a truly awful time. You are also welcome.

Furry And Feathered Friends

Furry And Feathered Friends

One of the many advantages of traveling is that it exposes us to a variety of new experiences. In fact, it appears that this woman had a greater number of wildlife encounters than she had expected. Her facial expression and grip on the llama give the impression that she is not a fan of large, flighty birds. The poor little llama appears to be just as bewildered as she is, which is understandable.

Frozen in Time

The result of super-cold air is this incredible photo! The young lady in the photo was relaxing in a hot spring when she flipped her wet hair back into the -20-degree air.

Frozen In Time

Frozen In Time

This has resulted in this incredible hair sculpture that, we can only hope, did not cause too much discomfort when it began to melt when exposed to a higher degree of heat.

An Epic Meltdown

If you’re taking your family on a vacation, you’re probably hoping to create lasting memories and take incredible photos. Stress, fatigue, and occasional meltdowns are all too often overlooked.

An Epic Meltdown

An Epic Meltdown

According to news stories, the girls were not impressed with the view from the top of the building. This isn’t a picture you’d want to keep, but it is a memory that has been captured.

Seeing Double

A selfie gone horribly wrong resulted in this terrifying image. At first glance, the photo appears to have three people in it, including a pair of twins, but closer inspection reveals that the “twins” are sharing a neck!

Seeing Double

Seeing Double

When the man went to take the photo, his girlfriend sneezed, causing a glitch in the camera’s capture. The man had set his phone camera to take a wider shot, and when he went to take the photo, the glitch occurred.

Monkey See, Monkey Do

This unfortunate gentleman got on the wrong side of this monkey, which is not a common occurrence. Due to cultural and religious beliefs, some countries allow monkeys to roam freely without human interference.

Monkey See, Monkey Do

Monkey See, Monkey Do

Whether or not this man wanted to get close to this primate, he probably didn’t want to get this close. It’s an unforgettable picture that will make people laugh for years to come.

Freaky Photobomb

Imagine taking a selfie with your partner and discovering an uninvited guest posing with you on your shoulder. That’s precisely what happened to this couple in Berlin, Germany, just outside the Brandenburg Gate.

Freaky Photobomb

Freaky Photobomb

It’s hard to tell if this person is a clown, a mime, a street performer, or…just someone who enjoys wearing makeup. In any case, seeing this face suddenly staring back at you in your camera would be unsettling. After their new friend left, the couple most likely got the shot they needed.


Except for one, this lovely family was all set to capture their vacation memories on film. We have to admit that when you first look at this photo, your gaze is drawn to a single point.



Apparently, no one informed him that they were ready to take a picture, or he simply wanted to enjoy the scenery. However, when his family saw this photo, they had a completely different perspective!

Hungry Mouse

Has Mickey gone completely insane? Despite the fact that we have no idea what is going on in the background, it appears that the beloved Disney mascot has had enough of cheese.

Hungry Mouse

Hungry Mouse

It’s most likely because of the angle at which the photo was taken, but it makes for a hilarious photobomb in the back. Aside from that, she struck the perfect pose for her vacation photo.

In A Mood

This family photo, which was taken while on a cruise, was almost perfect, except for one sassy detail that was overlooked. It appears as though one of the family members was not quite ready for the “cheese” moment to occur.

In A Mood

In A Mood

According to the mother in the photo, her daughter points with her middle finger, and the photographer happened to catch her doing so. A completely innocent gesture, but a very memorable vacation photo!

Can’t Splash This

Water rides aren’t for everyone, but this woman found a way to enjoy them. She was prepared for the tears as long as she had her trusty rain coat to keep her hair dry. Oh, and the people behind her, who were dueling with fake swords, were probably making her nervous as well!

Can’t Splash This

Can’t Splash This

Even if it is questionable how inhibiting the rain coat may have been for her throughout the ride, I am curious who won the duel and whether or not everyone made it to the end of the journey safely.

Pinch Me, I’m Dreaming

After searching for something to hold onto, his son came across the nearest object. Despite his quick recovery, dad is unlikely to leave his child alone with an empty hand again.

Pinch Me, I’m Dreaming

Pinch Me, I’m Dreaming

Now, here’s a photo taken in which you can almost feel as if you’re there in person: Despite the fact that the photographer was completely unaware of it, this father was the recipient of an unexpected and painful surprise.

Dolphin Surprise

An extra friendly dolphin became the star of this vacation photo in perhaps one of the cutest photobombs ever. While it appears that the dolphin was added in post-production, this was not the case.

Dolphin Surprise

Dolphin Surprise

This was actually a photo taken at exactly the right moment. According to reports, the dolphin jumped into the picture just as it was being taken. What a precious recollection!

What A Trip

“Are we there yet?” While most children ask their parents this question while traveling to their vacation destination, it’s the mother who appears to be the most fatigued by the experience.

What A Trip

What A Trip

They appear to be ready to call it quits as well, as do the children in the back of the bus. Even the photo has been lovingly memorialized with the caption “vacation from hell,” as you can see in the picture above.

Rafting Gone Wrong

While some families enjoy a more laid-back approach to vacationing, others want to make the most of every opportunity for excitement. When it came to river rafting, this lady did not disappoint!

Rafting Gone Wrong

Rafting Gone Wrong

While rafting, this family must have hit a big wave, which sent the mother over the edge. Rafting can be dangerous for inexperienced people, but thankfully, the group’s matriarch was unharmed.

Blown Away

When children in a family get along long enough to take a photo, it’s heartwarming for parents. This one was almost perfect for a Christmas card until the girl on the far left was overcome by a strong wind or sneeze.

Blown Away

Blown Away

Is it possible to get everyone in a group photo to have the same expression on their face? Hopefully, they were able to get that perfect shot in the end!

A Cultural Adventure

It appears as though a lot is happening in this picture. This family was on vacation in Poland when they decided to participate in a winter photoshoot that had a traditional feel to it.

A Cultural Adventure

A Cultural Adventure

Even though the little family looks adorable in their Polish-style ponchos with their sled dogs (who appear to be unsure of their roles in the photo), it’s their furry, bear-costumed friend who makes this picture awkward.

Anywhere but Here

Have you ever been compelled to do something you didn’t want to do while on vacation? Except for one, this family was ecstatic to be visiting all of Washington, D.C.’s historical sites.

Anywhere But Here

Anywhere But Here

Perhaps she wasn’t interested in politics or history, or perhaps she was simply sick of seeing family vacation photos. In any case, we hope she enjoyed her vacation and time with her family.

Hole in One

This gentleman was most likely looking forward to a relaxing day on the course. The area had to be quite far from the restroom, or the man in the background simply couldn’t take it anymore.

Hole In One

Hole In One

At the very least, the older gentleman is so engrossed in his golf game that he is completely oblivious to the awkwardness that exists behind him. But he’ll always have this photo to remember it by.

The Disney Dumps

Vacations with the family are supposed to be enjoyable, relaxing, and memorable. This family, on the other hand, appears to have taken a vacation from their vacation. They were supposedly at “the happiest place on earth” (Disney World), but they didn’t seem to be enjoying themselves.

The Disney Dumps

The Disney Dumps

Visiting theme parks and planning a trip can be stressful, as can taking a vacation. Hopefully, everything worked out for the family and they were able to get the relaxation, enjoyment, and priceless memories they desired.

Strike A Pose

Heels are a great way to add class and interest to a variety of outfits, but not all of them. For a photoshoot in the water, this woman was adamant about wearing (what had to be) her favorite pair of heels.

Strike A Pose

Strike A Pose

Heels are usually a good choice, but they look out of place here and like a safety hazard. For a day of sand, water, and sun, we recommend wearing your best flip flops!

Beach Fashion Fail

Do you ever get that awkward feeling when you take off your shirt and pants to reveal your swimsuit underneath when you first get to the beach? Take a cue from this man, who appeared to be in the process of changing and was completely unconcerned.

Beach Fashion Fail

Beach Fashion Fail

We can’t recommend this look for a day at the beach, whether he was caught in the middle of changing or trying to set a trend. It’s inconvenient for everyone!

Flamingo Flop

Until you actually have to get out of the water, it’s hard to believe how much fun and relaxation can be had in the water with pool toys and inner tubes…

Flamingo Flop

Flamingo Flop

The options for exiting your water toy are extremely limited, especially if the toy is in the shape of a flamingo. There are worse ways to dispose of an inner tube, but this one appears to be quite unpleasant (and highly memorable).

Dangerous Waters

This isn’t a scene from the movie Jaws; it’s a photo taken in real life! You’d think that a sign like this would keep everyone out of the water, but as you can see, a potential shark encounter didn’t deter many beachgoers.

Dangerous Waters

Dangerous Waters

We can understand the temptation to get your feet wet if this was your only opportunity to get in the water during your vacation. Is it, however, really worth the risk of a shark attack? Hopefully, everyone who was in the water was unharmed.

Spot the Odd Face Out

Look in the right upper corner of the photo if you haven’t seen the crazy kid yet. Isn’t that kid’s expression so endearing that you want to shake his hand? We’re not sure about you, but this appears to be a kid with whom we could be friends.

Spot The Odd Face Out

Spot The Odd Face Out

He appears to be so mischievous that a cloud of smoke is billowing from the top of his head! Oh, the trouble he’ll get himself into when his mother realizes he ruined a perfectly good family portrait.

Dr. Dolittle Jr.

This is a real picture. This little kid is, in fact, casually lying on the sand with his monkey pal on top of him and a large, beautiful parrot perched on his knee.

Dr. Dolittle Jr.

Dr. Dolittle Jr.

This is a picture that this child will be able to show off for years to come. Dr. Doolittle, you’ve got some serious competition now, and she’s much younger (and cuter) than you!

Best Sunscreen Ad

For the rest of their lives, this family photo will serve as a reminder to these two and future generations alike that they need to protect their skin from the sun. Painful even to look at!

Best Sunscreen Ad

Best Sunscreen Ad

We’re not sure how these two intend to get out of their bathing suits without screaming in agony, but they should send this photo to Coppertone and see if they can work out a deal for an ad campaign. This photo is the one that will get people to wear sunscreen.

Worst Day Ever

This guy was not only completely buried in the sand, but he also received a revolting gift from a trio of seagulls. Isn’t he aware of the golden rule that no one should ever bury you at the beach?!

Worst Day Ever

Worst Day Ever

While his children (likely the ones who buried him in the first place) are probably laughing out loud at this amusing scene, this man appears to be less than pleased. Only one thing comes to mind: thank goodness for sunglasses!

Snoozing in Style

Are you certain you don’t want room service to accompany your suite, buddy? We’re not sure how this man did it, or if the bus driver is even aware of what’s going on, but we applaud him regardless.

Snoozing In Style

Snoozing In Style

Consider the fact that a pair of slippers has been left by the bus stop for him. Who said you couldn’t travel in style even if you were on a shoestring budget?

Crocs Nightmare

This guy appears to have had one of the worst sunburns ever, and he probably didn’t even realize it until it was too late. For the next few weeks, it appears that he’ll only wear sneakers.

Crocs Nightmare

Crocs Nightmare

These shoes are already unsightly in their current state. If you have a bad sunburn, you will almost certainly win first place in the competition for the ugliest feet in the world.

Grandma and the Chippendales

This grandmother, on the other hand, appears to be having more fun than all of the other vacationers on this list combined, which is quite an accomplishment in and of itself.

Grandma And The Chippendales

Grandma And The Chippendales

This woman appears determined, as if she was walking by with her family when she saw the beautiful Chippendales and decided she couldn’t pass up the opportunity. And, look, she even sat on someone’s lap for the picture! Grandma, you go!

Not Happy at All

“Really, dad? We gave up Disney for this? Again?!” But seriously, these kids’ parents couldn’t think of a more appropriate vacation destination than a landfill? We’re crossing our fingers that this was just a ‘bring your kids to work’ day.

Not Happy At All

Not Happy At All

We’ll give the parents credit only if they made their children wear helmets out of concern for their safety. The boy’s expression is priceless, and the girl simply doesn’t seem to actually care.

Mama Bear Needs Directions

Either this is the worst case of car trouble we’ve ever seen, or this family actually pulled over to get a better look at that mama bear and her cub. Regardless, we strongly advise them to get that car moving as soon as possible.

Mama Bear Needs Directions

Mama Bear Needs Directions

Or, it’s possible that the mama bear became disoriented in the woods and decided to pull over to the side of the road to ask for directions from a passing car.

What the…?

On so many levels, this is incorrect. What’s the deal with these people’s smiles?! Maybe they figured “hey, this is a good opportunity for a family photo, let’s just ask one of the free paramedics!” because they knew she’d be fine.

What The...?

What The…?

Whatever was going on, we’re confident that the woman on the stretcher didn’t want this to be a memory she’d want to relive. The consequences of her actions will be felt by her family after she recovers!

Life in Canada

A few pickaxes and a creepy-looking polar bear appear to be all you need to take a good family photo in Canada. We’re not sure if it’s the polar bear’s scary grin (or the father’s grin) or the fact that they appear to be inside an ice cave, but the more we look at it, the weirder it gets.

Life In Canada

Life In Canada

So many strange details: the father is dressed like a 1940s businessman, the daughter appears to be in pajamas, one of the kids brought a stuffed polar bear (apparently because a life-sized one wasn’t enough), the other kid brought something that looks like a Civil War weapon, and the mother just looks delighted! Canada is a strange country.

The Original Meme

We’re not sure which aspect of this photo is more amusing: the fact that they’re all dressed the same, that they all have their father’s incredibly awkward smile, that they’re all looking in different directions, or the fact that it looks like something straight out of the set of “Revenge of the Nerds.”

The Original Meme

The Original Meme

Clearly, this is one of the family photos that the majority of these children will never want to display in public. We can’t stop picturing them all with his mustache, which makes it even worse.


The only thing that can compare to a relaxing family vacation in France is the opportunity to pose for that much-anticipated photo in front of the iconic Eiffel Tower, which is a rare opportunity.



However, it appears that this child missed the memo, and despite his parents’ best efforts to smile and pose, you can’t help but notice the crouching child with his head in the plastic bag. We’re not sure if he’s looking for something or if he’s sick from jet lag, but he completely ruined the shot. Sorry about that, buddy.

The Muddy Wonder

There’s nothing like a good mud bath to get your day started, but this guy must have gone overboard. When you don’t have any sunscreen, mud will most likely protect you from the sun’s rays. This guy, on the other hand, appears to be unconcerned about the heat; he refers to it as “natural sunscreen.”

The Muddy Wonder

The Muddy Wonder

It’s hilarious, but when he returns from vacation and sees this photo, he’ll probably wonder why he ever put it on his body in the first place. It makes us all wonder what he was hoping to accomplish with this.

The Horde of Monkeys

What a monkey sees, a monkey does! Do you know what that phrase means? It turns out that it also works on humans. When a monkey becomes interested in you, it can be frightening because they will end up doing whatever you do.

The Horde Of Monkeys

The Horde Of Monkeys

As you can see, if you have food in your hand, they will either take it from you or wait for you to give it to them, regardless of where you are standing. We can just imagine her expression a few years down the road when she sees this and tells her friends.

Drop the Baby

People, please keep this in mind when taking family photos. It is critical to recognize the importance of remembering not to drop the baby. It’s not cool to drop your kids for the sake of getting the best shot when taking the perfect family photo.

Drop The Baby

Drop The Baby

We’re pretty sure this poor baby didn’t feel the same way, despite the fact that it’s quite amusing when you look at it. She’ll laugh and probably get enraged at her mother for dropping her on the ground to take a good photo when she’s old and looks at this photo in a few years.

Dog Attack

Oh, nothing more than a typical family vacation photo, complete with a child being attacked by the family dog. We all warned him not to play with the dog while taking the photo, but he did so anyway and was attacked.

Dog Attack

Dog Attack

We all know how playful dogs can be when they’re excited, and this one was most likely trying to show his appreciation for the kid, but things went wrong. It’s hilarious, and we’re sure the family was taken aback at first. It doesn’t appear to be serious, but then again, they would laugh at it if they saw it a few years from now.

Attacked by Deer

Why does this kid seem to be completely oblivious to the fact that his sister is being mauled by a herd of deer only a few feet behind him? However, he appears to be very pleased with his photo, while his sister is not so sure. She appears to be grasping it, despite the fact that she is overburdened. She could’ve been holding something edible.

Attacked By Deer

Attacked By Deer

He appears to have no idea what’s going on, which makes for an epic photo to look back on when they’re both older. We’re confident that as she grows older, this little girl will despise her brother.

Stingray Surprise

And here’s another shot of a stingray. We all know that stingrays are completely harmless if you don’t try to hurt them, and it’s normal to interact with animals that you’re interested in while on vacation, at least for most people who aren’t put off by such situations.

Stingray Surprise

Stingray Surprise

As the stingray jumps out of the water and onto her back, the woman in the photo is terrified. We can’t say we blame her; it looks terrifying, but amusing nonetheless. When she looks back at this photo, she will undoubtedly laugh at herself for being so terrified.

Vacation Hospital Time

A trip to the emergency room is a must-do on any vacation. It’s very likely that you’ll end up in the hospital at some point during your vacation because you fell on your buttocks, got your fingers clipped, bumped your head somewhere, or fell down a steep hill.

Vacation Hospital Time

Vacation Hospital Time

Let’s not jinx it, but this family appears to be overjoyed to be in the emergency room. It’s even funnier that this father took a picture of the historic hospital, which isn’t at all historic. He appears to be having far too much fun! This is ridiculously funny.

Elephant Mishap

When you happen to be riding a seemingly large animal in heat, this happens a lot. We all know that elephants in Thailand are well cared for, but this photo is simply inappropriate. Elephants are massive creatures, and when they stand up like this, you can be as surprised as these guys.

Elephant Mishap

Elephant Mishap

Of course, a male can’t help himself when he sees a female in heat; after all, they’re animals. We’d all like to think this is hilarious, but what about the people in the photo? We’re beginning to wonder how they feel about this one, whether they’re annoyed or delighted.

Daddy Dropped Her

Oh, my gosh! When your family attempts a jumping photo, it can sometimes turn out beautifully and other times it will fail miserably. However, when putting it all together, keep in mind that you must always keep your grip on the baby.

Daddy Dropped Her

Daddy Dropped Her

Otherwise, you’ll end up with something like this. It’s hilarious, but we all feel bad for the little girl who was probably slammed into the sand. This father most likely did not heed the advice. It’s amusing how this child managed to keep a smile on her face despite being dropped by daddy. She’s undoubtedly a fighter!

Sombrero Fun

Okay, we all know how it feels to be forced to wear something we don’t like, especially when it’s your parents. Mothers are notorious for forcing their children to dress in ridiculous outfits, but this is simply a try to make them look good. These children clearly despise the idea of wearing such colossal hats. It’s hilarious, and they appear to be in a lot of pain.

Sombrero Fun

Sombrero Fun

What’s more, the fact that it’s an awkward family photo adds to the hilarity. Take a look at that girl’s face. She doesn’t appear to be pleased with herself for wearing the hat, and she appears to have taken it off a little.

Tummy Tuck

Do you know what a tummy tuck is? This guy was obviously unconcerned about his tummy being exposed in such a way. Some people don’t seem to mind that they’re already kneeling down with their shirts open, butt cracks slipping, and other amusing poses in order to get a good photo.

Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck

He was probably aiming for a good photo, but when he realized it wasn’t good enough, he had to take it again, and he didn’t notice his stomach was exposed. Guys, mad props to him for taking a decent photo of himself with that tummy.

Just a Bit to the Left

Okay, we’ve all tried to capture the perfect shot of the leaning tower of Pisa, but many of us either get it right or shamelessly fail. In fact, you can be as creative as you want with your photos because if you get the angles just right, you can get some really great shots.

Just A Bit To The Left

Just A Bit To The Left

These two had the same idea, but the photo did not turn out as they had hoped. They appear to be making a fool of themselves trying to get the perfect angle, but they could have gotten it if they had taken the photo from somewhere else.

Baby Meet Dolphin

This child does not appear to be in any way content. Do not be alarmed, sweetheart; this dolphin is simply wishing you a pleasant visit to the zoo. It’s amusing because she’s terrified and yet she’s outside the dolphin tank; what kind of parents would want their child to experience this? Who came up with this idea?

Baby Meet Dolphin

Baby Meet Dolphin

It’s fine; it makes for a fantastic first memory. When she grows up and looks back on this photo, she’ll either laugh or cry, which makes it a wonderful memory to cherish, though perhaps not for the little girl, who was too terrified to even look at the dolphin.

Scary Donkey

Don’t be alarmed; this donkey simply wants to make friends. Although we’d all like to think that this donkey will get along with this kid, he’s nothing like the lovable donkey from the Shrek movie. He was probably just curious about what the kid was doing inside the car, whether he was eating something or not, but it appeared that he was just stopping by to say hello.

Scary Donkey

Scary Donkey

Instead, he terrified this poor child, and it appears that this donkey is a super gangster with gold-plated teeth. It’s no surprise that this kid was terrified; this donkey is completely insane!

Brown on Brown on Dirt

What on earth is going on here? This couple may have an unhealthy obsession with the color brown. They obviously planned this photo in advance to achieve these harsh colors, as evidenced by the fact that they included a pile of dirt behind them.

Brown On Brown On Dirt

Brown On Brown On Dirt

It’s certainly unique, but we can’t imagine where they could have gone for a vacation that included a location like this and with this much dirt. It’s likely that their goal was to blend in with the dirt, and they succeeded! Brown dirt, brown dirt, brown dirt, brown dirt, brown dirt, brown dirt, brown Keep a record of everything they say!

Watch Your Head

You can get into an accident if you are overly curious. This guy was obviously overly curious and wanted to investigate every detail of this statue. Perhaps he was attempting to sneak a peek to see if the sculptor had actually made the parts of this thing real.

Watch Your Head

Watch Your Head

Even funnier, he got his head stuck in the buttocks of the bull statue. Someone, please, help this poor man, he was just curious, someone, please, call the cops, the paramedics, anyone!

Love and Death

Someone, please save this poor man; we believe he is drowning. These two wanted to share a romantic kiss and possibly enjoy their vacation, but their horse wrangler is struggling to stay afloat. As you can see, he seemed to be suffering more than the horses from this image, as his head is almost exactly above the water.

Love And Death

Love And Death

It’s funny to think that when they look back on this photo in a few years and see how they looked, they’ll probably cringe. Who can blame them; it’s both humiliating and oddly amusing to look at.

Stingray Photobomber

Woah! These ladies, on the other hand, do not appear to be delighted. They had no idea this terrifying stingray would appear from behind their backs like this, and it completely caught them off guard. Stingrays are huge, and if one sneaks up on you like this one did with these ladies, you might be taken aback.

Stingray Photobomber

Stingray Photobomber

Only to have this guy show up and ask to take a picture with them was a surprise. Guys, don’t worry; despite his size, he poses no threat. You can count on him to say hello and greet you when he walks through the door. We can only imagine the terror on your faces as you look at this picture, though.

Garbage Photography

What exactly is happening in this picture? Okay, we’d like to believe he’s photographing something in the trash, but he’s actually photographing the trash. He most likely discovered something interesting in the trash, but we’re stumped as to what he was up to.

Garbage Photography

Garbage Photography

Although this may be an accident, we should give him the benefit of doubt and assume that he does this every time he goes somewhere new to capture the scenery. We’re pretty sure he was either trying to demonstrate something or just being silly.

Pool Photobomb

Occasionally, while taking a picture, a complete stranger will show up in your frame, either on purpose or by accident. However, we believe that photobombing is a normal part of the process.

Pool Photobomb

Pool Photobomb

When this bozo ruined this couple’s vacation photo shoot by timing a perfect photobomb, they had no choice but to laugh and smile about it. In any case, it’s a pretty sweet photobomb, can’t you agree?

Side of the Highway

Although these two appear to be having a good time, they are taking a risk by standing on the side of the highway in this manner. Even though it’s hilarious, these grandparents were only trying to help.

Side Of The Highway

Side Of The Highway

Taking a picture alongside the road was an obvious way for them to commemorate their trip to Indianapolis. This is a clever idea, but we can’t find a better way to implement it. For the sake of a cute photo, they may not have given a second thought to their safety.

Scary Croc

There’s no way this lady is going to meet this tiny bay alligator without running screaming from the room. We can’t really blame her for that. Even though you can clearly see that the alligator has been banded around its mouth and even bound with a rope, it is still completely harmless.

Scary Croc

Scary Croc

So, we’re at a loss as to why this lady is freaking out, because she’s perfectly safe. Aside from that, the alligator appears to be more afraid of her than she appears to be of him. We’re all starting to wonder how she’ll react to this photo in a few years when she sees it. It’s unquestionably a picture to remember.

Wave Tackle

We’ve all experienced the thrill of entering a wave pool only to be slapped in the face by a wave. We would even try our hardest to stand tall and avoid being tackled by a wave at some point, but this family shamelessly failed that game.

Wave Tackle

Wave Tackle

This family is swept away by a massive wave while attempting to take a sweet, innocent photo. Like when you’re learning to surf and don’t know how to stand on the board, they were Wiped out before they could even get a good photo. Too amusing! We sympathize with you!